Me Again I SEE U
At 10am July 8th I Went To Visit Friend And Found The Somerset Commuter In Hide Out,OR Sleeping?
On A Private No Tresspasing Road While the Truck Is Running Surely Burning Tax Payers Dollars.
The Truck Is Currently Still Sitting On This Private Road In Hide Out 45 Minutes Later.
Truck # 256
maybe they ain't sleepin.....
they need Navtrak!!
They may be on lunch break jobs are hard enough to find and keep without someone stalking you while your at work trying to get you fired
Not trying to get'em fired. Just tryin to get them to do their job.
One of these days hopefully there will be GPS on those busses and we will know where they are. Maybe already installed?
I Don't Want The Guy To Lose His Job, BUT Whats Right Is Right..
Im Pretty Sure Stalking Would Mean Following Around This Guy...He Was On Private Road.So Your Telling Me Now He Can't Read The Signs Posted He Passed Right By.
Damn Wish I Could Lake Lunch At 10am And Let My Vehicle Run A Hour While Doing It.
Maybe he has a better job then you
You don't know what his schedule maybe he is screwing off but you don't know that so lets not get him fired just to make yourself feel like like you did something important. There's bigger fish to fry out there keep looking
well what are you doing following him on the private road?...cant you read the posted signs?
1:20, if they weren't doing their job or not where they are supposed to be, don't you think someone would notice? Im sure that if one or more people were standing at a bus stop or pick-up point and no bus showed up when it was supposed to, they would probably call in to whom ever was in charge of that route.
2:07 If I Could Get Paid Same I Do Now Id Trade Him Jobs.
Like I Said I Do Not Expect Him To Be Fired.Just Find A Better Place To Park And Rest OR Eat Your Lunch.
2:09 I Know There Are Bigger Fish To Fry.Got My Eyes Open.
2:17 I Live On This Private Road Do You Have Any Other SmartAzz Questions?
If that van's a rockin....dont go a knockin !!!
I SEE U - Did you and Joe quit school at the same time? You do not start every word with a capital letter.
ISEEU said:
"I Don't Want The Guy To Lose His Job, BUT Whats Right Is Right.."
The dumb thing is that YOU do not know what's right! You are questioning why the truck is there.
OK I called Joe On this. There are 2 depts at Shore Transit, He works a Very long day in the Demand Response.
There are many things they need to do to get patients and I am sure many of you could not do this job. He was at lunch. These people are the ones YOU flick off and cut off, while your grandparents and parents are carefully and lovingly taken to DR.s and Day Care. This man is one of the best. So he needed a break from everyone else out there speeding and not letting him get a break?
Come on. You people have NO Idea what he goes through, I am NOT saying it is the hardest job in the world. Sometimes we need to sit and go through twenty pages of paperwork and make it happen in a small timespan! If you want. Go ahead ask to ride a full day with Demand Response. Oh yeah when you get tired of following this kind soul.. follow your spouses to the local motel to see what they are up to. Leave Him alone!
Those buses run half empty all the time,cant be cost effective but until some higher up gets a clue and rail service becomes an option this is what we get as public transport.
6:01 and 6:02
Im Guessing Your One Of Washington High Schools Teachers?
If I Want To Start Every Thing I Type Here With Capital Letters Aslong As Joe Posts It Who Gives A F.CK...If You Don't Like It Don't Read It!!!
I Bet You Think Im Actually Typing Each Letter Captialized Don't You?
Learn Some HTML Maybe You Can Do It To...
Since You Can't Read This Guy Was Not Being Followed!!!!
And To All You That Think Im Trying To Cost This Man His Job!!!
If He Loses His Job Then He Was Doing Something Wrong.
If He Don't Then It Was My Mistake.
But Once Again Private Road Means Private Road!!!It Don't Mean Private To Public!!!
Joe If You Need Some HTML Coding So When People Post It Shows The Ip Address I Would Be More Then Gladly To Supply You With The Info.
perhaps he was tired. i would rather that the driver had a little shut eye than cause a crash
they have also been reported way off the route picking up passengers down in the Princess Anne area
How do you know that this person doesn't have permission to be where he is? If the person that has control of the property doesn't want him there, all they have to do is call the local police or the driver's supervisor.
This crap is why my back hurts?
If the man needs to sleep then do it wiothout costing the tax payers $. If the job is that stressful then get another. Every job has it's stress and mine is one. I work approx. 15 hours a day and I am thankful to have a job. If I need a break then I do it OFF the clock. Paperwork can be done while sitting in an office or in a parking lot. The person was clearly not in an appropiate place and was caught by our Joe. Joe is not always right and he will admit when he is wrong, but with Joe and his team out there it is making many of the wrong doers walk a straighter line.
4:23 He Dont Have Permission To Park There Because I Didn't Give It To Him.:) Anymore Questions?
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