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Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Woman's Opinion

I sent this message to Senators Mikulski, and Cardin and to Congressman Kratovil. I also sent it to a couple newspapers. I am only one voice and more people should be "only one voice" before it is too late and we are unable to speak without retribution.

I can't be silent any more. If it kills me at least I will know I went down fighting.

Before any "government sponsored health insurance" is mandated on the public, I think the Congress and Administration should try using it for one year. Then and only then should they consider requiring the citizens of this nation to use it.

I have tried very hard to accept and support this man the people of this great nation elected to be our President. I have held my breath and promised not to condemn himand the Congress for the bills they have passed without reading and the horrible debt they have placed on my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I kept saying to myself "He is your President, give him and them a chance, maybe they can correct some of the wrong." Now, the time has come for words to be spoken; not just by me but from ALL Americans that care what is happening to us.

The "silent majority" can no longer be silent. The past six months have done more
damage to our nation than a war on our soil could have done. Our so called
representatives in Washington are raping our nation and all of us. If we the people
remain silent, we are just as responsible as those committing the crimes. My husband
and I have worked all our lives to assure the prosperity of this country and to support those that have gone before us. Now, we are seniors and are threatened with losing the benefits we provided for others and earned the right to have. We have never wanted to own or operate any of the automobile manufacturers or the banks or the investment companies this government has taken control of. We, the people, are what makes this country great not an over powering government. We must speak up, take control and stop the carnage taking place in Washington before it completely devours all we have cherished for generations.


Anonymous said...

I respect your opinion and thanks for being aware of what is going on in this country. It is unfortunate that others haven't seen the light or they just don't care. Out nation has fallen apart and it will take many years to repair , if it is possible. Please
recognize the slow up-rising that is is taking place. When it hits ,
every person in the U.S. will be
affected. We no longer have a government for the people.

Anonymous said...

Here here...well written. Very sad but true.

Phil said...

I love this woman!!! She should stand up in front of these idiots and tell them how it is.

Anonymous said...

Very well said and well written.

Orsonwells said...

I sent this same message to my senators and congressmen. I urge you to do the same.

Anonymous said...

I sent letters to all three about the cap & tax & health care reform giving the reasons for my wanting them to vote NO. Only one responded and while it was with a "form" letter, Rep. Kratovil had a letter in my box in a couple hours. I have NOT heard from the others. May we write all the representatives? Including Hoyer, house majority leader?