WOW, um, let's see? If you're a Somerset County resident and you must vote, you've got a tough decision to make. Seriously though, my guess is that the election results in Somerset County for Police Chief will be the lowest numbers they have ever seen. That is, unless another real Cop steps up to the plate to run.
Webster walked away from Salisbury as the 4th Most Dangerous City in America, (per capita). Jones has a history being labeled a Good Ol' Boy. At least Bobby doesn't sue anyone and every one who challenges his authority or ability.
And one more thing.....Bobby is always in uniform when he is on the job,unlike some people.
my vote is for goofy!!
Dear God I hope someone else puts their hat into the ring because these 2 are both worthless.
I can't believe there are no comments on this post. I asked earlier if Webster is running as a democrat or republican. Someone must know the answer.
Webster has no chance in this one.
Somerset county sure as hell don't want Webster. Look at his track record as chief of Salisbury.He's just looking for a free ride . Can you imagine him making a traffic stop??? Bobby might be a good ole boy,but Webster is a good for nothing.
god save us
Webster is a tax and spend Democrat. I can't believe he takes credit for anything positive accomplished in SPD - is there anything positive left? He didn't lower crime, he didn't write grants, he didn't get new equipment, he didn't improve morale or the operations, on and on.
What he did accomplish was ruining the department Chief Dykes built, wasted time investigating officers for BS, stole money from the city that paid for uniforms he never wore and paid for gas and car that never patrolled in unless it was to look for college girls and Joe Albero, on and on.
Sorry, Chiefy - Somerset County residents are not that stupid!!!
Somerset, why don't you all just join Virginia as part of that state? Your county is full of corruption, substance abuse, spouse abuse, gangs, crime, and STD's. do Maryland a favor, take that prison and go somewhere
There are so many more people that could throw their hat into this race - let's just hope one or two of them do so. I believe anyone else would have one heck of a good chance at winning; people don't want Jones and they don't want Webster so anyone else could be a fresh new start for Somerset County.
Wish we could -
There has GOT to be someone worthy to run for office. Hell, I'd even vote for a rookie fresh from the Police Academy before I'd vote for either of these fools! Come on, there's got to be someone better out there to run!
Ronnie Howard for Sheriff!!!!
Webster is the biggest loser, he knows better but just wont do it. Move back to Baltimore, stop stealing from the shore. Oh that's right they didnt like you there either.
Say what you will about Bobby but he is a good person at heart. He does truly care about Somerset and its people. His officers love him also.
Sheriff Jones is the better MAN. Webster is a snake. He'll probably have Jonathan Taylor as his campaign mgr.
Just checkin....but what is it again that's so wrong with a good ole' boy???
I don't recall ever hearing that Bobby Jones was a bad man--unless you all are still wrapped up in the townhouse fiasco.
Get a grip. If it ain't broke....don't "fix" it the same way Salisbury did.
I could care less who wins. Just remember Wicomico' Somerset has NO Layoffs, NO Furloughs, and Pay Raises and how is that crime rate with your stand in Chief? If Mike Lewis ever leaves you Wicomico will become a third world country.
I can't understand people who vote for someone solely, (or otherwise), on their political affiliation.
That's why you keep having the same bad results. IMHO, of course.
Al, go for it. You have my vote plus alot of others in Somerset from what I've heard. I'll take a bumper sticker...
I think theres alot of you people from Wicomico that are commenting on this topic. YOu don't know what your talking about. Somerset Co. loves Bobby Jones and that's why he's been Sheriff for 6 terms. His men love him and that's why they don't leave. That office does a great job for the amount of deputies they have. I hear Bobby hopes to win this last term so he can turn it over to Ronnie Howard the Chief Deputy at some point and Ronnie will run the next time. He too is a great man for the job and will do fine but he just isn't quite ready yet. All I can say is that there is a plan here and Salisbury and Webster need to leave Somerset Co. alone. Webster we don't need you nor want you.
Webster we don't need you. You've already ruined one town. Say what you want Sheriff Jones is a good man. He's not been Sheriff for 6 terms for nothing. He deserves another term if he wants it. His office does a great service for Somerset Co. I needed them several weeks ago and Sheriff Jones made sure my situation was handled and taken care of personally. He will win another term down here and pass the reigns to his Chief Deputy when he's ready. Keep up the good work Sheriff. You'll get the votes.
So you think Bobby's a drunk. I believe Big Al can put them away too. They tell me that Big Al never came to work when he was the Chief over there. Always on a cruise or at his condo in OC. I guess when he loses this race he'll move to OC and try to get the Chief's job over there. The people of Somerset don't want Big Al as their Sheriff. Stay in Marion Big Al or better yet Go Back to Baltimore.
Bobby also has a problem with telling the truth. He should let his chief deputy take over now. Have you ever checked the write-ins during Somerset elections? That's because of dissatisfaction with what we have. Why do others not run? Too many special favors owed to Jones. And I am from Somerset County!
I think theres alot of you people from Wicomico that are commenting on this topic. YOu don't know what your talking about. Somerset Co. loves Bobby Jones and that's why he's been Sheriff for 6 terms. His men love him and that's why they don't leave. That office does a great job for the amount of deputies they have. I hear Bobby hopes to win this last term so he can turn it over to Ronnie Howard the Chief Deputy at some point and Ronnie will run the next time. He too is a great man for the job and will do fine but he just isn't quite ready yet. All I can say is that there is a plan here and Salisbury and Webster need to leave Somerset Co. alone. Webster we don't need you nor want you.
This is SO true. Ronnie Howard is an amazing man. But, you all DO know Bobby is a drunk too.
Look at the bright side, Webster can close his eyes there too and Somerset can wake up in the future #1 with more crime and gangs than Baltimore Then Salisbury can be crime free
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