Isn't it great when your child comes home and presents documents like the ones above. You know, guess what Parents, we did something without your knowledge but we're letting you know after the fact.
First of all, (Wicomico County BOE) NO BANK is my friend! Banks love you to death while you're depositing money so they can make money off your money. But when times get tight/rough, they'll drop that alleged friendship so fast you'll never see straight ever again.
In fact, I have several friends who own multiple rental properties around the county and are seeing very hard times right now. They have been doing everything possible to stay afloat and the Banks are misleading them in every way possible. If some of my friends weren't as smart as they are, they would have politely turned things over to the Banks believing they'd have no recourse but after all is said and done and the Banks get what they wanted, the bills would be coming in and your Banker would simply tell you, it is what it is. They'd be done with you anyway, your credit would be shot and they have no interest in you at that point. What are you going to do, sue them for misleading you after you're completely broke!
All the Banks are concerned about is milking you for every red cent they can, even if it means misleading their customers. Fortunately for me, I owe nothing on the properties I own. Well, excluding taxes, that is. ;-)
My relationship with my Bank is very simple. Do not solicit me for anything other than what I direct them to do. In the mean time, there's something to be said about the old time farmer who would bury his money, pay cash for everything they purchase and stay clear of the Green Giant who wants you to finance everything in effort to make more money off of you.
Americans are so brainwashed into believing if the payment is small enough, you can afford to buy it. Sorry, I'm old school. If you can't pay cash for it you shouldn't buy it. Rather than disagreeing with me, know that my way is the right way and your way is simply a way of life today. In order to beat the system, you must start making one and a half times payment on everything you possibly can. Buy down your mortgage and get out of debt as quickly as you can.
Sure, these are hard times but the more you watch City, County, State and Federal government out there financing buildings they shouldn't own in the first place, the more you accept these scams. In fact, let's simply take a look at the Town of Delmar as a perfect example. Last year they purchased the old Bank of Delmarva building. They didn't finance the purchase, they paid cash for the building. No monthly payments, just pure equity. While I don't believe government should own buildings and property, my hat is tipped to the Town of Delmar for being smart enough to pay cash for something. Oh, their Bond Ratings will also be incredible, should the Town ever NEED to borrow for something in difficult times, unlike Salisbury.
One thing is for sure Folks. the Bank above isn't TEACHING children the RIGHT way to do things. At 9 years old the School is allowing this kind of crap? My guess is, if they tried doing this to High School Students it would include a Credit Card Application to boot. Maybe the should bring in Pee Wee Herman too. After all, he seems like a "FRIEND" to all children too, right?
By the way, the Share Jar, that should be named PNC Interest instead. I mean, let's just tell them the truth! It should be three times taller too. Keep commercial businesses out of our Elementary Schools. Pee Wee Herman too.
I agree with everything you said, Joe, but am puzzled by the Pee Wee Herman reference. What does that guy have to do with PNC and the WBOE?
Your op-ed is stronger if you remove those two references.
Your Copy Editor
Wow! WHile the notion of saving is certainly a good one, to promote an individual bank...very questionable.
maybe they should concentrate more on english classes
"Open you own savings account..."
"SHARE" hahaha damn liberals giving your money away again.
Funny - this program was around years ago when my son was in school (he's now 22). Why all the fuss now?
anonymous 11:30, 22 years ago there was no Salisbury News, only the MSM and look where they got you today.
By the way, how's that Bank Account working for YOU?
When's the last time you heard of someone with millions of dollars in the Bank?
Now, what you will see and hear is how well Bank Executive's salaries and bonuses are doing for THEM.
You libs just don't get it, do you.
Corporate sponsorship of programs in schools is nothing new. Why the big fuss? If you accept one, you accept them all.
anonymous 11:35, IF what you say is true, (and it is not) then why does Fredericksen not allow BLOGS to be accessed even by adults?
Joe you're making some moot points today. What does Salisbury News have to do with anything? It's not like your exposing some criminal or unethical act here. Various banks have been invited into schools for years to do this. It is teaching an important lesson about saving money. I'm sure your blog is blocked because there is no value in it being available to students, nor teachers, who are working. I get the point, but it is you who can't see the forest through the trees.
anonymous 11:43, You must be one big Idiot to not understand my entire Post, seriously.
I do NOT send my children off to school to be told how to do their banking. I send them to school to learn how to read and write, add and subtract, etc..
If YOU believe it is OK for the Board of Education to bring in commercial giants and encourage our children to do something I as a parent do not believe in, we're going to have a problem. More importantly, telling me AFTER the fact is a massive NO in my book.
Fredericksen doesn't allow Salisbury News to be accessed because we call him out on issues exactly like this and quite frankly he looks like the Idiot he is in the end.
Not ALL parents believe and trust our BOE, especially their wet pants liberal beliefs. If HE wants to preach something like this, let the parents know, let the parents decide if this is what they want for their children but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and argue with a 9 year olf AFTER the fact and tell him what he's been told is completely wrong and out of line.
They're stepping inside MY HOME and I refuse to allow it.
Do your damn job the way you're paid. Do it the way we understand it and keep the commercial world out of it. If not, well, we'll not only expose it, many of us will discuss it with our lawyers and give them a run for their money.
I could give a rats A$$ what Mr. Fredericksen believes in but when he brings it home, (especially after the fact) then it's time for war.
Its funny you should mention that Joe because they just were at my daughters school again,as they were last year.She came home with placemats and a reusable bag and a DVD and all kinds of literature on the bank.They actually use the Sesame Street characters in the PNC school programs to put the kiddies at ease I guess...
My opinion, I think it's great to teach kids how to save. Put the politics aside, the schools are trying to do something good here.
Junior Achievement has a great program for elementary school children that teaches the fundamental concepts of banking and saving. Having taught this program for many years, I would recommend it for any school system. And it is not affiliated with any particular business.
To me, your article just screamed "It is all over the BOE not being allowed to read my blog during working hours" and the letter from the school about PNC was an excuse. Well guess what Joe, if they choose to read your blog after working hours it is their choice BUT while on the clock SBYNews and all the blogs should be off limits.
As a taxpayer I totally agree with this policy at the BOE. Joe, do you really think employees should be paid to read your blog instead of doing the job they were hired to do?
I have no problem with PNC or any other financial institution teaching the children about Saving, Spending and Sharing. In fact my daughter taught her children this habit, just as I did with my children. Of every $1 earned or received, my grandchildren are allowed to spend 40%, save 40% for the future and 20% is split between church and charity of their choice.
The interest now a days is not too great on their savings accounts but it is still a pleasure to them to see their money and interest adding up over the years, to use for college or a rainy day account.
I know you do not trust banks or stocks and think real estate is how to make money. We are more versatile and believe all our eggs should not be in one basket. So we have Stocks and Bonds, Savings Accounts, CDs, IRA, Savings Bonds, Real Estate and a great Financial Advisor.
It is very apparent that parents have not taught their children to save "for a rainy day" or even how to handle money, so, for that reason I do not see anything wrong with encouragement from banks or the school system. Perhaps the school should have invited the parents for the presentation to show them how to be responsible for their own spending habits.
I hope the presentation impacted at least some of the children enough that the will care about how to live within their means and to have money saved for a rainy day.
Joe you have become such a bitter man, so full of hate, over the past year. I saw the letter as a suggestion to get three jars and decorate them, one for spending, one for savings and one for church and/or charity and divide the money - if one wants - which will teach one to be responsible with spending. Apparently what you saw in the letter is that the BOE and PNC came into your home, took all Gavin's money and made him put it in jars and than took the jars.
It is not an uncommon practice for speakers to be in classrooms or school assemblies speaking on a variety of subjects.
I do hope you did not spout off all your hatred in front of your grandson.
Signed: Silver Lining
It's not for educational purposes. It's for advertisement purposes. They know that in many households kids get what they want. I can hear it now...."mommy I want to open a savings account at PNC"....and they would give the kid what they want.
Also, Joe's point was that this is not a school function or responsibility. Just like feeding the kids breakfast and lunch for free are not school responsibilities. Maybe if the government and it's legs were to do what they were supposed to do rather than what liberal politicians want them to do (and keep taxing us in order to do it) we would be able to live within our means as a nation. within our means. Funny how they're not teaching THAT in school.
This is extra curricular and parents should be asked. Parents may oppose to specific methods of saving or may oppose the philosophical positions of certain banks. Like what? Like the SHARE jar. What is up with that. These children will learn that sharing money is a responsibility. Well it's not. It's something you do out of the goodness of your heart. But it's not a responsibility or obligation.
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