DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, October 15, 2010
During the past few weeks we’ve heard huge hoopla about an ad that accused Andy Harris of supporting a new 23% federal sales tax – without stating that it would replace the federal income and other taxes under the so-called Fair Tax Plan that Dr. Harris favors. Subsequently, Frank Kratovil has tried to avoid criticism for approving that ad by shifting the focus of his attack ads to the Fair Tax Plan.
Meanwhile, Salisbury’s Gary Comegys is shilling for new City sales taxes on meals, electric power usage, telephone service and various other things – possibly even a "piggyback" income tax as well – that would not replace or reduce the City’s property tax or other sources of revenue. A really "unfair tax plan," and that’s putting it mildly.
Comegys didn’t conceive this scheme on his own – the minions of Maryland Municipal League (he’s the current president of that consortium of cities and towns) has come up with a plan to have more taxes paid to its members. Last summer, in a letter over Comegys’ signature, they asked each town and city to pass a resolution asking the Maryland Legislature to provide them with authority (enabling legislation) to impose a wide variety of taxes. But, the proposed resolution does not say that in so many words. Instead, it asks the General Assembly "to provide more diverse revenue raising authority to municipalities" by "significantly" broadening their "authority to raise own-source revenues." There’s no suggestion that the real purpose is to tax-tax-tax.
The plan has been largely unnoticed by the mainstream media and thus far most residents of towns such as Salisbury and Delmar – both of which have passed the resolution without significant public awareness – have no idea what may be coming as soon as next year if the members of the General Assembly who are elected this fall confer on the municipalities the power to tax whatever they wish.
The cleverly worded resolution conceals the fact that Comegys and his comrades want to extract more money from local residents and businesses – the real source of those "own-source revenues". This scam should remind you of the basis for another political ad that’s being run: "Hey, Bob, a fee is totally a tax" and "we didn’t raise taxes." – well, not yet. The scam being perpetrated by the Comegys crowd has at last been outted. And, fortunately there’s a chance to avoid this one before it matures by voting in the election this fall for General Assembly candidates who really mean "no new taxes" when they say it.
Even those who reside outside of a municipality should be diligent in voting this fall, and for good reason. If the towns and cities get approval in Annapolis to impose sales taxes on meals, electric and telephone bills, etc., is there any doubt that counties like Wicomico that have a solid property tax revenue cap would not be there asking for the same?
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Thanks for putting this scam before the public before it's too late to stop the music.
I can't believe that Louweasel ("no new taxes") Smith voted for that resolution.
I would like to propose the following,WHEREAS GARY COMEGYS be voted out at the next go around.Besides he not that smart concocking that letter. Hes a white Uncle Tom.
How many times you gonna beat this one to death.
This is one of those symbolic go-nowhere things governments do.
The local pols want "flexibility." Big deal. If they vote for most of that stuff, they're dead at the polls.
Harris' ploy was just as symbolic, worse, just plain rhetoric.
Go after the stupid spending, hold the line on the taxes, and everybody wins.
Sick of all the rhetoric from both sides, and that's all this screaming post is. I say that not liking Comegys' politics one bit.
Please ask the General Assembly candidates about this when you do their interviews.
Sometimes we issue bounties on unwanted or over-crowed pests and species.
A good example of this would be roaches , ants and sometimes mice , rats and other pests that burden our society.
Comegy is just one of many pests that have ruined this country. Smith , Shields and Comegy are pests that we can rid ourselves of in a legal way.
They carry a disease that can only be cured by us and people like Dr. Andy Harris. Please vote to get our country back , it is a very scary situation in America.
Please insure that The Pelosi-Kratovil- O'malley erra is over.
11:48, Cohen voted for it too.
Cohen has repeatedly shown she will watch the taxpayers' back.
Smith has repeatedly shown she will stab the taxpayers' in the back.
Our job is to elect smart, caring people like Cohen and to boot liars like Smith.
April can't get here too soon!
It seems whoever gets elected they all spend spend and spend. Who is going tho step up to the plate and stop this crazy mess?
Comegys is too sick to attend the city council meetings, but well enough to go on a lobbying rampage at the state level?
What is wrong with this picture?
My understanding of this was the counties in MD can levy taxes on places such as hotels, but towns cannot. So Wicomico County gets 100% of hotel tax and Salisbury and the other towns are left out. The proposal I read was to allow towns to tax hotel stays 3%. This tax would hit mostly out-of-towners. I pay this tax in other states when I travel and it is a few dollars on the bill. I'd rather not have to pay it, but if the choice is to have my property tax raised or stick tourist with a 3% hotel tax then I'm ok with it.
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