It seems after spending years as a Board Member, Mr. Thompson wants to apply for a job with the Board of Education. Is it not a conflict of interest to have voted on many issues and then apply for a job immediately after?
I have no problem with Mr. Thompson but I do know of several people who are having a hard time swallowing such a proposal. Not that it will matters, (the Board of Ed will do whatever they want anyway) but I'd like to know what you think.
I have no problem with it.
I think it's fine
It's despectable. Shows he was more interested in a possible job in his decisions rather than what was / is best for Wicomico COunty children. Shows no character or caring for children.
Watch him closely -- you can already smell the odor.
I do not know Mr. Thompson but I have read several time, he has always been very open about his goal to obtain his masters degree and become a guidance counselor within the school system. I for one commend his dedication
concerned retiree: what do you mean by it's despectable?
Should at least have a year in between a job and serving on the Board since he voted for many issues that impact the upcoming school year. Especially the budget.
OMG! It certainly is a conflict. You don't vote on something that will benefit you in the long run and that's exactly what the man did. If he wants a teaching job then get one in another county and not the county where he served as the President of the Board of Education.
Is there such a thing as an ethics commission or committed to handle this?
He's been attending school to get a degree and has been a substitute teacher in the Delmar (DE) school district.
Its a conflict of interest for sure! If he is hired, the superintendent ought to get an ethics complaint too.
9:37 is correct. He has been quoted often as saying that he wants to work in the school system with an ultimate goal, as I recall reading, of being a principal. He did the right thing by resigning as president of the Board. I also wonder, though, about the ethics involved. As a member of the BOE, he has an "in" on what jobs are or will be available in the system. Also, if it is true that he does not have the credentials required for being a guidance counselor, then he should not be hired as such. Would anyone else be hired without the proper certificate?
Even if it is Joe, We desperately need More Mark Thompson's around this area, and especially someone that says it straight on to many of our local kids.
I do know Mr. Thompson, and he is a racist, sexist pig that I would not want my children anywhere near him.
2:31, if it is, that's a lousy example to set for our kids.
Joe, it all depends on the rules. If there isn't any county law requiring him to wait a year, then he's doing nothing wrong. Even if it would look better for him to wait even without a rule. But he did resign. It would be a violation if he applied without resigning.
Beats a mayor pushing for a quick expensive roadway fix for his employer.
You should see the number of relatives of upper management at the Board who are employed there. Ms. Moses kinows how to win friends.
You know life is too short to be worrying about what someone else is doing with their life to achieve the goals that is laid out for them! I applaud Mr. Thompson for his hard work and dedication to our students. Mr. Thompson, Keep moving forward and ignore the "Nay sayers"!!!
Y'all need to stop dishing on him. he is a god chosen man! he is hard working and alot of kids respect him. so stop hatin. HE IS A CHILD OF GOD and one thing that everybody should know is that you don't MESS with a child of God...
I don't think GOD a has chosen this scum bag for anything other then a jail cell !
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