Since the Mayor and City Council just approved an extension to Ivan Barkley's job as Chief of Police, why run an ad in the DT's this weekend searching for another Chief of Police?
That's right Folks, the City ran a new ad for a new Chief. Has Salisbury News been right for the past year by stating that they really want Ernie Leatherbry for the job instead?
If you don't believe me, go back to Sunday's Help Wanted Ads and you'll see I'm 100% correct. Follow the bouncing ball!
Why don't they give the job to him. He has done an excellant job and I am sure that all of the officers and higher ups would agree.
Steve said...
Why don't they give the job to him. He has done an excellant job and I am sure that all of the officers and higher ups would agree.
10:34 AM
You don't just give the job to someone. They have to be qualified with credentials and earn it. I don't know that Ivan is qualified for the position, but if he is then he should be given the opertunity.
I am afraid those clowns in the city will treat him just like they did the qualified candidate in the fire department(not Hoppes).
Is this a black thing?
Take away the whatever she is on the city circle circus, how many African Americans hold higher up positions with the city? How many department heads or chiefs are there of color?
No, it's not a black thing it's a political thing. Ernie Leatherbury was president of the Dem central committee. Ireton was on the central committee and president of the wicomico dem club. It's all about scratching a comrades back has nothing to do with Ivan and his qualifications. Ivan is more than qualified. He's more qualified to be chief of police than Ireton is to be mayor.
10:53 The charge of racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel .
I've seen this done before. You were actually trained to temporarily do the job. In the meantime, they had to post that position throughout the company and outside. If you were interested in the position, you had to notify the proper people and go through the interview process. Sometimes you were successful and sometimes you were not. I really hope that he gets the job though. He has done an outstanding job. I just don't want to see some jackass get put into this position and the alliances that have been built between the police agencies be jeopardized.
Joe, Are you having problems with blogger again? I've noticed that when I go to the comment section, it will give me an error message. So I close out the comment and go back in. When I do, it brings up the comments. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks, Beth
Yes, Blogger is still having some issues.
11:05 when it ends with a question mark it is not a charge of anything, its a question. What I am, well you couldnt handle that.
Have you ever considered that Ivan may not want the permanent position? Politics in this town isn't exactly the greatest position to be in and maybe he doesn't want to be in that position.
11:02 am what are his qualifications since you know so much about him?
Anonymous said...
10:53 The charge of racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel .
11:05 AM
Well put! Unfortunately it happens every day in America.
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree plus ten years experience in police services with five years at a supervisory level in a police department (preference given to degree related to criminal justice) or equivalent combination of education and experience;
Does Barkley or Leatherbury meet any of these qualifications?
Ivan deserves the job as long as he wants it. He does a great job and people respect him.
Anonymous said...
Ivan deserves the job as long as he wants it. He does a great job and people respect him.
12:01 PM
And who are you to make that decision?
Anyone going to the city council meeting tonight?
Maybe someone should ask the officers how they feel.
Giving a job of Police Chief or keeping a Chief around only because they are the person the Officers want is not always a good decision either.
In fact, that could lead to corruption within a department. The Officers should stay out of the decision process.
You don't want your Officers being close with the Chief. It becomes nothing but a good ole' buddy system within the department.
I believe this is what is wrong with Delmar's dept. They're all just too close and the Chief does nothing when it comes to complaints of his Officers.
And what do they consider equivalent education?
Look give it a rest I van is hands down the person for the job. I know I would work for I van. I have known him twenty years and can say he has been a "Good" person. I have never heard or observed anything less then professional. With that said "Lil E " has rode his father's coat tails his whole career. A certian Judge in town would love for him to be closer to home. Ireton likes Ernie because he has a tighter butt than Ivan. Ireton will never get another vote out of me for anything.
Sorry folks call it like you see it.
The acting chief has done a great job and the officers seem happier. Webster was such a bad chief, it is good to have a guy doing such a great job. Mayor, give him the job, he sure can not do as bad as the last chief.
12:49 interesting point,thanks.
Anonymous said...
Maybe someone should ask the officers how they feel.
12:20 PM
For God's sake it is not up to the officers. That idiot Ireton made that mistake with the fire department. No one should be given the right to vote for their boss.
12:55 pm, nothing. That vague statement should have never been included. That is another rediculous thing the city put in the description.
The officers love working for Barkeley. Ireton has made his choice. He has determined the position of police chief should not be a decision made to better the law enforcement agency but one that should better the democratic party. Ireton has shown that the best interest of the city is not what is on his agenda at any level. He has shown that it's all about politics and furthering his party.
Ivan Barkley has been on the police force long enough to have experience commensurate with a degree, he also has a degree. Ivan Barkley came in under Colbourne Dykes and learned early on what it is to be a good police officer, respectful of citizens and the law. He is the best man for the job, period.
heard they have to advertise it an do a search
ireton said barkley had the job as long as he wanted it
more than once
don't care what else prince ireton said about him having the job as long as the chief supports prince ireton's vision (what vision?)
let's see if ireton is a man of his word at least once
The officers do like Barkley, but he does not meet the minimal education requirements. If they change the requirements for this position, then what happens when the next open position doesn't have a qualified candidate? Do those regs get changed also?
Neither of them have the education requirements. Maybe that's not important in 21st century policing. But then again, Ireton and council will do whatever they want anyway. Its only important when its fits their agenda. How sad for Salisbury.
If it aint broke dont fix it. I have seen a great in crease in morale at that dept. Mr. Ireton let it roll till something breaks. Trust me you do not need another Barrack in Salisbury two is enough. Barrack E on 13 n.b. and Double "E" on Naylormill Rd. Nothing wrong with Troopers. Just dont need anymore than we got. There is a reason for city,county,and state police keep them seperate.
Salisburian1963 said...
The officers do like Barkley, but he does not meet the minimal education requirements. If they change the requirements for this position, then what happens when the next open position doesn't have a qualified candidate? Do those regs get changed also?
2:33 PM
Nothing like the good ole boy system alive and well in the city of Salisbury. First the fire department and now the police department.
He is doing an Amazing Job. He needs to be given this job. Moral, Productivity and all around Happier people over there at SPD.
Ireton give Barkley the job.
OK folks. What would you rather have a chief with a closet full of Degrees or a chief with years and tons of experience. I can tell you from my own experience that just because someone has all kinds of Degrees just doesn't have the experience it takes to be a goodd leader in any business.Most times it takes someone with life experience to know what needs to be done. Everyone knows Chief Barkley has done a Great job turning around the morale within the Police Department and has given the citizen of the City of Salisbury renewed hope for the city.
Smart executives would easily choose years of experience over a four year college degree in any given position. It is common sense. But most politicians don't have common sense these days.
Now why would Ernie Leatherbury give up the position of commander of the Salisbury MSP barracks to become Salisbury's police chief unless he is able to retire (I don't know how many years he has with MSP). 1:07, what a foolish statement to make (not to mention ungrammatical) that young Ernie "has rode his father's coattails." Ernie has earned everything in his own right. He is intelligent and articulate.
pencil pushers always want someone to have a degree so they don't feel so inadequate themselves. pencil pushers are killing this country with all their "knowledge" and no hands on experience they aren't worth the room they take up in an office. Ivan doesn't need a degree, he has experience. You can't get that in a classroom.
why does he need a degree if it is "equivalent education and experience"?
wouldn't 25 years experience equal a losuy degree?
why not hire him and say he can stay on provided he gets the degree?
they do they that with everyone else in the city
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