The Times-Picayune put together an excellent infographic of what's happening a mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. It illustrates why everyone's having such a hard time plugging the leak.
BP concedes that a relief well will eventually have to be drilled in order to successfully shut down the existing leaking well. The graphic below explains what's happening on the ocean floor, and how the relief well will work.
BP concedes that a relief well will eventually have to be drilled in order to successfully shut down the existing leaking well. The graphic below explains what's happening on the ocean floor, and how the relief well will work.
E.P.A. please set fire to the oil, you should have done this way before now.
Or should i say , please kill all of the fish and wildlife in the area and also make sure the oil reaches the beach so it will ruin it also.
Please epa please i say kill all of us.
Drill, Baby! Drill!
Well lets just hope that Russians are lying when they claim North Korea sent a couple of torpedos into this well because Transocean Corporation is a South Korean company.
Then again, how would we Americans know if it is true or not? Our media lies to us all the time.
The question is this: Why is the Russian Media reporting this stuff? Are they simply lying to their population the way our media lies to us?
Food for thought.
Their waiting for Obama to volunteer us taxpayers to foot the costs of all this mess. They should have been working to seal this thing as quick as humanly possible, it's going to create a hell of a mess !!!!!
"Drill baby, drill" just brilliant huh? Now we find out they have no idea how to stop this.
The republicans think it is a great idea to drill off the coast of Maryland.
Beyond Petroleum!
So ready to hear more of the "drill baby" republicans turn coat and start saying how they are actually against expanding offshore drilling. Isn't politics lovely.
It is reported that the submarine left Cuba bound for Venezuela but made an "off-course" maneuver to attack the oil rig drilling mechanisms TWICE! First they sent a torpedo to create the fire, then a second attack to disconnect the drill from the sea bed which created the problem we have now.
This story is unbelievable. How could they get away with this in the Gulf of Mexico under the nose of U.S. Miltary? Unless it was permitted to occur so that retaliation can take place.
Anyone else reading this angle on the story? It does explain (if true) why the first ever oil rig drill has become dislodged from its well at the bottom of the sea.
Any truth to this story?
BP has a checkered safety history-look up the Texas City refinery explosion.Cost them billions in lawsuits.Will they never learn?
I have read of the North Korean missile attack also. It is on the internet but not in the media yet. Perhaps they are trying to keep that part of the story secret. This would explain why there is no real reason being given for the origin of the problem. How can this type of thing happen if not by some sort of terror activity?
Americans are not ready to hear that this was a terrorist attack. I believe the government and military will wait until they are ready to respond to the attack before they will admit it was an attack.
I agree. Our military is probably planning its response as we speak (or type). They WILL respond to this attack you can bet your bottom dollar.
What is amazing to me is how can the U.S. media keep this quiet?
If North Korea attacked this oil rig, and the media knows about it, then they are keeping quiet because of national security interests.
It will come out sooner or later
SABOTAGE!!! This was no accident. There are oil rigs like this all throughout the Gulf and in the north Atlantic. And this rig explodes and sinks to the bottom of the Gulf??? SABOTAGE!!!
I have read that Goldmann Sachs took a short position on Oil Rigs in the Gulf of Mexico ONE DAY PRIOR TO THIS EVENT!
Something is suspicious
Look for the price of oil and gas to go up up up
If this is sabatage then our military will kick some you know what!
North Korea had better watch out.
If it was sabotaged then the price of gasoline and oil will go up tremendously. Whoever benefits from the rise in prices are probably responsible.
I doubt N. Korea could pull this off. They would not benefit from the price increase.
Probably Hugo Chavez
Our military needs to be protecting our interests here in the back yard!
The Russian media is reporting extensively on the North Korean involvement in this disaster. FYI
This oil leak is a man made disaster it goes along with another man made disaster voting Obama into office.
Set the damn thing on fire, that will save us billions of dollars from clean up, plus, the oil will be consumed to one spot- the well. Then send down a dive team or ROV's to cap the sucker!
they are setting fires where they can
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