I remember you posting these before I think, so I took this one for you. Dodge Viper with top down, no handicapped tag, nothing hanging from rear view mirror or dash, parked in handicapped spot at Five Guys in Salisbury today at 245pm. Another butthead who is too lazy to walk a little farther to get into the building, taking a space that a handicapped person may need. Five guys only has 2 handicapped spaces.
Funniest part? There were 2 open spaces right next to him that were not handicapped.
Worse than that - the person didn't even park within the spot.
He pays taxes and he is a customer of the place he is parked .
He has every right to park there.
There are most likely no handicapped wanting the spot anyway.
Most handicapped spots are vacant,
Why not put em to good use.
My complaint is with handicapped users, the vast majority do not need a handicapped permit at all, they are just too lazy to look for a parking space, or it's got to be right in front of a door. Permits used to be for those whose Dr. stated they need it. Now it's gotten for a relative they don't even drive anywhere, or a handicapped person that expired. Believe me I ask my friends that have them.
Clearly trying to keep his ride from being door dinged. Blame Five Guys. Their parking is crap. He should not have parked in the handi-spot, but most people have no regard for other peoples cars.
call the police. They will ticket the dude.
If I can afford my Viper, I can afford a $98 fine...
Come with better parking arrangements first and mind your own business.
To 8:56. He does not have "every right" to park there. Paying taxes and being a customer are not entitlements to parking in a handicap parking space. You are a pinhead.
I know all about people having no regard for others cars - I have some dings on my vehicle due to ignorance of others, but, there is absolutely no excuse for using a handicap spot when you are not handicapped. There is parking at the rear of this business and 8:56 he DOES NOT have every right to park there - he's a complete idiot for doing so.
8:56 - the law says they don't have the 'right' to park there - unless they have handicapped designation documentation. There is a violation fine backing that up.
If you think as a taxpayer, you have a right to park there without handicapped documentation go for it - but din't whine when you eventually get a ticket//////
There are many folks who have handicapped tags who have no visible handicaps, but are unable to walk very far. Shame on you who think it's okay to park in their spots! One day you may be the one complaining because someone illegally parked in a handicap space that would have been available to you otherwise.
That car only looks like it is going 245 mph.
I can't believe some of these comments!
The only people with a 'right' to park in a handicapped spot are people with handicapped tags.
When I am worried about getting a ding on my vehicle, I park farther from the building, not in an unauthorized spot.
The spots in front of Five Guys are not for the handicapped.... they are for Five Guys Most Valuable Customers... eating there just happens to come with an extra hundred pounds and a free handicap pass.
9:12 and 9:05
I say he does have the right to park there.
Most of the people i see parking in handicapped spots get out and take off running into , wherever they are,in other words most are not handicapped at all.
Dont tell me i dont see this because i do.
Maybe he just cant afford to give the government more money because he spent it all on his car.
His car does have tags on it and they say he has the right to go wherever he pleases.
They should be ticketing the ones who are not handicapped with the handicapped tags or little blue mirror signs.
Only if I showed up during this time.I think I would have had to block him in with my HD dually, called the police, and then walked in with my cane to order my food.
You know, 8:56 is a JERK! I remember when my mother had foot surgery and was confined to a wheelchair for several months. I took time from my life and job to take care of her because she couldn't take care of herself. Her doctor gave her a handicap hangtag, which I kept in my car, and I only used it when I was with her. I can't count how many times I had to park at the back of the lot because there were no handicapped spots, struggled with my mother's wheelchair, and wheeled her all the way to the front of the store only to see some fat, lazy slob wheel out in a motorized cart and get into their car. I'm not mad about the people in wheelchairs or with canes or oxygen or anything else, but I think that the 350 pound people wheeling around in scooters could benefit from a little walk from the back of the lot to the front. I fault the doctors for giving these people a handicapped tag or hangtag when they should be putting them on a diet with a little exercise. Maybe there ought to be special parking at the back of the lot for the really overweight people. They ought to have a tag that makes them park at the back of the lot and walk to the front. It would do wonders for the obesity problem in the country.
As for this jerk, maybe someone should give the police a call and report him. A $500 ticket would do him good!
Thanks, Joe, for letting me vent.
I would suggest that in the future if someone takes a picture like this, not only do you need to show the handicap markings and the car's tag (which were done) but you need to take the time to also fit in the picture a view of the inside of the car so there will be proof someone wasn't sitting in the driver's seat and just turning around.
I agree that people should not park in the HC spaces without proper tags, however, how do I know this car is actually "parked" there? I don't.
If this person is issued a ticket based on THIS post, if I were them, I would fight the ticket, period. There's no proof someone isn't sitting in that car's driver seat!
he didnt see it because he was to focused on fixing his hair in the mirror!
there should be no such things as handicapped parking spots. if youre THAT handicapped that you need a hanging sticker than you dont need to be driving to begin with.
To many people abuse HC parking and then complain when they get a ticket, just downtown there is a slum lord who got a HC placard so he didn't have to pay the meter, his initials are RI.
He is compensating for something. Sorry little man.
Guys, let's ease up on Mr. Viper, he probably thought the handicapped sign meant mentally.
Not only do ignorant people park in handicapped parking spots illegally, but SOOOOOO many park in front of the doors at the Pecan Square Food Lion! Where are the police???
I'm getting a handicap tag for my motorcycle.
Funny how everyone assumes this person is not handicap. Maybe they are and they didnt hang handicap tag on the mirror. Just a thought.
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