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Friday, June 25, 2010

In A Book Slump? Here Are Hot Picks For Summer

Stumped about what to read this summer as you relax on a sunny deck or board a flight for your long-awaited vacation? Not to worry! Read on for summer reading recommendations from three authors who really know books.

Book picks from Paula Froelich

"Sex and the City" by Candace Bushnell. The one that started it all. So different from the show but brilliantly written — and it really captures New York women. It's like a time capsule.

"The Spellmans Strike Again" by Lisa Lutz. The Spellmans are the weirdest family — and so fabulous because they're just like mine! Just kidding. This is the latest in the Spellmans series and I seriously bite my nails until the next one comes out. It can put you in a good mood instantly.

"Fly Away Home" by Jennifer Weiner. Jen just writes the way we speak. The people in her books aren't perfect, skinny or fabulous. They're real. And this book — about a marriage falling apart in the headlines — well, hello Tipper!

"The Rehearsal" by Eleanor Catton. OK, I LOVE a debut novel, and this one rocks. Drama and teenagers ... is there anything more interesting?

"Bridget Jones's Diary" by Helen Fielding. Even after all these years I read it again and still laugh my butt off. It just never gets old.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anything by Cormac McCarthy (No Country For Old Men author)