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Monday, September 20, 2010

Evolution Craft Brewing In Delmar


steve said...

Geoff and his crew at Evolution have done an amazing job since day 1. It is about time craft beer came to the local area-Dogfish is/was just too far to drive. Love me some EVO!

Anonymous said...

WOW did Salisbury City Council screw this one up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,like EVO was headed for the old train station on Rt. 13 next to the Adkins building, but NO, the they would use a lot more water that the previous use, so they'd have to pay a $300k capacity fee to the city. Like the old steam railroad engines that filled up there every trip,didn't use a ton of that would be 16,000 gallons of water in a ton. That's a lotta beer. But, no the old Mayor and her gang, tried to hold up the train station... hold up the train station, get it,the great beer robbrey. So EVO is exiled to Delmar... Is that why they named a beer Exile? Sweet!