Glenn Beck claims president has ‘a deep-seated hatred for white people’
NEW YORK - Fox News Channel commentator Glenn Beck said he believes President Barack Obama is a racist. Beck made the statement during a guest appearance Tuesday on the "Fox & Friends" morning show. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."
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I believe his history, associations and remarks concerning Gates, shows he has a deep seeded anger. Is it racism or just anger at what America stands for? There is something fueling his attempt to change America as we know it.
Does anyone actually take what any of these guys (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity) say seriously? They are ENTERTAINERS! Their success is based on RATINGS, not hard hitting factual journalism. Which means they are motivated to say and do things that will get them attention. I am entertained by these guys (I love to argue back at the t.v. or the radio) but taking these guys seriously would be like telling my 8 year old niece to let rapper 50 cent teach her how a real lady is supposed to act.
Yes a lot of people do or they wouldn't be so successful. They ask the questions the state run media won't.
Disgusting comment.
Glenn Beck is explaining his comments now, on the radio. This part will not be picked up by the mainstream media.
Wake up 9:27! You have to be blind not to see what's going on. You can't tell me that someone goes to a church for 20 years and doesn't have the same views as the others in the church. The guys you mentioned are trying to open the eyes of all the blind in America before it is to late.
Who does this surprise? Read his autobiography, for goodness sake. You can find his racism right there!
it seems to me libs take their entertainers pretty seriously, rather religiously as a matter of fact... regardless, Beck is correct. The Kenyan Jackall is a white hater, and a black hater, go figure that one out.
what America stands for?
What did they stand for until the 1960's?
Slavery, Jim Crowe, "Seperate but Equal". Are you proud of that?
Obama is an angry racist who sees everything in terms of race. listen to his statments, look at his policies.
"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people....I'm just saying he's a racist"
Makes a lot of sense, Glenn.
I'm not saying that Glenn Beck is a misguided, dangerously unstable, quasi-female nincompoop. What I am saying is that there's a chance he may have similarities with someone who is.
Sat in that church all those listening to Rev.Wright and not be a racist?
BS 9:27 AM - I agree 100 percent with Beck and with 9:18 AM.
9:27 (I love to argue back at the t.v. or the radio)
Ha Ha, is this how liberals choose to debate. They know they will always win because they always get the last word.
I'm actually listening to Beck now. Yes, they are entertainers but how can you say they are not hard hitting FACTUAL journalism? They guys are not opinionated like The View. Beck and Rush have facts that support every statement they make.
Rev.Wright preached racism and Michell and Obama supported his church that speaks for itself.
It doesn't matter. America wants a black man in office
Question...if a white man goes to a Klu Klux Klan church for 20 years is he a racist? Now all you osama a** kissers are shouting yes right now, right? So please explain why osama isn't a racist when he went to a racist church for 20 years! I'm waiting for your answer.
This is 9:27am.
If you guys are really depending on these guys for your news, no wonder the American public is so easily duped, whether you are a dem. or rep. No wonder so many of you think Joe's 8:55 am post is true. No wonder so many of you still think the pres. is a foreign-born muslim. If you wonder why politicians don't do what's good for the country and simply play up to their respective base, look no further than yourselves!
The democrat party has been the most divisive group in American history. Can they keep racism alive any
longer ?They have divided Americans up in small groups that hate each other and even create little names for each group all with the help of the media.
And for folks like C. Lewis, please look at 10:25 am comment. I love this country.It has afforded me the opportunity to be successful and live out my dreams. My brother, father, and grandfather have all fought for this country. But I have always been taught to stand for the truth. While America has done great things, as a country the U.S. has done some terrible things. We are no better or worse than anyone else so stop all this "America is the world's angel" propaganda crap. It clouds your minds from the true facts and keeps us from addressing the root of the issues effecting the country and the world.
-9:27 am
"Does anyone actually take what any of these guys (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity) say seriously? They are ENTERTAINERS! Their success is based on RATINGS, not hard hitting factual journalism. Which means they are motivated to say and do things that will get them attention. I am entertained by these guys (I love to argue back at the t.v. or the radio) but taking these guys seriously would be like telling my 8 year old niece to let rapper 50 cent teach her how a real lady is supposed to act."
The entertainment part is the manor in which they report news with facts to back it up. If you haven't realized this, you haven't been listening to them but instead listening only to their naysayers.
I com=mend your family for serving. I have several members of my family having served, are serving or have retired from the Military.
"America has done terrible things." That is too simplistic and misses the point. Have we not attempted fixed our mistakes.
In the 1960's that was individuals, that was democrats trying to keep the races seperated.
As Rush says, that was a teachable moment in our history and once again we learned our liesson. unfortunately today, amny individuals in this country have not, and continue blaming America for their problems instead of taking personal responsibility.
So Mr. Lewis is wrong to love this country? We are all wrong to love this country and the freedoms we have enjoyed up until now? there are always bad and evil people in every culture and every country. that does not make the country or culture evil and bad per say.
You people want him to be racist because you believe that is will some way validate and excuse your own racism. You want him to be racist so you can stop pretending you hate him for his politics. You want to be able to openly say you hate him because he is a black president and you don't believe any black man can be a better president than his white counterpart.
anonymous 12:48, what a load of crap!
Who is the racist?
Rev. Wright was looking for his 10min of fame. And i already know somebody will call me a lib and try to distort my comment by piling more bs on top of it until my point is lost. The problem is people like you want to label everything and use any diversion tactic you can pull in a conversation in order for you to feel like you are right. .... regardless of what happens. The simple fact is the leaders of the republican party, the Bush family, and Dick Cheney, and people like this are simply evil. The want nothing more than for them and those they associate with to become richer and more powerful regardless of those who suffer for it. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. It boils down to simple right and wrong, good and bad.
Your an idiot , he's a racist and he proved it on national TV.
Also ,his wife is a racist . He is a muslim with radical beliefs and should not even be allowed in this country.
US media is clearly biased either to the left or the right and they feed of each other for ratings.
Fox News is clearly way to the right. CNN is leaning towards the left. Same with major newspapers.
If you want unbiased info, try BBC or the Economist.
Thank you
12:40, Get a clue, they editorialize. No knock against them. But YOU obviously believe they are giving you an objective opinion based on ALL the facts. Ever heard "there are two sides to every story"?
C.L.:"Have we not attempted to fix our mistakes?"
Thats of little solace to those who have lost their lives due to American mistakes. Again, my point is not to bash the US, I love my country. But just as any spouse will tell you, loving someone is not the same as always agreeing with what that person does.
JT, are you that obsessed with me that you can't stay away from Salisbury News, or a place you're not welcome. I have kept my promise and I have not been to your worthless blog in three months now. Try it JT, stay away from Salisbury News and see if you don't feel as good as I do staying away from your pitiful site. God has already punished you enough, wouldn't you agree JT.
12:46 pm, I'm sure that if you reread my comment, you'll see that I too love my country. Love means that you accept someone/something for all of it's good AND bad traits. I bask in the glow of the good but work to polish and repair the bad. Too many Rep. only want to bask in the good, too many dems. want always want to focus on the bad.
Still waiting on reasons that show osama's not a racist when he went to a racist church while a white man would be called a racist for doing the same thing.
That's what I detest about you liberal morons, talk all kinds of trash but can NEVER give a reason to back up what you say! That's exactly why you were the little dweebs in school who sat home in front of the TV on Saturday nights because you couldn't get a date...now you hide in front of a computer screen STILL too dorky to know what a woman is!! You guys are hilarious which is why you'll never be taken serious or do anything with your life but hide from the world in your cowardly ways!!!
The three quotes Glenn Beck provided on his radio show today, which were recordings of Mr Obama himself, were some of the most racist comments Ive heard any public official speak. Turn them around and think about what would have happened to Bush, or any white official, if they had made the same comments.
2:29,I see alot of whites in the Obama admin. Most of his advisors are white. His mother is white as well as his maternal grandparents.
Def. of racist: a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
Can you tell me how/what the Pres. has done to fit into this definition? Last I checked, I never heard him say black people are better than whites. In fact, within this post I mostly hear white people talking about how hard THEY work and sacrifice and that most black people just feed off of the system. Hmmmmmm
I know that whites don't like being blamed for things that happened before they were born, and they shouldn't. But you also can't white wash the history books or deny certain things that continue today just as blacks cannot deny how race relations have improved.
No way these guys say what they say just to get you to watch/listen. What, do you think they actually want to make money with their job? Their jobs are to educate the public, not sell advertising.
Boy, sounds like many of you conserv. up here are chugging Kool Aid right beside the left-wing loonies
-9:27 am
Listened to the Beck show clips from today. Yes, this guy is definetly doing a great job of hyping up the media (and the listeners). You are definetly not getting any kind of REAL truth from this guy. You need waders to get through all of the BS he's talking. Enjoy his show but take it with a whole jug of salt.
we shoulda picked our own cotton
Mr/Ms 9:27 AM - why don't you answer Mr/Ms 11:27 AM???
9:27 am
. . . if you depend on these guys for your news . . .
Great point. I get the news from several sources on the internet I have come to enjoy. There, I always have the opportunity to click on the link provided to back up the comment being made. I believe the main stream media is totally corrupt. Yes, corrupt. It is controlled by the same people who control our elected officials - big money banking.
For example, if I relied upon the Daily Times for information about the Tilgman Administration for the past several years, I would have been ill informed. I would have formed opinions etc based on mis-information.
The blogs provide a chance for honest news again. It also provides an arena where each of us can participate and affect the picture of the subject matter. I have come to enjoy getting info from this blog. I specially like reading the comments of my fellow citizens.
Obama said he was going to improve race relatiions. Look at his recent comment and tell me how this fits his campaign promise / pledge. His comment was definitely a racist based comment. To say he is not a racist is not based on his policies, actions and statements. He pushes affirmative action instead of instituting policies that is based on individuals qualifications. That is racism no matter how you twist your words.
Racist,I dont know but he has some Seperatist inclinations.
Funny how the cops report does not match the 911 tape.
To 3:00, you STILL didn't answer the question about osama attending a racist church and WHY that doesn't make him a racist...just as I knew you would, you avoiding that question like the plaque! 20 years listening to racist ramblings, if he didn't believe those ramblings he would have left about...19 years & 364 days before he did, the same as a white man would have been asked to do.
Why are there whites on his staff? Because he knew he wouldn't get anything without using them. Isn't that the way it is now, use whites to give them freebies?
NOW...do any of you liberal pinheads have an intelligent reason why he's not a racist???
This is exactly what the democrats want to pit the whites and blacks against each other.
I dislike Obama not because he is black as you say, but because his agenda is to ruin our country and have total government control. As I am fifty years old I remember us being a great country that no other country would mess with. Why because we fought for our freedoms and gave our lives so our children could be free. Now we are giving up our freedoms daily just by sitting back and letting Obama make us believe we are so stupid we can't do anything for ourselves so we have to depend on the government to make our decisions for us. This is Obamas mentality.
And all you have to do is take your big head out of the sand and look at what he is doing and how fast he is doing it. So now how do you like your change. Because when Obama gets through with you the only real change you will have is the little bit of change left in your pocket. Because the rest of your paycheck will go for taxes. Yes bailouts, health care and what else he can think of. So how is that working for you now.
Typical white person.
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