Hi Joe,
This is a photo of a dog that was hit by a car last night on Jersey Rd. We took the dog to Pets ER and he has a broken femur and a broken pelvis. We are keeping him as comfortable as we can but owner must contact us before the end of the day. I am hoping someone will see him on your blog and recognize him. He is unneutered and was running with another dog. He was hit last night about 10:00. Thanks for you help with this.
Folks, if we do not find the owners of this dog today, the Humane Society will have no choice but to put this animal down. If you recognize this animal, please let us know right away. Humane Society 410-749-7603
His poor little monkey face looks sad.........
Please tell me they're not going to hold off on operating until they know they have someone to pay for it. Please tell me that's not what's going on here.
The expense to operate on this animal is far too great for the Humane Society to handle. The animal has been heavily sedated for the time being but if they cannot find the owner they will not continue doing so and will have no choice but to put the animal down.
As ALL of you know, Jennifer and I are true animal lovers. However, there comes a time when you have to look at the expense and what kind of life it will bring to the animal after the surgery. If it were my choice, depending on how old the animal is, the expense of fixing this dogs leg will be well over $1,000.00 and he probably won't have normal use of the leg after. My feelings would weigh more towards putting the animal down, I'm sorry to say. Arthritis will set in and things will only get worse. It's a reality every pet owner has to face.
No tags on Jersey Road. I'm sure his owners dont have the money to pay for the surgery. If they cared more about their pets, they would not be running loose and would have a tag incase he accidently got out.
This post ruined my day. I feel so awful for that little guy. He is probably better off being put sleep. A responsible owner who gave their dog a good life, wouldn't have let the dog roam free at 10 with no tags. And if it accidentally got out, they would have already contacted the Humane Society hoping someone had turned him in.
Somebody please help this dog! I am willing to donate $100 to his care.
If others will step up I will contact Joe to make arrangements for donation for care.
i can help. this breaks my heart. i can't donate much but i will defintely give what i can.
I would donate money too. Maybe even add him to my other "discards". One of my dogs was hit by a car (before I adopted him) and he has a great quality of life. You can only tell he has leg trouble when he runs too much, then he limps at night.
I will donate $25.00 if others are willing to help this poor thing and give it the life it should have had to beging with. Come on people every little bit helps!
By the looks of his coat and weight, he isn't malnurished, thats for sure.
I can't afford but $10, but I'm sure willing to kick it in. How can anyone not be touched by that poor face?
Everyone please do what you can. No amount is too small, right Joe?
Count me in for $25.00! That poor baby needs help and looks so sad.
perhaps as some form of penance for their disgusting decade long conduct the outgoing {in just a few short, sweet hours now} administration should kick in the rest of that campaign money that was wasted supporting bo-bo the chimp. At least this animal has a chance.
Joe..what do you think. Can you talk with Linda...it sounds like we may have a home for this pup from CSJ and some funding has started too. Maybe a vet would donate care?
Are there any updates to this? What's the status?
I thought the Humane Society had a special fund set up for cases like this? I would be glad to donate toward his care if I could be assured that it would be used for him.
I would encourage everyone who wants to help to call the shelter.
They have vets that give care at their wellness clinic at a fraction of the cost to the public. If they want to help this animal they have the resources to do so.
Allow me to clear the air here with everyone.
The main reason the Humane Society is desperately trying to get a hold of the owner is because of this dogs temperment.
If the owner is willing to claim their dog and pay to have it healed, that's one thing. However, if the owner does not step forward by the end of the day they will have no choice but to put it down, it's suffering right now. Mind you, they have him sedated but it's vital they find the owners and they chose Salisbury News to reach out and hopefully find them.
What do you mean by temperment? Is he mean? Do you think that may be because his pelvis and femur is broken? That would make me unhappy too. You need to be more specific as to what you are telling us about this dog.
VA Transplant,
Do I look like your servant? Go down to the Humane Society and get your answers for yourself. No matter what I say it's not good enough. So do something about it if you'd like. I'm in the middle of an election right now and I've given my best answers.
VA Transplant,
Injuries rarely turn a nice dog into a mean one. Imediatly after an injury, "fight or flight" response can affect them, but it appears to not be the case.
That dog is more than likely a nasty dog on its best days.
So it should not be allowed a second chance?
Just put it down..thats basically what we are all being told.
Hey it's not the dogs fault at all... people are the ones who make dogs that way ...if indeed that is what I'm hearing here. If that is the case then yes I would agree with the decission to put him down!if the owners do not come fwd you would not want a dog that has been taught to bite anyone that it sees. protecting you is one thing but this could be another
Looks a lot like sean thomas' dog Samson who was out on middle blvd. where he lives last nite about 5:30 pm. A very big, but very gentle male un neutered dog. could be he was out "gallin'", it''s that time of year.
No, it isn't Sampson...i called, he's home...too bad. hope his "parents" can be found.
So should we assume this pup didn't make it at this point??
I spoke with the Humane Society director. Unfortunately this dog had to be euthanized. They spoke with several veterinarians and due to the grave damage to the dog's nerves in it's hips, it NEVER would have mad a complete recovery and more than likely would not regain the ability to walk. In addition the surgical costs were estimated to be $3,000-$5,000.
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