We ALL need some time off and today I'm taking advantage of it. While everyone is traveling and or enjoying this Holiday Weekend, I'm simply going to stay off the computer for the entire day, get away and take a well deserved break from it all. I hope each and every one of you do the same thing.
Don't forget to head out to Willards and enjoy the Fireworks and FREE HOT DOGS for the KIDS from Bruce's Billiards and Salisbury News. Stop by and say hello.
If you try to post a comment, it won't go up until a later time/date. Have a great 4th of July Folks and please, let's be careful out there.
I bet the Daily Times came out today... REAL news never takes a day off!
enjoy your well deserved day off.....
It is a disgrace that a small town like Willards and Hebron can have fireworks and Salibury can't afford it. What a shame!!!
Happy Independence Day Joe and Jennifer and the Salisbury News team! Have a great weekend!
Even though the Daily times may not take the day off, Joe will still be ahead of them tomorrow. Have a safe and Happy 4th Joe. you deserve it. Best regards.
9:42, you pay for the litterbox liner that is the Daily Crimes. Joe gives us real news, you just don't like what he has to say. Besides, he does this for free. Happy Fourth from a former Salisbury native now living Lynchburg, VA, everyone!!!!!
Kim Groves
Saw on FOX News that a town in California took their fireworks money and donated the money to the local food pantry because the town has over 12% unemployment. That was a great thing to do I think. We certainly do not need fireworks to celebrate. Being with friends and family is the best way to celebrate the 4th of July.
Thanks for the dog Joe! Was really nice to catch up with friends. this is fast becoming the best fireworks on the Shore.
WONDERFUL! Every PODUNK town (apologies to all. tryin' to make a point here) around had fireworks yesterday, EXCEPT...(you guessed it) the HUB of Delmarva. We need a new hub. Sorry, gotta run & rebuild downtown instead & retrieve entourage from Florida & the All American Town awards. So much for the championing of our "yoots". When they grow up, will they even know what Independence Day is?
I think Pittsville had a little something as well. While I was at Willards which was awesome I saw allot of fireworks over in Pittsville. My wife, myself and the kids went to Willards and it was nice. I was on the back side of the school and parking wasn't an issue and getting out...well I was first to go...LOL. Can't wait til next year.
Bruce is a hottie yum yum
Taking another day off Joe? Good for you dude!
just dont do this often, joe. when the cat is away, the mice will play!
Joe are you going to post pix from the Tea Party in downtown Salisbury?
Anon 12:19, JR , is that you or your wife?
Anon 12:19, you have your beer goggles on!!
Thanks for the Hot Dogs Joe! My Kids really enjoyed them....Good Quality too!
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