Andy Harris released a statement today regarding President Obama’s Support of the Ground Zero Mosque:
“The proposal to build an Islamic mosque and community center near Ground Zero is blatantly disrespectful to the sacred ground that is a memorial to the 3,000 Americans who died on September 11th. The president is once again trying to have it both ways; publicly supporting the project while saying he won’t get involved in local politics. He is thinking like a lawyer and not like an American, making declarations without America’s best interest in mind. I lost a very close friend in the terrorist attack on the Towers and consider Ground Zero a place to remember my friend and how she lost her life trying to save others on that day. The area around Ground Zero is a special place where Americans should feel comfortable to visit, mourn, and remember what happened on 9/11. That will be impossible if this project is allowed to continue. One of America’s founding principles is freedom of religion, but that does not mean you should practice your religion without a sense of respect for others.”
"One of America’s founding principles is freedom of religion, but that does not mean you should practice your religion without a sense of respect for others."
AMEN! Well put Andy
I couldn't agree more. This is why I love me some Andy Harris!
Yes, and lets remember that this "religion" is a GIANT threat to our national security. So we allow freedom of religion even at the expense of american lives? Is that constitutional?
I agree with his statement, but according to a recent news report, there are many adult and XXX stores/sites within this same area. I find it hard to deny a mosque (even though we all want them to go away) when there is such degradation of this site as it is.
I'm also not quite sure why they are insisting on putting a mosque there when there is already another one very close to that area.
Do you know how many blocks away from the World Trade Center site the proposed building site is? It's not directly on the spot of the World Trade Center. It's blocks away. What's a safe distance? Where does the sacred area end?
12:38 There is a 10 block radius which debris fell on that is considered sacred. Glen Becks staff found more that 10 million square feet of space for rent in Manhattan outside of that radius.
I'm tired of being 'tolerant' and would appreciate some 'tolerance and respect' from the muslim world.
It's good to know who supports taking religious freedom away from Americans.
If you dont like it leave it.
Well 11:04, it goes like this. Muslims have a nasty habit of building Mosque's on sites that they have taken by conquest. they consider they Twin towers area theirs by right of conquest. So it is that simple. Also remember, that it is considered proper for them to lie at all time to any non muslim. When dealing with them, always watch your back, or you will find a knife in it, bot figurtive and literal.
I have a good location for the Mosque,how about next to the the New York city dump the filthy Muslims should really feel at home there.
The Muslim community has continued to do whatever they want with complete disregard towards American sentiments. We are being taunted as they hide behind "freedom of religion" here on our own soil. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Funny how the conservatives love freedom until someone different from them shows up.
Building on private property?-check
Meets local building ordinances?-check
Then they have just as much right to build as any of you would if it was your property. Way to try to move the goal posts just because you don't agree. Why don't you take your ball and go home while you're at it.
3:41 Nobody said they didn't have the right we just said it is wrong that they are doing it. It just another way of calling us stupid infidels and we don't care what you think.
1:14 and 2:04 its a shame that you have such hate in you for any group of people....
3:56, yes, I just love all the tolerance, respect, loyalty and love I feel as a jew from those Muslims.
I know, let's go build a huge Synogue in Mecca.
Are all of you freaking idiots. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Al Qaida is not an terrorist group supported by Muslims. I mean some Muslims down right hate Al Qaida because they have taken over there areas. The only reason Muslims came to this country is to be able to be in a safe place where everyday they don't have to worry about their towns and cities having bombs blow up in them. I mean really people you need to get some facts before you start throwing out your racist slurs.
3:51, yes YOU said it was wrong. Who made you the final ruler on all things wrong or right? That is your personal interpretation. And others see it differently. As long as they meet the standards of the law, this is a nonissue. Just another way for conservative pols. to gain a few points in the polls without doing a thing to solve the real problems facing the US.
will any of you idiots, including Mr. Harris, define "allowed to continue"? I dare you. His words, not mine. Idiots.
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