Today provided a very interesting lesson in the Justice System. What good does it do when a WOMAN goes in front of a Judge, pleads her case for a Peace Order, wins, only to show up in court today for criminal charges against Jonathan Taylor and without ever having the opportunity to plead her case, the Judge throws it out.
This was the case today for Mrs. Donna Ennis, the ONLY individual willing to stand up to a man clearly representing those of the former Tilghman Administration. While these pansies sent Jonathan material and he posted their information for them under his own name, the attacks got so out of hand she felt it necessary to have him charged.
The Commissioner firmly believed she was in danger. The Judge hearing her case for a Peace Order agreed this needed to move forward, yet Judge Whitehead, (clearly blindsided) was also dumbfounded that the States Attorneys Office was dropping the case.
Mrs. Ennis was not asked to be in Court today as this was a pre trial hearing but she felt something was wrong and came to Court with her Husband and Jonathan Taylor was nowhere to be found. A deal had already been struck last week.
I did speak to the States Attorney's Office and while they too are concerned, they didn't feel the case was prosecutable. One thing I can assure you of though is this. The States Attorney's Office will be keeping a very close eye on Bloggers from this point forward and if anyone steps out of line, they're going to be charged.
What saddens me the most about Wicomico County is the fact that WOMEN continue to get attacked and NOTHING is done about it. Look at the Bobby Jones case not that long ago. Look at Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Ann Von, (however you spell her last name) and many others I won't bring up right now.
I expressed this with the States Attorney's Office and this is why they feel a more keen eye needs to be placed on everyone. I'm all about Free Speech but there's a fine line when you purposely go out and abuse women, spouses and children.
My hope is that Mr. Taylor has learned his lesson and has felt the fear of perhaps losing his freedom. There comes a time, (for even myself) to sit back and think, what's it all worth? You don't have to personally attack someone to make your point and IMHO I believe most of what had been written before Jonathan shut down his Blog was written by others.
Bloggers in general need to become more responsible with personal attacks and quite frankly I have been working with someone in politics to pull together as many Bloggers in Maryland and Delaware to a Summit, (if you will) to discuss these matters. An agreement and clear understanding needs to be presented and a discussion referencing our First Amendment Rights needs to be clearly spelled out.
If the majority agree, perhaps we'll be able to take this format and present it to the state Senate and ultimately Congress. The verbal agreement between all local Bloggers in the past was that we would stay away from posting anything to do with spouses, family members and or children. If they are of age, (adults) they are free game. However, even then, if it's posted with the intent of defaming someone else, that's just not right/proper.
I should mention, Muir Boda and T.J. Maloney were at the Court House today. Muir left the Court Room just as soon as the Judge dropped Jonathan's case. I wonder, did WalMart offer a furlough day today?
More to come at a later point.
Joe, that is a damn shame!
I don't think Muir Boda was there for Jonathan. It is more likely he was there for a Walmart case.
Man's inhumanity to man. The application of the law should be the rule of "right", not "might".
If a more keen eye is being placed on all other bloggers, why is Jonathan Taylor exempt? Are citizens granted as much justice as they can afford? The practice of law should be FAIR.
In my opinion, the State's Attorney's Office dropped the ball on this one.
So Davis agreed to squash it, its who you know.
the Judge was afraid we would not be able to feed him in JAIL!!!
And some of you folks wonder why some people take the law in their own hands?
now we need to focus on getting his welfare cheese taken away. Then he would have to get a job and would not have all this time on his hands for tomfoolery. Atleast joe worked hard for his money and is now enjoying what he likes to do.
I say we forget about him, hes not worth my time.
Can you imagine what putting him in the slammer would cost the taxpayers -- food, medical care, toilet paper?
Sounds to me like the s/a is gunning for a case. Bloggers beware!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it both interesting and hopeful that you have given some thought to your inclination to create and feed on personal attacks. Maybe there is a genuine person hidden in the personna that is Joe Albero.
Speaking of another Jonathon. JR was flying down Rt 13 today in his Big Blue Truck. I know it was him becaus eif hus FIXTIME tags. I tried to snap a picture of his FIXTIME tags but he ran the redlight. He to will have his day in court. Someone needs to arrest him for speeding and reckless driving.
There is no justice for women in Wicomico County, unless they are dead.
The state's attorney is going to keep a keen eye out? B.S. From everything I read here, Mrs. Ennis HAD a good case. It sounded like JT went way beyond just saying a few mean things about her.
If the state's attorney wasn't going for a prosecution, why didn't he tell Mrs. Ennis he wasn't going to pursue it?
This post sure makes it sound like Mrs. Ennis got screwed by a back room deal. Was T.J. Maloney there for JT?
Boda was there for Seth Mitchell.
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