The images you see above is the yard behind the Salisbury Lowes. Typically you'd see this entire storage area completely loaded and stacked high full of lumber. However, the demand is so low, Lowes and other Lumber Companies are only storing materials indoors. We were told this is the worst anyone has seen in the past 32 years.
There are signs all around us Folks, you just need to open your eyes. If lumber has dropped that low just in inventory alone, imagine just how many people are now out of work.
I have been stating for years now, it will continue to get worse before it gets better. I have also stated that we are in fact in a deep depression, while our government keeps telling everyone we're in a recession and things are about to turn.
Again, I'm sick and tired of our own government pissing on our heads and telling us its raining! I for one don't buy it. I see for sale and for rent signs everywhere, it's not getting better.
Anyone dumb enough to purchase a home in this market right now has to be absolutely desperate. I just spoke to a woman who owns a home on Mt. Hermon Road. She just received her tax bill and in the last 2 years her taxes went up $2,000.00 a year and her property value dropped 50%!
To those Democrats with their eye wide SHUT, the Tea Parties are what many consider a way out. It's a way to express yourself and not act all dumb and stupid playing follow the leader. The leaders have screwed America out of everything we stood for and very soon it will all be over. They'll finally admit we are in fact in a Depression and the fingers will be pointed at everyone else.
Many of you ask, what's the answer then Joe. I'll tell you for the 100th time, VOTE OUT EVERY INCUMBENT IN CONGRESS! Congress is out of control. It's not Bush, it's not Obama, it's CONGRESS!
Vote for people with strong successful business backgrounds, not angry people who talk the talk but have absolutely no clue how to walk the walk. If you're not a proven businessperson, get out of our way because we have a ton of work to do.
The photos do NOT lie Folks. That yard truly was packed and now it's just about empty. Open your eyes, all of you. The County isn't bringing in any money for new housing either, so you can expect tax increases to keep up with all the new luxuries, especially within the City of Salisbury. We need to look ahead right now and start cutting EVERYWHERE. I hate to say it but places like the Zoo need to be closed until we rebound. If citizens want to take care of Parks or companies want to donate their time cutting lawns, so be it. However, I'm telling you we cannot keep up at the pace we've been going. The Library, stop these people from wasting every ones time and tell them there's absolutely no way we can even consider relocating or building a new Library in the next 5 years.
Stop the spending and STOP BAILING EVERYONE OUT!
Its going to take more than that brother, my way is coming and theres nothing any of us can do to stop it.
I'm taking a "hit list" with me when I vote in 2010. Living in Delaware, there's not much to vote out. I lived in MD for 35 years though and I know you need to live in Annapolis for a shot of voting Michael Busch out and Charles County to get rid of forever Mike Miller.
It doesn't take a very smart person to look at the tenure in office of some of our elected officials to realize that maybe, just maybe, they've been there too long.
Here hear
Joe, Great post. When does the recession become the depression? As far as im concerned this is the depression. I for one will not cast my vote for any sitting members in congress or any local sitting person. Theres no one to blame but our sitting members of the conress.
We have had it. Don't want to paint a picture of depression
but that is what it is. Face facts people , I've said it before, the worse is yet to come. If you are afaid of this statement , then you have some brains left. Can goods and other items you will need would be wise to store.
You simply don't have enough economic sophistication to be taken seriously.
My Construction bidding program just updated itself; Lumber prices are falling fast. The update isn't keeping up with the local price fall. Heads up, folks, if you want to remodel or upgrade your home and have the money, prices are at rock bottom right now.
With Salisbury's homeowner's tax cap and the County's tax revenue cap, this is hard to believe:
"She just received her tax bill and in the last 2 years her taxes went up $2,000.00 a year and her property value dropped 50%"!
anonymous 3:43, let's start with this. I retired at 40 years old, YOU?
I've lived in New York City, NJ, MD, DE, San Diego, LA, Dallas and VA Beach. I have owned several successful businesses. I own 100% of ALL my properties free and clear. I own all 14 vehicles and 2 motocycles 100% free and clear. I played Professional Pool and worked with many of the Fortune 500 Companies in America. I have traveled the World and chose to retire here on the Eastern Shore. My name is Joe Albero, not anonymous and I'm man enough to make these statements in which I can back up every single one of them.
I couldn't agree more with Joe's analysis of our nations economy.
They -(government officials)- are all lying and are trying to mask the obvious. Your government is trying to 'pump and dump' a spin that the current economic condition is only temporary. What a cover-up. Any of the local building supply houses and automotive dealers will attest to Joe's conclusions.
We are definately in a Depression.
The Tea Party's are a symbolic warning to our local, state and fed. officials. At the first Tea Party people STOPPED paying taxes, and that is what it will take to make them realize we have had enough.
LOL... With all of the lumber companies that have closed in the last few years, your thinking that NOW lumber prices are at a low..
Wow, Joe, were you so preocupied by the mayor that you couldnt see right around you. When I lost my job 2 years ago, when the mill I worked at shutdown, lumber prices were terrible and the state refused to help us.
Over 100 people lost their jobs that day with no warning. We were closed on a hot thursday "Due to the heatwave" to help choptank. Then friday we go to get a paycheack and instead, get everything, vacation pay, paycheck, papers for our 401k, and the news that the mill is closing.
Keep b*thcing about the government, about the economy, about the local stores, whatever, but please, dont bother with the lumber industry. Who gives a crap about what lumber lowes or home depot has in stock this week. How about you worry about the local mills in your area that make that lumber, that these stores refuse to buy.
You still have mills in Willards, Snow Hill, Fruitland, and Linkwood. Worry about these mills and their employees, and what will happen when they cant make it anymore. More than one of them is already strugling day to day to survive.
Ill end here, because everytime I talk about it, I get pissed. Seeing that many poeple get screwed because some a**hole accountant said it looks good on paper.
I agree with your comments with the exception of home-ownership. I should state that I am a REALTOR, and know is the absolute best time for home-ownership, if you can afford it.
Prices have adjusted following several years of inflationary increases, the $8000 1st time home owner program, coupled with low interest rates have made ownership available to more financially-qualified borrowers than ever.
Combine the tax advantages with the sense of community and pride of ownership, this is what we need in our towns.
Again, buying within your financial means helps bolster our neighborhoods and stimulates the economy.
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
Depression is when you lose yours.
Recovery is when Obama loses his.
Joe, Home Depot is full of lumber, I mean it's stacked to the ceilings. Tjey don't store any wood outdoors due to the risk of theft.
Joe, being successful at operating small businesses and retiring at 40 does not make you an economist. The fact that you don't realize it is proof enough that you are not credible at predicting any economic future, or even understanding the basics of economics.
I am sure you will get pissed and flaunt some more of your acheivements, but the truth still stands that you are not an economist, micro or macro.
Retiring at 40 is very commendable though.
you dont know what your talking about, im a carpenter and buisness is fine. you need to stop being so negative
anonymous 8:25,
Well then, let me put5 it to you this way. For the past 20+ years I have been in the top 1% of income in the United States of America.
If you saw my financial portfolio, not only would you sh!t a brick, you'd respect everything I have stated here and earlier in my Post.
To the fool that tried to comment that I inherited my money, nice try JT or JR. What pisses you Idiots off the most is the fact that I did earn every penny I have ever made completely on my own, without breaking the law or stealing from taxpayers.
That's OK though, envy and jealousy are horrible things and you'll never make it as far as I have, never. It's not in you JR. You're a scumbag who feeds off little children.
Anyhow, I have more right to speak about our financial condition than most, (not all) of the people visiting this Blog. I have been perfectly right for four years and even before I created this Blog. Don't believe me, ask someone like Bob Harris and he'll tell you what I said 4 years ago.
I wasn't boasting about what I have accomplished. You asked, I delivered and there's a whole lot more I'll refrain for stating.
Now tell me where I've been wrong and stop talking all that crap. Find the Post where I made a financial statement and I was wrong. You can't, so don't even waste your time.
Remember, you can't take it with you when you die.
8:54, you're full of crap. IF you were a carpenter you would have stated your name or the business you work for. Secondly, IF YOU want others to believe your line of business is doing so great, SHOW US THE PERMITS for new Construction in the County. The County and City haven't had more than 10 new people/companies file for new building permits this year.
Nice try JT.
Knowing these facts about our current situation, I will safely assume that our local, state, and federal governments are cutting staff and terminating the many incompetant employees. Untill and unless, things will get worse.
9:14, actually they are cutting off and terminating the ones that actually get the job done because if you are a "good ol boy (or gal)" "round these parts" "ain't no one gonna touch you." It's ridiculous...
Now is a good time to buy a home,but you have to have sterling credit right now for a bank to even consider extending credit.
BTW,anyone who was not born rich & who can still afford to retire at 40 knows something about economics.
6:40, it was J.V.'s fault and not some accountants. He made choices but unfortunetly alot of others had to pay the price for his mistakes as well.
He is a really nice man face to face, but the fact that he warned no one really shows his colors. He knew for a couple of years what was coming, but all he cared about was himself and his family.
You can't imagine what its like to have been a logger and find out the news.
He's selling real estate now, I bet that has turned out really good for him too.
Very befitting to use the phrase "pump and dump". The economic growth that dried up wasn't really there to begin with. The value of stocks and real estate was driven higher and higher by speculation, not through development of resources or labor that truly added value. Somewhere along the line people forgot what it means to BUILD wealth. Easy credit got us into this mess and only time and hard work will get us out. The economy will rebuild through "honest" hard work and the development of resources, not through the shady deals of shuffling of papers.
Joe 8:54. You challenged me to prove your past predictions incorrect, so I will bring one issue into light.
Look at your posts about a year ago and find the one where you said gas wouold NEVER be as cheap as it was a few months ago EVER again. That would have been a multi trillion dollar mistake if you you would have gambled a nations economy on such a prediction.
I do respect your accomplishments and dedication, but as I said before, being an economist (especially macro) is alot different than operating a small buisness.
anonymous 9:45, prove it. I never made any such statement. No disrespect but I would have never said gas was never coming back down. There were risks of it going much higher and there were times in which I felt it was going to go over $5.00 a gallon but NEVER coming back down, that would not be a wise statement to make by anyone.
Gas should be at $ .95 cents per gallon, period. This would be a HUGE help in our economy and would quickly spark the trust of Americans that we are on our way to recovery. Democrats WANT to pay higher taxes and fuel prices. They believe gas has been too low for too long and they're Idiots.
If you want higher gas prices, deliver vehicles that get 100 mpg and again, start comforting us. Many will pay a higher price for a vehicle getter better gas mileage.
Joe, I did not say you stated that gas "would never come back down." You did state that is would never be down to the prices it was a few months ago. If I recall correctly, you stated that it would never be below $2.50 ever again. I may be slightly off on that quote, but I am close.
I am not trying to be a prick, but anyone that states they never made an incorrect "financial statment" needs a wake up call.
Sadly, Joe is right. We've had numerous conversations over the past three to four years and he always said that we were headed for a depression. I really didn't agree with him at first. I figured a recession was unavoidable but not a depression. 9.5% unemployment is a national average - I wonder what it is here. I'll bet closer to 12%. Believe me I see it. I have to admit Joe was right.
Again, I do not recall saying that and I'll await your proof of such.
Look, you and I don't talk regularly, (obviously) because if we did and we spoke about finances you'd know I'm pretty darn close to being right most of the time. No one is perfect but I can assure you I could easily do a much better job than this President, no questions asked.
I could also do a better job as Mayor of Salisbury. The big question is, why don't I run. Because I have more power right here than I would in any one of those positions.
The way I see it is this. I run my own finances without worrying about what this president does and or congress. The goal was to be in a financial position whereas no matter what decision they made, I'd be in good shape or at least way ahead of the game.
To this date I am there but you just never know what can happen tomorrow. China could bomb the crap out of us and beat us in a war we couldn't afford to keep up with. They could take everything and all would be lost. Would I freak out? Perhaps but I'm a survivor and I know what it takes to be on top again in no time.
Making money and good decisions is easy. It's where we have NO CONTROL over things that screws us all up and Obama has us headed there as well as Congress.
Don't think for a second I haven't considered selling everything and getting the hell out of this Country either, because I have. If we didn't have a Grandson to raise right now, my guess is that we would have been gone anyway by the year 2012. Many executives made that decision years ago to get out and are very happy they did so. Today, many of them are Dot Com Executives that sold out high and bolted before the bottom dropped out. It was all the rage back then.
Anyhow, I know what I'm doing. I didn't get to where I'm at today by being stupid. Again, no mortgages, just taxes. That's all we owe. It's not at all hard to live on as little as $20,000.00 a year and live pretty good when you owe no one.
If your goal is to get me to agree that I said that, I will not do so. I don't believe you're busting my chops but quite frankly you're picking on me for something pretty petty anyway.
Let me put it this way. I will never, ever "have" to work again for the rest of my entire life. I may choose to go back to work just to have something to do but I will never have to do so for financial reasons.
Joe,I'm afraid you are on the right track.Sure some busineeses are better and many people are ok. This is not a third world country.But many busines and economic leders agree with you,publisher and real estate mogul Mort Zuckerman being the lastest, When unemployment is around 10% it is a lot harder to come back. Look at the 10 years or so of badtimes we had from 1973-1983. We could never quite get out of the rut. Some respected,nonpartisan economists predict 13%. This economy need prayer and maybe drastic political changes.
Thanks Bob. You have to believe me when I say this Folks, I'm not proud to have been right. America is failing each and every one of you. I want to see everyone succeed but at the pace we're going, socialism is just around the corner and for some of us predicting the future, we're planning on packing our things and getting the hell out of here, seriously.
It's not only the fact that we'd miss our lifestyles and families or even the fact that things could come back to tyhe old days one day. It's the idea that Americans are so passive. To watch what happened on 9-11 and everyone actually believe we had no clue this was coming is just unbelievable to me. To watch those buildings crush all the way to the ground and no one wants to believe it was staged in advance. I'll remind you of the scene where our new President Bush was reading books with children in a classroom in Florida and and aid came up to him and said America is under attack and he just sat there, soaked it in and then went back to reading the book. He knew exactly what was happening because it's exactly what his Father wanted.
Nevertheless, America is nothing like it used to be and quite frankly it probably will not ever return. We all want to believe it will never change but you know what Folks, it went over the top on 9-11 and our freedom is history. Congress has screwed America so bad, Americans can't even open their eyes any more because no one wants to believe we're doomed. No one wants to believe America, (the greatest Country on earth) can fail. We failed on 9-11 and we fell for a war with people that never had a thing to do with terrorism on our soil that day. YOU knew it, America knew it, yet he was the Commander and Chief and people like Two Sentz and Chuck BELIEVE everything they hear because they're young and with all due respect, stupid. They fight Tea Parties because that's all they know. They were born and raised to DEFEND, not be street wise and survive.
I'm not bitter, I'm disappointed. I watch honorable Americans, democrats, republicans and independents getting together for a belief and these guys tear it apart. They're everything that is wrong with AMERICA. Now they're everything that is right with the new AMERICA. If that's what you want, you can have it and we will leave, like so mmany have stated in anger.
We won't leave because bullies tell us to. We'll leave because we want what a human being, an American our age was raised to believe we deserve. Anything less is slavery. You're a slave to higher taxes and socialism, I'm not.
this is the world we live in
10:40 Albero, you finally admit it was on george bushes watch , and he started the wrong war.
I bet he went and got drunk after reading to the kids.
That usless sob. mf dog s---
And he got us where we are today , and i dont give a gd how you reply.
No offense, but alot of people predicted an economic downturn. Everyone was over extending themselves...And Joe, I love the site, but why do you have to brag on yourself so much?? The site should be about providing information, not about you.
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