Joe, I was just looking at the pictures of the MVC friday night on Mt. Hermon Rd. How thankful I am that these brave men & women stood out in that bad thunder storm & hail to save the lives of those trapped. I can't help but think back to friday night sitting in my car waiting for the storm to pass so that I could go into a restaurant to eat while these brave men and women went out to help those in need. I am very thankful for each and everyone of them. God bless them for their work.
Editors Note: AMEN BROTHER!
Joe -
You won't have the (you know what) to post this and comment back, but YOU have said before that they are NOT hero's!
anonymous 1:39, ROTFLMAO! Because someone gets out in the rain and directs traffic, YOU call them a Hero! That's just too funny! Jonathan, you crack me up.
Hero: someone who permits his hair and clothing to get totally soaked while in the noble process of saving another person's dignity.
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