In a Press Conference held this morning, Mayor Ireton celebrated with Urban Salisbury filing a $260,500.00 Application for a Community Legacy Grant to revitalize Downtown Salisbury.
The Grant money will be used for engineering plans to formalize a detailed Master Plan. I would like to add, yesterday I personally received an invitation to another meeting Urban Salisbury will hold specifically towards property owners, business owners and real estate companies involved with the immediate Downtown properties. I believe this is a move in the right direction as the property owners should have more input than anyone else, should they attempt to make major changes to their properties.
A quarter of a million dollars for a blue-print, good gosh.
Even more good money taken from people and spent on bad pet projects.
Why is Lore Chambers smiling? She is dead set against Urban Salisbury, even cried the blues when they said they were going to apply for the community legacy grant, because she would be cut on her grant money to be thrown at Church St cleanups. John Pick is another two faced bas@#*d. He went right along with Barrie Tilghmans plan to squash Urban Salisbury.
That GOB needs an ENEMA!
Where is Ross Perot when we need him to stop that "loud sucking noise"?
Yeah, sure, I know:
"If it's not wasted here it will be somewhere else!"
This is B.S. There have been several designs already drawn up. Pick one of the schematics, hire a contractor, and appoint one city engineer/inspector and design build the damn project. The plan money will pay for 1/3 of the construction cost. Add an consultant architect for extra ten grand if you really need it. one has any balls to get sh*t done.
Not digging the no tie look.
There will be no grant as state funding for these sort of projects are being cut from the state budget. Time for private individuals to stand up and do their own plan.
He's trying to look like Mr. Opportunity from the Honda commercials! LOL
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