House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) rejected the idea of continuing a congressional pay freeze until Congress can balance the budget, saying that it would take “a long time” until the budget might be balanced – too long, he said, for Congress to go without a pay raise.
Speaking to reporters at his weekly press briefing, Hoyer explained that Congress had already frozen its pay by rejecting a cost of living increase. However, extending that freeze was too much for Hoyer to support.
What a horrowable person.
Joe, was this the surprise post? Really you think this is a surprise that congress would act this way.... Wow, I would expect nothing else from these crooks.
Gosh, I feel so bad for him... wish I had a job in my trade to worry over whether I GET A RAISE OR NOT.
As a registered Democrat, who would never even think about voting for anyone except who I felt was the best, regardless of party, I think that Hoyer is a prime example for having term limits. Bless his little heart... he did not get a COLA. A--hole should be made to take a cut in pay. Damn, I hate politicians jackkcharl@aol.com
You cant have Honor without Principles. It doesnt work like that.
Please all concerned citizens, send a contribution no matter the size to Charles Lollar. He is the guy running against steny hoyer. We need to put party aside and get rid of some of these establishment politicians. Maryland could use some new blood. I would like to mikulsky go also. It is time for changes, you can see they are in it for themselves not for us.
Go go Charles Lollar.
The arrogance of these criminals is unbelievable. They all need to be fired (and hung for treason if I had my way)! Remember this in November.
How dare we expect this poor man to go without a raise! And more, how dare we ask he and his co workers to do the job they were sent to do (fix the economy) in order to get it. I am sure tomorrow we will all go to our boss, let them know we are going to fail miserably at our tasks, and give ourselves a raise at the same time.
This guy should be the poster child for term limits. So out of touch with reality.
Typical dumbocrap.
boy that suit he has on is just emitting poverty! these dumocrats will never change,i think he is mad because his "kool-aid" did not have enuff sugar in it.
As a state worker I will not get a pay raise or COLA this year! Plus have to take furloughs and salary reduction days! We do not have a choice in the matter and we are not even highly paid! Can't feel sorry for the selfish hypocritical bastard.
We must all sacrifice, do what it takes.... oh ummm what I mean is you all must sacrifice, you all must do what it takes... I want my pay!!!
Actually ALL Federal employees and retirees got a "cost of living" raise including Congress. Social Security recipients did not however because the Administration did not think we had an increased "cost of living".
i'm with right coast,go charles lollar!
How about the same treatment that they gave to the car companies and wall street.
1 dollar a year pay until you get a budget surplus.
And you have to get rid of the government jet!
How many times are we going to "remember this in November"?
The Bush - Cheney fiasco was terrible! So we voted in Democrats. The Democrats totally screwed us. Now we want to vote in Republicans?
How short is our memory?
Our government is totally corrupt. It has become a wicked evil government of war and pillage. It over taxes its citizens and cowtails to big corporations.
We need a new government. We will never get it as long as we hang on to this old government.
This is not my beautiful life. This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful government. Oh my, what can I do?
Congress always GIVES themselves this high percentage raises. There should be a law limiting what their pay can be as an elected official. The president's pay is limited, why not limit Congress to say $50,000.00/year, no expense account, no free postage, no free air miles, etc. I don't get these "perks", I don't get $50,000/year, and I manage; it may not always be easy but I manage to survive.
Only in Maryland(once the free state)-I like your T. Jefferson quote,"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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