While we should expect this from individuals like Mr. Taylor, going after someone's kid is low even for the likes of Jonathan and his sleazy pals. This is particularly so AFTER Taylor promised to stop attacks on Mayor-elect Jim Ireton and re-elected councilwoman Campbell.
I have been thinking today about what direction I want to go in now that the election is over. I have finally made my decision. I will no longer make any more personal attacks on Jim Ireton or Debbie Campbell, I will reserve those for Joey only.That was on Wednesday. I can only conclude that in the sub-70 IQ world of Jonathan Taylor "I will no longer" means "I won't do it NOW". On Thursday, the chief scribe of the Comegys, Boda, and Shields ticket was going after Campbell's husband Bill and their son Billy. Bad move Jonathan. Billy Campbell may just be the smartest person you've ever been in a room with.
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I think it's time we went to "shun" mode on this person. As far as I'm concerned, he no longer exists.
"Perhaps he wouldn’t have turned out to be such a schmuck."
You missed it by a degree. He's a putz. Use both definitions.
I read JT blog once threw up and decided that was the most vile and mean spirited writing I have ever seen.
Now that GA is upset the world is upset. I have not read the blog, but I trust what he says and that information.
Debbie and her family are being used by this slime bag, I think that it is time for the citizenry to shut JT down. There are persons who have some experience with getting the slime to quit blogging, happened before right?
The press is free, opinion is opinion but green slime is in a different category. Ok, we can discourage JT. That is unless his pay check is written by person(s) who have very deep pockets which have been lined by the current Mayor. Then, we will have some recourse, it just a matter of time.
Please post this dirtball's address so we can have a "meet & greet". The Council meeting room is not the proper venue for what he deserves to be told loud & clear.
His statement about no longer being nasty is about as valid as him resisting yet another Twinkie. Bring on that massive! Can you super size that?
This jerk can thank those who recruited him -- Bubba, Barrie and Louweasel -- for the future hell that's coming his way.
Please ask Andy Harris to contact the Social Security fraud office about this guy (after the General Assembly session ends in a few days).
Someone is already asking Frank Kratovil to do the same.
GA your hopes of Jonathan keeping his word is....hopeless. A person is only as good as his word. I guess no one ever taught Jonathan this one very important life lesson. He has proven time and again, he is as valid as his word. Whatever comes his way will be well deserved. He has delusions of the ex mare, chief of police and the FOB's protecting him. They protect one thing only and that is their own asses. He is quite expendable, I guess they didn't tell him that when he went begging to be a part of their team.
Politics is one thing but hateful and derogatery remarks about ones opponents family is below the belt.I find it particularly offensive to involve children and grandchildren. A definate line was crossed last night with the remarks about Jennifer and Gavin on another local blog; this kind of thing must stop.
I bet that the slumlords have already kicked fat boy to the curb. His usefulness has bottomed out and will lead people to shun from his association now.
He's slimed them all WaaaHahahahahaa
GA, this guy is scary and fits the profile of a pedophie. See below.
Profile of a Pedophile
By Charles Montaldo
Pedophiles can be anyone -- old or young, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, non-professional or professional, and of any race. However, pedophiles often demonstrate similar characteristics, but these are merely indicators and it should not be assumed that individuals with these characteristics are pedophiles. But knowledge of these characteristics coupled with questionable behavior can be used as an alert that someone may be a pedophile.
Characteristics of a Pedophile :
Often the pedophile is male and over 30 years of age.
Single or with few friends in his age group.
If married, the relationship is more "companion" based with no sexual relations.
He is often vague about time gaps in employment which may indicate a loss in employment for questionable reasons or possible past incarceration.
Pedophiles Like Child-like Activities:
He is often fascinated with children and child activities appearing to prefer those activities to adult oriented activities.
He will often refer to children in pure or angelic terms using descriptives like innocent, heavenly, divine, pure, and other words that describe children but seem inappropriate and exaggerated.
He has hobbies that are child-like such as collecting popular expensive toys, keeping reptiles or exotic pets, or building plane and car models.
Does Salisbury News really want to keep highlighting this guy's blog??
Remember the old saying: Be careful how you choose your public enemies. You'll be perceived as equals.
G.A., you got your timeline wrong man. It took this p.o.s. less than 3 hours to go back on his promise of civilty.
If anyone sees this fat slob loitering or parked in this pickup truck -- someone please post the make and color -- near the corner of Camden Ave. & South Blvd., please call the the Sheriff's Dept. immediately, then the SPD.
See the comment "Profile of a Pedophile" above!
I think I've made my feelings pretty clear about people who attack an innocent child. They are lower than pond scum.
Hey, Jonathan, wanna get out of that wheelchair and walk? Here's an exercise for you: sit at dinner table, extend arms, and PUSH AWAY FROM THE TABLE!!!!!
Every time I see this mans picture all that comes to mind is The Austion Powers movie. "Get in my bell"
HOLY CRAP! subway failed in a big way
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