Yesterday the U.S. Department of Justice came to Salisbury and awarded several Officers and Prosecutors for their outstanding work arresting and prosecuting several criminals.
Among the dignitaries was none other than U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein. States Attorney Davis Ruark thanked the U.S. Department of Justice for allowing Wicomico County to be a partner and truly EXILING these hard criminals out of Wicomico County and the state of Maryland all together and placing them in Federal Prisons in the middle of nowhere, where they belong, far away from society.
Davis went on to mention something that blew me away! He said that Wicomico County was #2 in the entire State of Maryland in violent hand gun crime! Not a number anyone is proud of, that's for sure but having this partnership allows Wicomico County to have better resources to capture these criminals.
Awards went to:
Wicomico County States Attorneys Office:
Sam Vincent
Dan Dougherty
Patrizia Coletta
Carolyn Widdowson
Salisbury Police Department:
Corporal Jason King
Detective Dan Parsons
Officer Troy Underwood
Officer Chad Crocket
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office:
Corporal Kelly Mathews
Deputy First Class Lee Stevens
Trooper First Class Otis Elzey
Maryland State Police:
Sgt. Chris Davala
Corporal Lee Hagel
Trooper First Class Jason Smullen
Trooper First Class Carlisle Todd Widdowson
Agent Heather Hall (Division of Parole and Probation)
Intelligence Officer Oscar Arce (Department of Corrections)*
Drug Enforcement Administration:
Special Agent Dave Rivello
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives:
Special Agent Matthew Beccio
Congratulations to all of these recipients. Wicomico County is a safer place because of the Brotherhood/Partnership of ALL of these agencies working together. The EXILE Program strongly expresses you will do hard time for gun crime.
I take my gun out into the world to protect myself against the others and for this I am a criminal, yet the authorities can not protect me, kiss my ass. Armed citizen.
Talk about ridiculous. Oscar Arce gets this award for his hard and exemplary work at the WCDC, and he gets moved from his post to become just another officer again. That is not fair, and an EXTREME waste of manpower.
Your bias only degrades YOUR blogg, just in case you were wondering.(Free-Speech, does it exsist here?)
Yeah, that's nice Joe, but wouldn't it be even nicer if we were recognizing CITIZENS who have been proactive enough to organize community watch groups and citizen forums to battle the "stop snitching" mentality and the ghetto-glorification of "doing time" and the "street crede" of being shot or stabbed?
All these brave men and women can do all they can but it won't make a difference until WE, the CITIZENS of this town and county, FIGHT BACK. Let's get with it, people.
This country will not stand the test of time,(200 years isnt shit) the society we are perpetuating is at best self destructive. We glamorize all the wrong things, we tolerate injustice by corporate America and we idolize idiots and drug addicts. Were screwed, perhaps we can save little pieces of this nation but as a hole were screwed. You have to box yourself in with the the good people and never, ever let the bad ones in.
Clap your hands ... Chiefy's back in town!
9:20 - yes, it does. Try posting something contrary to the prevailing views at too dense and see what happens.
I'ld like to see Ruark's statistics. How are "violent handgun crimes" defined? I can't belive Wicomico County is higher than Prince George's County. He must be talking on a per capita basis.
Also - WHY is Ruark still State's Attorney for Wicomico after his DUI and "violent handgun crime" bust? Guess there's one set of laws for the nobles and a different set for the peons.
You can bet Ruark won't be "exiled."
Two societies, which one can you afford to be in?
Another tremendous waste of tax payers money. All of these people are just doing what they are getting paid to do.
Looks like Webster can show up when the awards are being handed out, but not when we are actually talking about getting rid of crime! Wicomico County is #2 in the entire State of Maryland in violent hand gun crime...Did you hear that Chiefy? Salisbury is a HUGE part of Wicomico County-WE DO HAVE CRIME AND YOU DO NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! There is absolutely no way you can deny it what-so-ever!
I agree with Anon 9:16 AM...I will continue to illegally carry my P226 until I feel like I, my business and my family will be safe without it! I will not be disarmed and I will not be under protected. I will conduct my own justice system on those seeking to harm me or my family-at least my way if solving crime will permenately keep the criminals off the streets and cost the tax payers a whole lot less in "Club Fed Fees." I am proud to be an armed citizen!
I agree 10:49 but don't get caught because Davis Ruark would probably want to send you away to prison. Only he can break the law and not go to jail.
Work-it sister work-it... sexy little black dress.
Is that a pen in your shirt or are you just happy to see me? SPD officers in these pictures are a joke!! Better start saving up boys, the lawsuit's a comin'!!!!!
You're not big enough to walk in their shoes let alone do the job that they do
Why was it only the "special" spd officers who recieved awards, what about the patrol officers who took countless guns off the streets while ALSO answering hundreds of calls for service, something these officers don't do. This is a political awards ceremony.
Thanks to all the cops recognized for the work they do-I wouldnt risk my life for what those guys(and gals)are paid.
Make EXILE work by giving out longer sentences with no parole.Prison is no deterrent to someone who knows they will only do 5-10 and then come out a hero to other thugs because they did time.
And last but not least,people who withhold evidence of a crime are just as guilty as those who commit it.If you are one of the people who believe in "Stop Snitching" then don't expect the police and witnesses to come running when YOU are the victim.
Where were the other investigators pictures? I guess the sheriff and new barrack commander conducted these investigations, Great job!!
"You're not big enough to walk in their shoes let alone do the job that they do"
of course not, that's big bad underwood and big bad crockett!! LMAO!
For those who pusue rewards. I am not speaking of those in the photo. They did not request this award it was given by the State of Maryland. If you are a whiner because you formed a stop snitching or community watch, let the reward be what you have done and not in what you seek.
Everyday you wake up on this side of the frass you are a winner. Dont hate the players hate the game.
Nice job Joe. Keep the public informed. Hnads down the best Blog in town
I am extremely upset that the state police officers or the county deputies were not there to receive their awards. Is there a reason that they were NOT notified that they would be honored?!?! Sad, the officers that received the award were the ones who earned it. They actually did some hard work and did not sit behind a desk all day and push papers like the current administration. Yet, they were not invited to come. FUNNY...all of administration for both state police and the sheriff's office knew to be there. Once again, just another politcal agenda. And another great way to keep up morale!!!!
Wow never caught it. Was Ernie even at the barrack when this took place. No but sure is avail. for photo op. Why were then men who conducted these investgations not present. It must be an oversight. It is a morale buster when this crap goes on.
Never noticed it nice observation.
Lil E must be bucking for the SPD job. It has not opened yet let your guys get their dues. Mike youtwo where the heck are the Deputies.
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