The following is from an article entitled "David Letterman, Rev. Wright, and Thoughts on a Creepy Culture"
by Victor Davis Hanson
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The metrosexual, hip David Letterman offered an apology I think that essentially was something along the following lines. Here’s my paraphrase: ‘Sorry, I confused the 14-year-old Willow Palin with the 18-year-old Bristol Palin, so I was wrong for suggesting the younger Palin girl would be “knocked up” during a baseball game by Alex Rodriguez, or draw in Eliot Spitzer for sex, when I really meant that Bristol certainly would.” (Note the silence about calling Governor Palin “slutty” looking. So if some right-wing nut says that Michelle Obama is “slutty” looking, are we to expect no consequences?)
What it is about Sarah Palin that drives the Left insane? Her charisma? Her authentic blue-collar roots? The accent? Todd? The pregnancies? The ability to galvanize crowds? Joe Biden tried to fake his working class origins, but Palin seems to live, not romanticize, the life of the middle strata, so would not the Left appreciate someone from the non-elite?
I suggest two reasons for the fury of the aristocratic Left. One was Palin’s stance on abortion. In the elite feminist mind, the perfect storm would be for a 40ish career woman, on the upswing of her cursus honorum, getting pregnant and, then, heaven forbid, delivering the child with full fore-knowledge of chromosomal abnormality. Or having her 17-year old come to full term with a child, unmarried, and without money?
The Shadow of Abortion
For most upscale, educated liberals, a daughter’s future career is ruined by pregnancy, and abortion is often the answer. Second, Todd Palin, the Palin accent, the Wasilla connection, the whole notion of Alaska, all this conjured up the elite liberal notion of “trailer trash” — and we all know from Obama’s clingers speech, that the white Christian working class is the last group in America that can be caricatured and slurred with impunity. To the liberal urban elite, poor “whites” are those responsible for racism and other sins associated with the dominant culture, and thus by association taint the white aristocracy unfairly.
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Smug, hip David Letterman offered a smirky non-apology about his ongoing class and sexist slurs against the Palins, his apparent social inferiors.
“We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter, the 18-year-old girl, who is — her name is Bristol, that’s right, and so, then, now they’re upset with me . . .”
“These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl. I mean, look at my record. It has never happened. I don’t think it’s funny. I would never think it was funny. I wouldn’t put it in a joke…”
Examine the logic. First, Letterman makes a gutter joke about Palin and her unnamed 14-year-old daughter attending a NY Yankees game. Then when a bit of outrage follows, he apparently claims he really meant to slur the other 18-year-old daughter who, back in Alaska, of course did not attend the game but was not named by Letterman. That would be okay, you see.
Second, then he evokes the now common straw man “they” who are apparently “upset” with him, hoping to play the victim card. Then he dribbles out something about his “last show” as if we are to weep that some mob is out to silence him. (But the reason he picked the Palins, and not the Obamas, Gores, Bidens, or Kerrys, was precisely because he knew it would not equate to his “last show”).
Third, he strangely amplifies his joke by confessing it really was about “raping” and “having sex of any description,” but just not with a “14-year-old girl,” suggesting it would have been okay had he just been more explicit and named Bristol, the 18-year-old. In Letterman’s world, because Bristol is 18, she is a year past most statuary rape clauses and thus the joke would have only been about “raping or having sex of any description with a [18-year-old] girl.”
Nothing offered about his slurs against airline attendants and Governor Palin herself, when he sneered that she had a “slutty flight-attendant look,” or his remark that Palin “was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter.” Indeed, he seemed to boast that he was proud of his ’slutty’ joke, as if hard-working flight attendants really do look slutty (they don’t to me), or that Palin looks slutty (she doesn’t to me).
The self-serving, creepy apology was as bad as the initial slur. Letterman is emblematic of an aging, baby-boomer culture, that dresses up street vulgarity with a tie and coat. The only thing that saves him is his care to do this with the Palins from Alaska who don’t figure into the usual no-go race/class/gender paradigm.
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I really lost a lot of respect for Letterman. I bet the joke writer that wrote that is long since been fired. It was Letterman's choice to tell it and it hit the fan like the bag of dung that it was.
Leave candidates children out of it! It was also beneath him to call Palin a "slutty flight attendent." I wonder how he'd feel if people talked about his wife and son Harry like that? He's in the public spotlight, he's fair game.
Bulls-eye. That man is a disgrace.
This post is common drivel. Who really cares what Sara Palin thnks of feels? She is an idiot podunk redneck without polish or intelligence. Her last 15 minutes of fame will be on the centerfold of Playboy's annual MILF edition. Nuff said.
I will not watch Letterman anymore. Not just because of the Palin flap, but he pulls so far to the left now that he isn't funny anymore. I want to watch him and laugh at everyone, not watch him grill republicans.
"Common drivel" unless the female and the family being attacked were, say, a liberal female and her family? Double-standards abound by the fair, open-minded and accepting left.
While not a fan of Sarah Palin, I can see no reason to refer to her as slutty-looking. She's very attractive and looks squeaky-clean to me. Letterman's "jokes" were uncalled for, especially when he dragged her children into it. He was completely out of line. But I think everyone knows my opinion about dragging someone's family through the mud by now.
And hey, 9:05----you must find something you like about her since you refer to her a a MILF.
9:20 I stopped watching years ago. The egomaniac, self absorbed people of the media/entertainment sector are totally worthless as legitament viewing material.
Address complaints to CBS and the sponsors of his show. It's time for Letterman to retire, he is out of touch with reality.
No one can deny that Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman. To call her slutty looking is just totally inaccurate and makes anything Letterman says irrelavant. There has to be some truth in a joke to make it funny and nothing about Palin is true.
9:38 during the campaign someone said she reminded them of the "naughty librarian" with her hairstyle and dress. I did not take offense to that because, truthfully, I agreed with it. I say that in a lustful way because to me, with or without the politics, she is still ALL woman. She would definately raise my bloodpressure - lol.
It's a joke people. But whats a bigger joke is that the
Republican party is pinning their hopes on this woman. We fiscal conservatives have lost the party to the radical right and will continue to lose elections because the party has been hijacked.
Anon 9:05,
You left wing fans are the ones who won't let go of Palin. Maybe if everyone would leave her & her family alone she would dissappear. Who gives a rap about Letterman and his distasteful jokes.
Left wings are wimps who choose to put down the right wings at their convenience and then when right wings are wrong for making a come back.
anon 9:05
She has more class in her little toe than you have in your whole body. Speaking of her bring in playboy if she were to appear it would be right after Michelle Obama and Sasha and Malia apppeared in playboy. I bet you dont like that because it was said about the chosen ones America hating wife.
Sounds like true Republicans to me.
The hang on every word and try to make it out to be something other than it was when it was said.
I'm not a Democrat but I'm sick and tired of the Republican party being so "self-righteous" and "two-faced".
The Republican party is NOTHING like it was when I was growing up, nothing!
First, how is Letterman a "metrosexual?" That is totally bizarre. His socks don't match his pants.
Second, Sarah Palin is a big crybaby. She should take responsibility for exposing her family to scrutiny. She chose to run for vp knowing her 17 year old daughter was pregnant. Pretty selfish.
Third, when you have a trainwreck of a family, perhaps you should not run on a family values ticket.
Fourth, she proved herself to be incredibly ignorant during the campaign, not close to worthy of being a vp.
Fifth, all you Palin defenders out there seem to think she is awesome because she is "just like me!" Guess what--you shouldn't be vice president either. That doesn't mean you aren't good people, that you aren't good at the jobs that you currently hold, or that you aren't good parents. It means you should not be the next president of the United States. Really, you should not be, and neither should she. And neither should I. You better be the best of the best America has to offer. She may be a nice person (a huge hypocrite, but perhaps nice), but the thought of Palin negotiating with political leaders makes me want to puke.
If you don't like what you see or hear on tv, change the channel. If this (admittedly poor taste)remark had been made, heard by whoever was listening at the time, and ignored, this whole thing would have been long forgotten. Now, thanks to the publicity hog Palin millions of people have heard the remark and the inane things she's said since about the remark.
Let it go. I didn't care then, and I really don't care now. About either of them.
Amen 9:05! Can you imagine if she was the VP right now? God help us!
Should Dave have called out her children? Absolutely NOT! Will I stop watching him? Nope!
(met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
—metrosexuality n.
9:05 --
And you could not hold a candle to Gov. Palin in a debate or a moose hunt.
PS -- we don't care what you think, bozo!
Leno made a similar joke during the election, why no outrage over that. He was mistaken on the daughter who attended the game and has since apologized. Get over it, or you could join the protesters outside his studio. By last count there were 15 strong. That is sending a message! Palin is a joke, and uses her kids as props. What is with the oldest one now talking about abstinence? Any talk of her in 2012 is ridiculous.
I personally stopped watching late night talk shows since Johnny Carson retired. There has been nobody to date that has filled his shoes.
the man did nothing wrong, I am a republican, but lets face it, She is not what the party needs, She is just trying to squeeze out that extra publicity
I wonder if all the Palin haters that are defending Letterman would consider it 'just humor' or 'a dumb joke' if the girl he was talking about being 'knocked up' had been one of the Obama children? How about the Clinton's daughter?
Sarah's so hot I even think they've made several adult movies with a Palin theme. One, I believe, is called "Nailin' Palin." The woman is a stud and the Democrats are just pissed they have Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton as their poster girls.
Guys...this is the only way the left can talk bad about Sarah Palin. They will call her a cheater, white trash, slutty, unethical (Remember she had the policeman fired), and talk about her children, etc.. But they can't talk bad about her policies or political experience because she is more qualified then the loser in the white house now. More people are worried about how cool a president is... The large majority of people who like Obama know nothing about his past experience and policies. They know he can play basketball, he can kill a fly, Michelle has great arms, and they got a new cute dog that was "saved". Thats it... ask around. The other majority are just uniformed wackos who will believe anything....
Has anyone heard that the ethic charges against Mrs. Palin and the cop were dropped because they didn't find anything that she did wrong? Of course not...
12:40 Palin was recently cleared of all 14 ethics charges that were lodged against her. While the main stream media covered the hell out of they story when she was initially charged, how many networks have you heard mention that she was cleared? Obama is snubbing Fox News because he thinks they've been unfair to him and his adminstration. With all the other networks tickling Obama's do-dads while he's walking on water, I'm glad there's at least one network not playing cheerleader 24/7.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "The demise of David Letterman." The Right sure doesn't know when to bail on a lost cause. Palin is a moron. Drop her. You've got some authentic winners in your group. Lift them up.
12:35 don't forget Ruth Bader Ginsburg and our own Barbara Mikulski - haaaaa, haaaaa.
Lettermans son was born before he and his current wife were married so before he takes shots at the unwed mother Bristol,he should take a moment to reflect.What a double standard!Its Ok for rich old men to do it I guess.People in glass houses.......
The left are jealous... They have Pelosi and Clinton..... I just threw up in my mouth
So, it's ok to joke about knocking up a 14 yr old or even an 18 yr old, because her mom is in the spotlight? Is that what all the Letterman defenders on this thread are trying to say? Well, they're wrong. Sarah Palin wasn't upset about the jokes about her, she didn't even mention them but it's not ok to talk about her kids, even if the new mom Bristol did turn 18, or Obama's kids.
As for politics, I wish Sarah Palin had run for President, she is more qualified than McCain, Biden and Obama. But she isn't VP so stop trashing her.
Yeah... okay guys. The right wing has lost its mind.
Was Letterman's long-time girlfriend (more than 15 years) 17 years old at the time? Nope. Was his mother running for vp on a "family values" ticket? No. Your comparison is silly.
How was that big wedding the Palins promised? Oh, that's right, It didn't happen. I never would have seen that coming! But I'm sure Levi and his meth-mom will "write" a book soon, narrowly beating out Bristol's book. Can you imagine what would have happened had Palin managed to win? Total nightmare.
Very, very, similar jokes were made on SNL and Jay Leno's show and Palin actually appeared on these shows afterward. I know Dave can be acerbic at times but it seems that this "outrage" is more a ploy to keep people talking about her and further divide people over a NON-ISSUE instead of talking about real issues.
Let me speak for the new silent majority: There's a (ridiculous) war or two going on....unemployment is at its highest in 26 years...North Korea may be ready to launch a nuclear attack: I don't give one sh-- about David Letterman or Sarah Palin. Grow up you brainless hillbillies.
I'm not sure what planet you people are on, but Letterman was never funny.
Sometimes I find Letterman funny, sometimes not. The joke was horribly tasteless. He apologized in a very full way.
Palin, on the other, had no problem calling more than half of America "unAmerican" and deprived raped women of rape kits for ID and prosecution of the rapists.
I think I know which of those things is the greater offense.
Sarah Palin is a hypocrite who criticizes other women as "whiners," but when she experiences the same thing, she's the first to cry SEXIST!
She's a woman who never grew past the "pay attention to meeeeee" mentality of her beauty pageants.
And as Tundra Tom said, we've got more important things to worry about than Sarah Palin and David Lettermen. This media "crisis" just feeds their self-absorption.
I stopped watching Letterman years ago and actually e-mailed CBS numerous times demanding he be fired...there was no response of course.
All you Palin haters...all I can do is laugh at you all. Try taking a look at Alaska's economy...we only wish the rest of the country would be run as well!
"Don't Blame Me...I Voted For Palin!"
Letterman is a loser.
He wanted an public apology from Mccain for postponing his appearance on his show, and told his audience that "everyone knows the road to the white house goes through me."
He thinks that he is that powerful and anything he says the liberal New Yorkers will back him. He annoys me and his jokes suck!!!
Letterman is totally tasteless, angry and bitter. It's time for poor Dave to go. This was a premeditated attack on conservative women, young girls and flight attendants. Advertisers are dropping his show. Johnson & Johnson, Old Navy, Kelloggs to name a few. See the entire list at www.firedavidletterman.com.
sucker of the week goes to David Letterman for his SNOTTY remarks about Gov. Palin dressing "like a slutty flight attendant" & keeping "her daughter away from (FORMER) gov. Spitzer while she & her family were in NY for a charitable function. Flight attendants, at least, should be up at arms, Not to mention the charity he could learn from the Alaska Gov. Personally, I find it refreshing to see a woman in a skirt & high "hills"(she says) & no breasts exposed for the camera. The tasteful dress of Mrs. Palin sure beats the "sisterhood of the traveling pants suits" look, to use her own words.
It amazes me that flight attendants and A-Rod have not expressed some disdain for Letterman. Although rumor has it that A-Rod was insulted by the associative remarks dealing with a 14 year old, and was heard to say that as soon as he could tear away from Madonna, he was going to twist Letterman's head off and jam it where the sum does not shine.
Boy, when you make jokes like these, you never know where the ripples will end!
I am utterly amazed at the Dave defenders here making this about Sarah Palin and the Republican party.
It has nothing to do with either and EVERYTHING to do with a 62 year old national TV host making an utterly disgusting "joke" about a teenage girl. And it matter not whether he was "mistaken" about which daughter was at the game.Neither should be embarrassed in that fashion because Hollywood hipsters don't like thier mother.
Don'l like Sarah...fine...make HER the target not her children
Defense of this malisciousness is almost as disgusting as the "joke " itself.
Grow up.
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