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Monday, September 20, 2010

Sen. DeMint: 'It's Going To Take A Few Years' To Repeal ObamaCare

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C) said it could take years to repeal the Democrats' $1-trillion health care overhaul mandating the individual purchase of health insurance.

DeMint, in an interview with during the Values Voters Summit on Friday, also said the Republican Party should run on the economic plan presented by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to address tax policy and solvency for Social Security and Medicare.

“It’s going take a few years” to repeal the health-care reform bill, DeMint told
“What we can do after this election is delay the funding and implementation of the bill and then get a president in 2012 who understands this is going to ruin medicine and bankrupt our country.”

The Ryan plan, "A Roadmap for America's Future," has only 13 co-sponsors in the House and has not become a platform for the 2010 mid-term elections. asked DeMint if the Ryan plan should be similar to the 1994 “Contract with America,” the platform that helped Republicans retake Congress that year.

“Paul Ryan’s roadmap to the future is the only comprehensive legislation now that fixes our tax code, saves Social Security and Medicare and fixes our health care system and begins to cut spending over a long period of time,” DeMint said.“

The fact that it has been so difficult to get congressmen and senators to even have a hearing on something like this just tells you that our focus is not on the national interest, it’s on self-serving political interests that are symbolized by this earmark factory,” he added.

The Congressional Budget Office said the “roadmap” would put Medicare on a more sustainable path. The Ryan plan preserves Medicare and Social Security for those 55 and older, but it reforms the program to preserve it for younger generations.

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Anonymous said...

Never going to happen, let's move forward.

Anonymous said...

It is going to take many years to undo all the damage the dumbocrats have done to this country.
The unsustainable debt will haunt us and our children for generations.
Vote Dumbocrats out of every level of government. Local, State and Federal!

Anonymous said...

12:32 it will happen,this dumbocrat circus will soon be over and head clown Obama will be out.

Anonymous said...

it shouldnt take years. it should take 10 minutes after a new congress enters!

Anonymous said...

You people are fools if you believe your beloved Grand Ol' Party will step in and make things all better. Cut through the partisan infighting and you'll see that poor decisions from both sides have gotten us where we are today. You people towing the party line allow it to happen because you are too lazy to analyze any issue; it feels better and is easier just to suck up the latest talking points from the pundits and politicians.

Anonymous said...

Bad decisions are made on both sides but what the Democrats have done is treasonous! Believe me if the Republicans don't repeal they will be gone too that's the whole point of groups like the TEA party.

Anonymous said...

4:34, treasonous? Spewed any hyperbole today? Obama (like him or not) pushed through an agenda that has followed as close or closer to what he campaigned than any politician in recent membery (i.e. healthcare, winding down in Iraq, double down on Afghan., middle class tax cuts, stimulus). The people voted him in because of this agenda. Don't like it? Well work harder to vote him out. But cut all the "treason" "non-patriot" crap. It does little to support your platform.

Anonymous said...

Reforming our flawed health care system and attempting to stimulate our shrinking middle class is "treasonous"? You don't have to agree with him or other democrats policies but "treasonous" is ridiculous.
Rob s

Anonymous said...

By flawed health care system do you mean the best health care system in the world? To be replaced by a government run one that the majority doesn't want to pay for. And by stimulating the middle class do you mean by letting the Bush tax cuts expire?