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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Photographer Documents Oil's Toll On Birds

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Anonymous said...

How much you want bet that BP stops exsisting as a company, buys off whoever they have to to screw the people and open up under another name.

Anonymous said...

Where is the administration ? where are the skimmer boats ? why hasn't these things been put in place at this late date ? And the feds won't let the local put up barriers .

Anonymous said...

When will the liberals who forced offshore drilling take responsibility ?

Anonymous said...

Mans Greed ---- Makes me sick to see the needless suffering of these helpless animals the destruction of our earth & peoples lives!!!! Perhaps now , we will listen to what the environmentalist have to say !

They should Never have been allowed to drill in our ocean Unless they had a solution as how they would stop the oil should this happen!

My Father said years & years ago, "Mans Greed Will Destroy This Earth!" He was right! EW

Anonymous said...

so sad SO very sad!!!! and 12:39 well said, :-(


Anonymous said...

I will never understand the thinking of the government officials. I will never understand rebates instead of incentives. I will never understand supporting wrong rather than fighting for right. I will die a person that never understood greed and selfishness; thank goodness I will die a person who had compassion and concern for the wellbeing of numerous lives.

Anonymous said...

Where are the armed forces? why aren't they on the beaches to help? why isn't Obama camping in the region? this is an opportunity for him to prove his leadership even to the doubters or to lose it once and for all.

Anonymous said...

So sad...

4:41 Obama actually do something good for this country, haha funny!!! What good has he done so far, nothing!!! We have a leader who will not even salute the American flag because it is a sign of "oppression". When I see the American Flag it reminds me who I am and where I come from. It reminds me to be proud and stand tall!

Anonymous said...

Obama comes out and makes threats but sends no help ! All talk no action !

Anonymous said...

You don't understand our government because you and I are not supposed to understand it.

Liberals didn't force oil companies to drill offshore just as the American People dont' tell oil companies or any other companies what to do. They choose their own paths and then convince us that we made a choice. They own the talking heads on television and their job is to convince you and me to see the situation in the light they choose to paint.

The situation is MUCH worse than we are being led to believe.

Our government is bought and paid for. Every time something bad happens the people think the government is supposed to help. Their job is to protect the corporations. Period.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many Caribou or Polar Bears would be destroyed if drilling was allowed in ANWR.

Anonymous said...

9:05 That's easy none !

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palins shout of "Drill Baby Drill" has been quieted------I hope & pray! This is horrible---and America will see results of this way down the line!