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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Is It Hot Enough For You?


felicity said...

i know...for real, my weather bug on my work computer reads like 102 right now.

Anonymous said...

it could be worse. The humidity is not as bad as I thought it would be and if you stand in the shade its bearable.

Anonymous said...

obama must have satan coming by for another visit...

Anonymous said...

It's not only hot but that sun is a burning sun! I walked out awhile ago from one of the shops back up to my office and my skin was burning! The "heat" wasn't bothering me that bad in such a short time but my exposed skin was on fire!

Anonymous said...

Today would be a good day to give appreciation to the heating and air conditioning technicians and installers. While many of us are sitting in the AC they are out working in this heat, humidity, direct sunlight, and in attics that are 140 degrees. If you have have central air conditioning today, you should be thankful for those men/woman out there sweating it out for you and your families to be comfortable..... and if you system isn't working up to par and you feel the need to complain it's taking the Tech to long... think about the conditiongs they have to work in all day, every day!

so, THANK YOU HVAC installers, helpers, and service techs!!

Anonymous said...

5:00 Well said!

Anonymous said...

Praying for those who have to work outside in this oppressive heat! Wed is going to be worse w/heat index around 105-110! I am thankful I have an inside job with working A/C in my office and at my home. Thank you to everyone who works outside for a living so we can all benefit from those goods and services. To all you employers, please do not make your staff work outside tomorrow if it is not necessary. And if it is, I hope to God you will recognize the warning signs of heat stroke/heat exhaustion before it is too late! Drink plenty of water & Gatorade, take breaks and get in the shade when you can. Also, wear lightweight light colored clothing (no Black) and wear a hat. It has always helped me to keep a wet towel around my neck and keep dousing it w/a water bottle so the towel is drenched. It makes a big difference!