On Friday night they had cleared a path through on Spring Hill Road but it was only one lane and you want to talk about a mess! People were having to back up as far as 1/2 a mile because another vehicle was coming the other way.
I wasn't very happy with the Eagle Transport Company at the end of the road. You see, at one point, one of their drivers decided he was going to make a run through there and believe me, there just wasn't enough room on either side for a tractor trailer to get through. It stopped everyone and we all had to turn around and go another route.
The top photo shows what things looked like on Friday night. It looks like they've cleared things a bit wider but to date it just amazes me how people are riding through there with wide trailers and expecting everyone to move aside while these people pass through.
There is an extreme deficiency of patience on the Eastern Shore. No chillin' for the folks, at all.
How are the students going to return to school on Tuesday if the roads are still this bad? What is the plan? They need to go back to school they have lost so much time already.
Especially with more snow on the way. May as well plan on going to school until July!
If Eagle's trucks dont operate, there will be no gas at the stations. You cannot have it both ways. Make room for someone trying to work instead of worrying about yourself for once.
They, (of all people) should know traveling down a one way road with two way traffice will cause a backup. They have been using another route while the storm was here, they should stick to that route until the road is completely clear. Anything else is selfish and unprofessional. And cut the crap about gas stations not having gas. There are plenty of ways around Spring Hill Road.
Sounds to me they are running back roads to avoid DOT.
This is just one of many roads that were like this. Looks like the county was stretched pretty thin, along with their patience from all the people b!tchin without any patience.
10:46 you are being polite, they are clueless. All I have to say is YOUR lane is blocked, not mine, so wait your turn. Look ahead when driving and if your lane is narrowing, stop and let the opposing traffic pass. I have had to stop in my clear lane - not to be polite but because I do not want you to hit me because it is obvious you are rude, selfish and clueless. I do not know how you missed both the narrowing lane AND the tractor trailer ahead. duh, is your gerbil asleep at the wheel?
Airport Road is the same, drifting has taken areas down to one lane. Learn some manners, it's not all about you.
Let me tell you this again. The Maryland side is Spring Hill LANE. The Delaware side is North Spring Hill RD. Spring Hill La is where I live and I just wish you all would get your facts right! And the side that was horrible was the Maryland side. Delaware had snow plows out Wednesday on their side (Spring Hill ROAD) long before Maryland even woke up! Spring Hill LANE has had this name forever. When Delaware gave road names to their roads a few years ago, they named their side N Spring Hill ROAD. When it was brought to their attention that they were slightly off on the Lane/Road their reply was, "We really don't care. You'll have to live with it". Thanks!
Driving as though you own the road is very common around here. No one adheres to rules of the road in good conditions, much less lousy ones.
Just out of curiosity, does the Delaware side of spring hill lane have the open fields like the maryland side that orient in the same direction? Or is it wooded. Just so you know, you aren't just going to plow a road like this. It will take a grader with a V plow at the very least, and possibly a front end loader. If fantastic Delaware tried to plow this road, they would still be buried in there.
Yes, the Delaware side does have open fields and the roadway is clear. In fact, today, the State came in on the Delaware side and thrw down more sand just to make sure no one has any issues.
Checked google earth, not the same scenario in Delaware.
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