Holly was delivered to the Wicomico Humane Society on Saturday and is just precious. She's great with bigger dogs and even cats. She has been spayed and she's 6 years old.
If you're looking for a well tempered pure bread animal/Poodle, Holly is your match. Give them a call at 410-749-7603.
The Albero Family went up there on Saturday and adopted a beautiful kitten. They have so many cats and kittens right now, you'd be amazed. They too need good homes so if you've ever considered one, the selection is just unbelievable.
Remember Folks, the Humane Society is closed Sunday and Monday but they're open the rest of the week.
Isn't that dog a little small to be called a standard?
Looks like a definite miniature to me! They come in 3 sizes. Standard about 24" -26" tall and Miniature from about 12" and NO bigger than 15 inches) and toys no bigger than 10 inches. And fYI there is no such thing as a tea cup poodle. It is a-- "runt"--- undersized toy for lack of a better name.
I've got 2 & she looks definately like my "Minatures"
What ever happened to the HS web site with available animals posted? ???? I use to see them on here all the time & then was told they were being posted on that site. I really don't see that! That's a sin & shame they are not keeping these animals all posted for possible future homes . You were having such luck for them on your site. sure wish some body would get busy out there to help these homeless animals!!!!
The Humane Society website has all of their animals posted on it. There are descriptions, comments about temperaments, size, age, kennel/pen number, etc. Animals are being adopted in record numbers. Have you even looked at the website?
A six year old standard? Kind of small...lol. Joe you do great things for the humane society (angle points for you), take a couple days off.
I can only publish what I am provided. I did meet this dog and she was just a sweetheart. Bash the details all you want, someone will be in there Tuesday morning to adopt this animal.
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