More than 100 angry residents were prepared last night to take on Tom McGuire and his challenges towards escorting the Delmar Football Team Home this Saturday night. Mr. McGuire claimed that they make too much noise and he'll have nothing of the sort going on in his part of Town.
The fnniest part about last nights meeting was when the Mayor of Delmar Maryland formally asked the Mayor of Delmar Delaware if they would consider making their trip home to also include traveling through the Maryland side of Delmar as well.
Even though it was a very long day for me yesterday, there was no way I was going to miss attending this meeting to watch an entire Town up in arms against one man who has proven to be an absolute fruit cake.
The Delmar Football Team and their supporters deserve this special moment in time, win or lose and last night more than 100 of them not only jam packed the Council Chambers, they lined the hallway heading into the building and even went out the front door where some citizens stood in the rain waiting to see if Tom McGuire would actually show up.
Once I realized he was going to be a no show, I left knowing the Town would quickly support this event. Mr. McGuire spent the entire day yesterday contacting the Salvation Army over and over again trying to get on the schedule in an attempt to relieve me personally from one of my long shifts. The Salvation Army has chosen to reject Mr. McGuire's request. My guess would be he and his Wife's remarks referencing Brooke Mulford. The Salvation Army is a Christian Based Organization and I highly doubt they want to be involved with Mr. McGuire. Besides, I'd rather stand there in 10 below temperatures freezing my butt off before I'd ever allow this man to replace me in any way, shape or form.
People know what you're all about Tom, give it up.
I live on E Chestnut street and would love for them to escort our champions past my house. Oh...but there will be no need to do that. There will not be anyone home. I will be in the line BEHIND OUR FIRE TRUCKS AND FOOTBALL PLAYERS to celebrate with them! Go get 'em boys...we know you can!!!
Wow! I've never seen that many people at a Delmar Town meeting! If he did anything considered GOOD, it was definitely getting the people to go to the meeting.
What disturbs me is that people will attend a meeting over a statement made by one man but won't attend the meetings when the Council and Commission are making major decisions which affect each and every one of them. On the other hand, they'll complain on the blogs that they're not happy with what the elected officials are doing and they'll get stuff started all over town.
I certainly do not agree with this guy's complaint and like I said yesterday, look out Saturday when the Christmas Parade takes place!
I understand that there will quite a bit of horn blowing at this year's parade!
I live in Delmar and don't mind this once in a while. The problem is they have done it three times in a month. This was the same town that wanted the noise ordinance two or three years ago. Most of the parades have been after 11 PM. I know people who have young kids that have been woken by these parades. Change the parades to the next day when people are up. Then blow every horn and whistle you have.
Every time I read something about this man and his wife I go back to a trout fishing trip with my grandfather. I was complaining about another fisherman and his constant walking in the stream up from us. My grandfather simply said "There is good in everyone, even if it is to serve as a bad example" So Tom Thanks for helping us beef up the attendance. WE DIDN'T REALLY NEED YOUR HELP ORGANIZING THE FORCES AGAINST YOU BUT SINCE YOU INSISTED..........
12:28 Why don't you buy a house in Delmar and pay taxes before you run your mouth. It has nothing to do with lack of suport of the youth.
12:28 " A true reason to celebrate" Sounds like you don't have a life. That's ok you have the Delmar parade coming up. Time for the real celebration. Free candy.
you can go back to sleep anytime and you can tell the little kids why they were woke up. Because thats our football team and thats what we do!!!!! then put the little rug rats back to bed, whats an hour sleep anyway.
Better yet.. bring your kids out to the game on Saturday and you won't have to worry about being woken up! Come support these kids who have worked so hard all season. Fine me..I don't care.. I will be celebrating Saturday night either way!!
Delmar has held these parades for decades. Delmar is extremely supportive of its youth. If you have a problem with that...MOVE!!! No one said you have to live here, but if you do, there are things you have to get use to. The stock car races and football fans. These sports are America at its best. Complaints are not only Anti-Delmar, but Anti-American.
Anon 10:23... completely agree.
Support for the football team does not mean that sirens and horns coming through a residential area at 11:00 at night is appropriate. And to those who posted later, nor does it mean that anyone who does not want to hear it that late at night needs to "get a life". There is no good reason that the support can't be combined with the parade earlier in the day... works out better for everyone involved, especially those with young children.
I don't have to own a house in Delmar and pay taxes to make a comment. I lived in Delmar for many years and I never minded the celebration of our local youth doing so well at their sport!
I love how Delmar supports their school! You don't see that anywhere around Salisbury do you? And they have how many schools?
I will always be proud of being from Delmar but obviously you are not!?
The horns and sirens are to let the team know we are proud of their accomplishment. When are you going to do that if you don't do it after the game? The next day? Try getting everyone together the NEXT day like that!
Some people just look for something to complain about. It's sad that some lives are apparently so miserable.
I know they say misery loves company, but with this one, you're in the WRONG town! You probably complain about the train and the racetrack too don't you, even though you knew they were there when you moved to Delmar, OR you grew up with them there.
1:56 Go back to sleep kids it’s just the football team celebrating a win to an empty street corner. Maybe someday you can be a champion like them.
It’s funny you don’t see the New York Yankees or any other championship team holding a fan fair at 11:00 PM at night to an empty street.
1:56 If you had a job you would want every hour of sleep you could get.
How about we put it to a vote? For those who say it is ok how about you help pay for the gas for the fire trucks to do this. Please contact the town hall for your payment. Thank you. Enjoy the game.
Tradition and pride in our community is what sets us apart from places like Salisbury. People worry to death there that they will get shot or robbed going to the store. Here you have to worry about sirens and horns after 11 maybe once per year. This has happened for the past three weeks. Twice the game was in Laurel, so the noise wasn't past 10pm. Also, someone needs to READ the noise ordinance before they complain about it.
I'm not originally from Delmar and I don't actually live in the town of Delmar so I don't hear these parades but I would like to comment. One thing I have always known "even being from Salisbury" was that Delmar supported their high school football team. More so than any of the Salisbury schools. I also knew that there was a race track in Delmar. I definitely hear the race track. Every time they race. I just consider that part of the "quality of life" of living in Delmar. It is much better than living in Salisbury. And if the kids are participating in the sports program at the school and are active in sports they aren't running the streets being "thugs" and shooting up shop owners like they are in Salisbury. I think I would rather put up with the parades until football season was over. Just my "transplanted" 2 cents worth.
Geeze!! It's not like it happens every night of the year. How long is football season? Also it happens on a weekend night. If it bothers you that much,on the nights that the kids play away put in some ear plugs and snore away!!
It takes just a few minutes to take a turn around Delmar,and it is tradition. As for paying for the gasoline for the firetruck, I bet you, we could arrange that in very short order.
This whole issue is absurd and petty. How long does this ride last? 5 minutes? The train going through town is much more disruptive and more frequent than the fire truck celebrating the playoff wins by the football team. THREE TIMES IN A MONTH!?!?! Woe is me!
This is *NOT* a town council issue. We have roads that need to be paved, crimes to be solved, budgets to meet, we need to attract jobs, homeowners and shoppers to town for income... a fire engine celebrated the football team being successful on the field being treated like a "real" issue is idiotic.
And for the record: I have an infant, live in Delmar, am a home owner, have a job and have no problem with the firetrucks celebrating this way.
It is a momentary disruption that happens very, very infrequently over the year. Deal with it.
The football team (for good or bad) is the one thing Delmar comes together to support as a town. The good news is by attacking the football team's celebration McGuire has likely sealed his fate as someone that will *NEVER* win an election in Delmar.
Delmar is a volunteer dept. and we do pay for the gas when give donations or buy raffle tickets that are sold at the football games. Delmar is a great place and this tradition is just one part of what makes it so special.
This is like the people who move to the country and complain about the smell of the chicken houses, lack of streetlights, and sidewalks. This occured before you moved here and will continus after you move away.
Go Wildcats!
Its really not a big deal.They are known in Delmar for supporting their schools and thats a good thing if it keeps those kids out of trouble.They deserve a celebration!
To the person complaining about it waking up the children,what you do is explain to them that the communitty of Delmar is very special because we stand behind and support our youth and school and that we are celebrating the football teams successful season by escorting them home.By the way it might upset you as a parent but I doubt it is upsetting the children they I am sure think its cool and will always remember it and tell their kids about the great little town they grew up in.I know I did.
If this is so special then why is it not done on the maryland side? Most of the kids live on that side that attend this school. I bet you have more MD kids on that team then DE kids.
I have a brilliant idea..... I do own a house in Delmar, pay taxes here, and SUPPORT THESE KIDS! I do not have a child playing on this team, but these kids are OUR kids...our future. How about the people complaining get themselves a motel room in Salisbury saturday night so as not to be disturbed here in Delmar. Maybe they can be awakened by gun shots ringing out instead of celebratory sirens and horns?
GO DELMAR!!! Bring that championship back home....I will be in your parade/celebration after the game.
The lights and sirens, and escorting the football team into town has been going on since 1985, long before a lot of your children were probably born, if you don't like it move. What's the difference then us going out on a fire call at 3:30 in the morning lights and sirens just a blowing, do your kids wake up then? If so what do you tell them. Were celebrating our youths GET OVER IT, IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT MOVE THE HELL AWAY!!
12:54 when they go out at 3:30 in the morning I don't mind because they are going to put out a fire or save a life. That's why we pay taxes. 12:06 I own three houses in Delmar so that means I pay more in taxes then you. Now Joe has us all beat. Sorry Joe. What would you like to see? No one is saying stop the fan fair just do it at a normal time and let more people join in.
8:17 Maybe because the school itself is in Delaware and I might add that in this case the one who started this whole mess lives on the Md. side. I am sure that the kids would love it to take place on both sides . But honestly its not like its an hour drive for you to drive to the Delaware side and cheer them on. There are cars parked in every parking lot and along the roads through town doing just that.
4:47 I don't know how often you have been out to see this parade but no one, and I mean no one is out on the streets. You have missed the biggest point here. Have it during the day so they we can fill the streets.
4:47 cars are only parked in the school parking lot. Come on you act like the streets are filled with cars. Just you folks who don't work are out keeping everyone else up.
Delmar had a good team once. Now they are just lucky that the teams they play are still in the rebuilding stage. Wait until next year.
No one lines the streets? Are you kidding me? There were cars parked in the parking lots from the town limits to Lincoln Ave. I saw one elderly lady flicking her house lights on and off! For those complaining, I'll bet the tradition was here long before you will and will hopefully be here long after you leave. Hopefully, with yoour attitude, it will be sooner than later.
Oh, by the way 5:07, they were good enough to beat the number one seed this year, that's all we care about right now.
6:39 I have been in this town longer then you I bet. The only the reason the cars are lined up is because you have to yield to the fire truck when its emergency lights are on. And the one lady who flicked her lights. I am sure it was some kind of up yours signal. It’s sad to think that the best way to support your team is to drive up and down the streets with the tax payer’s fire trucks at that hour blowing your sirens and honking your horn. Some support. No one has denied that the team should not be supported here. Just look up the list and read for yourself. They are all supporting the team. Most of them are just saying do it during the day so that you can give them a real congratulations. Also when you drive up and down the streets doing this you are breaking the law. If you cared you would of helped abolish that law almost three years ago so that I would not have grounds to say you are breaking the law. Nice role model.
6:39 The cars are lined up and parked in the lots in support of the team and you would know this if you had ever seen it .The people on the side of the road are holding their Delmar blankets and honking and cheering along with everyone else.And I happen to know for a fact that the woman who was blinking her lights was cheering for the team not only because she was on the steps waving but because I know her.FYI the brewery was also blinking teir lights.
7:49 do you realy think the raffle tickets keep the department going. It cost money to run a fire department. Money that the state wants to take away. We should not be wasting gas on these kinds of events. Save it for life saving.
Wow this posting is days old and people are still putting down trash talk. How about we talk about some real news like how to bring down the crime rate.
10:28 Most of those who line the road are students and family. I’m sure they left and got a head of the bus. Most of the town has no clue when the team gets back. The old lady was probably your mom who you called and said wave as we go by. As for the Brewery they loved the advertisement. I would do the same think in hopes of a sale. You keep missing the point. It’s no fan fair if the whole town can’t get involved. It’s just you out breaking the noise ordnance law.
And its not a welcoming party or escort unless it happens upon their arrival home I really don't think you get it.Also my mother was at the game and if you want to be involved then just do it nobody is stopping you if those boys are up that late after a long ride home then boo hoo if their arrival time doesn't suit you.Take a nap earlier if your so unheathy you can't stay up a little late.
The Brewery has some good beer. They just want to help out with your party. But don't drink and drive.
11:25 Your right the New York Yankees didn’t feel like champions because they didn’t have their fan fair after the game. What’s wrong with us thinking that the next day celebrations are not appropriate? Let’s start celebrating all of the town’s accomplishments with late night sirens and horns. What will you think if your house is robbed or catches fire while the police and fire departments are out wasting tax payer’s money celebrating in your parade? How about we start having them for weddings. I guess first we need to find you a man. You obviously sound like women.
What do these people do when football season is over? It sounds like Delmar is a one horse town and the owner of the horse is not letting you pet the horse. Come on folks does it really matter?
Correct I am a woman but no thanks on the offer I'm married. The mistake your making is calling it a parade its not! It's an escort into town if you don't understand what an escort is I would be glad to explain it to you I know how men like you hate to have to look anything up.However if you would like to organize a celbration parade for the next day thats great how would we contact you since you obviously dont care enough to be at the game?
5:07 Tsunami is that U LOL
Escort, bodyguard, someone who escorts and protects a prominent person, the act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them.
Parade, a ceremonial procession including people marching, walking ostentatiously, succession of persons or things.
Ok you be the judge. Which are you doing when you say escort? I was going to give you the definition of escort service but I’m a nice guy.
Oh by the way I was not offering. I don’t like women that drive mini vans whose only excitement in life is driving around town at night honking their horn.
1:08 Winner. lol
By your own definition it is not a parade you see you look it up and still don't get it.No one is walking or marching we escort them because we feel they are VIPs.By the way I am Mature enough not to make this personal maybe you should grow up.I dont drive a mini van and supporting the youth of this town is not the only exciting thing I do in my life you see I actually have a life and supporting the youth is just part of it.
For all you people wanting a parade, the next day so we all come out and see, you are the same people who will NOT show up to a away game and support the team. But you want a celebration on your time? I dont think so!
Why dont you people go back where ever you came from. Its very clear that Delmar is a town of champions , so LOSERS GET OUT!
2:05 Well said!
1:53 I guess I don’t know how many goslings you have in the nest. But you sure honk up a good storm. You see I have lived in this town probably longer than you and whoever thinks’ he’s the king in 2:05. I own a few houses and have sent all my kinds to Delmar School. I have spent more time at school events and support every drive they have ever had. I have never agreed with breaking the law like this and never will. You’re breaking the law and wasting the tax payer’s money. If you want to show your kids you love them keep them in the nest. It’s a tuff world out there. Maybe you can lead an escort around the nest a few times. I’m sure the kids will love it. Oh by the way don’t forget the parade on Saturday. I hear the school band is playing in the parade this year. Can you help set up an escort when they are done?
Delmar Band Rules.
What kind of a season did Delmar have this year?
Your kidding right? Where are you from?
Tom was on WBOC news tonight. He is determined to get attention one way or the other.
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