I was playing around with Site Meter to see how we're doing today, (we're kicking ask, by the way) and look what I fell upon. Mr. Fisher, (Daily Times/Worcester County Times Editor) sure does like Salisbury News. Then again, where would they get all their information if it wasn't for Salisbury News.
Mind you, James is a good guy and truly takes his profession very seriously. He is based out of their Ocean City Office and we do like to agree to disagree on many issues but in the end we simply have different styles and ideas.
If I had one wish I'd like to get the Daily Times to understand is that I am NOT a Journalist, I'm a Blogger. While some at the Daily Times do their job really well, (journalistic wise) some tend to not understand that a Blog is more about getting people involved. Mind you, GA Harrison is a journalistic blogger, as is Michael. However, they rarely get any comments on their articles on their own Blogs. This is one reason I'm sure GA enjoys cross posting on Salisbury News.
All too often Bloggers try to tell me how I should do things, including James Fisher, who owns his own Blog. However, when it comes to Blogging, (please don't take this wrong) no one does it better than Salisbury News. Yet they all want to say, do this or you should do that. Yeah, this coming from people who get 25 to 50 hits/visits per day, if they're lucky.
Nevertheless, we hope you're enjoying more "real time news" and learning something new while you're here.
How can you use GA and journalist in the same sentence? By the way is it true that GA stands for Gone Anal?
I'm glad you take everything in stride. Those guys at the other site (the one is a sequel to the No Sentz site) are going crazy with the troll talk. They are talking about pride and heart and it is really sad. I'm glad you keep life in perspective Joe.
Nobody at the newspaper "owns" a blog, its a free service provided by their website.
You're a blogger, not a jounalist? Please explain the difference between a blogger and a journalist. You constantly compare SBY News to "main stream media". Here's Webster on the subject:
Main Entry: jour·nal·ist
Pronunciation: \-nə-list\
Function: noun
Date: 1693
1 a : a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium b : a writer who aims at a mass audience
2 : a person who keeps a journal
Sounds like you Albero. I'd love to hear your comment on this. You just wait till someday when you need to protect a source in court. You'll be calling yourself a journalist then I'll bet.
You don't have the stones to post this.
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