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Sunday, April 11, 2010

JOIN THE Media Blackout May 10th – May 16th 2010



The media has stopped watching out for the TEA PARTY; so we will stop watching them!!!
For one week in May let's make their ratings zero and not watch or support the liberal media. Traditionally, May is considered a ratings month for TV networks. For their "sweeps" week let's BOYCOTT the LIBERAL Media.
Just stop watching them!

Instead of just complaining about the news, let your families and neighbors know we can do something about it. Join the Facebook page, send to everyone you know, and then
we're simply asking you to BOYCOTT any news programs offered by NBC, CBS, ABC and MSNBC the 2nd week of May.

If you are contacted by the Nielsen Company concerning rating surveys by all means participate but please watch and report responsibly and tune out the Network news. Together they will get the message loud and clear or face an audience of zero.

If you have that feeling in your gut that what the News is doing is just wrong, please forward this to everyone you know regardless of political persuasion.

Signify your support and participation in our effort by becoming a "Fan" of the Facebook page and suggesting that all of your Facebook friends do the same!


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great symbolic gesture that I will participate in.

Anonymous said...

And tea partiers wonder why decent people consider them a pack of braying loons.

Exhibit 1 is lunatic nonsense like this - ie

"Let's BOYCOTT the media (except good 'ol Fox) because the're all against us! We will black them out!"

Good luck with that science project!

Besides making the "Tea Party" members an amusing laughing stock with these crazy stunts, it provides a valuable peep hole into the mentality of this group. Tea Party members are burnouts, the kind of rambling, ignorant doofuses you want to get away from at parties and social events. They are enraged that no one takes them seriously, but refuse to look their crazy notions directly in the eye becase it makes them feel good.

Keep it up Tea Partiers, with every additional crazy stunt, and incoherent rant you marginalize yourself further, to the point that even the Republicans will want nothing to do with your Crazy Clown Party.

Anonymous said...

I only watch FOX anyway.

Anonymous said...

@11:28 - was there a point in that long-rambling, nonsensical screed?

Anonymous said...

"@11:28 - was there a point in that long-rambling, nonsensical screed?"

You see 12:03 that's kind of the essence of the problem. Most reasonable people would look at the 11:28 post and think to themselves. "Oh his *point* is that this is another crazy stunt by tea partiers that will further maginalize them".

But you look at it and go "Wha... who... what's he talking about?"

I'm talking about a group of people who will make absurd claims, indulge in crude juvenile behavior, and expect normal people to take them seriously. You're the rabid skunks of American politics. Keep it up and even the Republicans (like myself) will walk away from you. In fact we're doing so now.

The tea partiers I've met are not particularly well informed or even minimally coherent about balanced budgets, universal health care, foreign policy etc. They are generally poorly educated, middle class white men who feel thay have been disenfranchised.

Beyond this, the real core issue for many of them is not even political it's cultural. They absolutely CANNOT STAND the fact that we have a black President. It's driving them almost out of their minds.

Anonymous said...

12:03 His only point was to show his frustration that his media propaganda channels are becoming obsolete .

Unknown said...

11:28 AM

May God watch over you and help you resist your urge to take your John Deere rumbling through town.

Anonymous said...

12:38 PM

Oh my, another loose John Deere tractor on the road.

Anonymous said...

12:38 Your description of a group of people sounds like your MSM ! As for the TEA party clearly you've not talked to any of them and as for you being anything but a liberal is a joke ! The Tea party has people from all political parties and all back grounds it's inclusive for all Patriotic Americans !

Anonymous said...

"12:38 Your description of a group of people sounds like your MSM ! As for the TEA party clearly you've not talked to any of them and as for you being anything but a liberal is a joke ! The Tea party has people from all political parties and all back grounds it's inclusive for all Patriotic Americans !"

The only substantive test for Tea Party affiliation at this point appears to be requiring me to believe that Obama is (respectively) either a socialist, a communist, the anti-Christ, 9-11 was a setup, Obama is not an American citizen, or that the income tax is illegal. All the goodness of American crackpottery whipped into one smooth batter.

You can call yourself
"patriots" all day long. Those, like me, who have spoken with you one on one know the direction your private conversations go after one or two beers. If you think anyone is fooled by you nuts trying to wrap yourselves in the flag to spew your conspiracy theories think again. I will not let you corrupt the Republican party with your nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I don't even have these channels on my playlist. They are all propagandists. I get my news from the only reliable source left-Fox.