A group committed to establishing an international Islamic empire and reportedly linked to Al Qaeda is stepping up its Western recruitment efforts by holding its first official conference in the U.S.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda in Iraq's onetime leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It has operated discreetly in the U.S. for decades.
Now, it is coming out of the shadows and openly hosting a July 19 conference entitled, "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam," at a posh Hilton hotel in a suburb of Chicago.
GO HERE to read more.
"...at a posh Hilton hotel in a suburb of Chicago."
Imagine that,its happening in ObamaLand!
Americans better wake up!
Obama , you the man! You are the
devil himself for allowing this to
happen. What say you now , democrates?
Nuke Chicago.
Islam is a cancer that is spread though weak minds.
I think Chuck and Two Sentz are putting this on in Salisbury...
wow thats funny this same hotel is hosting a similar function for african americans who are involved in these types of groups as well.
I would be willing to bet that Obama will be the keynote speaker!
242 that WAS a joke right?
"yes it was"
too bad there wasnt a 7/19 at that location
Rev. Wright has reserved the Presidential suite!
Well all you Bush haters....you can fend for yourselves now that Obama is at the helm.
"The fall of capitalism" imagine that. Isn't that just what most have been predicting ever since Obama was elected? I guess no one in government has the nerve to stand up and oppose what is going on. I feel very sorry for the generations to come. They will surly live in a sad world with less freedoms and more poverty, thanks to Obama.
Boycott all Islamic owned business's the money only funds our own destruction.
To all good Americans, Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!!
Anonymous said...
"The fall of capitalism" imagine that. Isn't that just what most have been predicting ever since Obama was elected? I guess no one in government has the nerve to stand up and oppose what is going on. I feel very sorry for the generations to come. They will surly live in a sad world with less freedoms and more poverty, thanks to Obama.
8:02 PM
Obama is the least of our worries it is people like Chuch and Two Sentz and the majority of liberal democrats that we need to worry about. It isn't generations to come that are going to suffer it is also our generation. Please wake up America. Our forefathers are turning over in their graves right now.
That is not comforting news
Yes Chuck and Two Sentz are so narrow minded that brainwashed by the liberal media that they can't see the light.
I was just over reading the
up Chuck and No sense show
Whenever I read their missives I am reminded of the Anna Nicole Show, (God rest her soul) it's like watching a train wreck. I just can't help myself.
Why don't those guys move to San Fran or New York?
They occasionally talk about guns over there and they have even said they are pro life and pro second amendment, so at some level they pretend to be right wing extremists, but they continue to support and make excuses for the most left leaning and 2nd amendment unfriendly administrations in history.
Then when some guy or girl/wife calls them on their bs they just about screw themselves into the ceiling running off at the mouth with Daily Kos/MSNBC talking points.
It's almost like Rachel Maddow has a plastic lifesize multi inch liberal injection device "telling them" what to say.
errhhmm, I just got the visual on that, not good, where's the comet?
BOYCOTT the HIlton. Email and call their corporate offices. The only weapon we have is how we spend our dollar. PUSH BACK.
Crap, crap and more crap. Haven't you bigots got anything better to do than get wound up about nothing? Get a life.
Radical Islam is NOT NOTHING. We have a life you butthole, its called the American way of life and I will fight with every means available to protect it from the radical Islamic terrorists that want to destroy the West, especially the U.S.
2:21, you would piss yourself if confronted with a fight. Coward
Wow, what a profound and intelligent comeback 2:21!
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