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Friday, October 22, 2010


Maryland Republican Party Chairman Audrey Scott:
“O’Malley continues to make this election a referendum on everyone but himself. Between his misleading and false attacks against Bob Ehrlich and his heavy reliance on national surrogates, O’Malley is doing everything in his power to distract from record unemployment and looming tax increases.
“Marylanders want real solutions to the troubled times our state is facing. They want to know how we’re going to bring jobs back to Maryland, and how State government is going to cut the budget like so many Marylanders have had to do over the past 4 years…
“It’s not good enough to simply say “we’re slightly less worse off than other people,” we need a leader who will enact real change to ensure Marylanders have the best chance to succeed, not someone who cares more about saying whatever it takes to get reelected...
“O’Malley’s history of changing the subject and juking the stats for political gain is well documented.  From his administration manipulating the July Jobs Report to his illegal arrest of hundreds of thousands of primarily African American Baltimore City residents, it’s clear the only person Martin O’Malley is fighting for is himself - he has proven time and time again that he is not on your side.
"Today while O’Malley hob-knobs with Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, it would behoove Maryland residents to ask the question:  Am I better off than I was 4 years ago?  Unfortunately the answer is unequivocally no."

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