
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - President Barack Obama chose an Arabic satellite TV network for his first formal television interview as president, part of a concerted effort to repair relations with the Muslim world that were damaged under the previous administration.
Obama cited his Muslim background and relatives, practically a taboo issue during the U.S. presidential campaign, and said in the interview, which aired Tuesday, that one of his main tasks was to communicate to Muslims "that the Americans are not your enemy."
The interview on the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel aired as Obama's new envoy to the region, former Sen. George J. Mitchell, arrived in Egypt on Tuesday for a visit that will also take him to Israel, the West Bank, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Obama said the U.S. had made mistakes in the past but "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that."
Obama condemned Iran's threats against Israel, pursuit of nuclear weapons and support of terrorist organizations, but said "it is important for us to be willing to talk to Iran, to express very clearly where our differences are, but where there are potential avenues for progress."
In contrast to the enthusiastic reception Obama's victory has garnered around the world, the Arab world has been much more cautious about the new U.S. president—with most people skeptical that American policy in the region will change substantially.
Obama's choice of Al-Arabiya network, which is owned by a Saudi businessman, follows the lead of the Bush administration, which gave several presidential interviews to that news channel.
Hady Amr, director of the Brookings Doha Center, an arm of the U.S. think-tank in the Qatari capital, described decision to make the first presidential interview with an Arabic news network as "stunning."
"President Obama has made it absolutely clear ... that a central priority will be repairing America's relations with the Muslim world," he said. "If that's his objective, I'd say he's been hitting home run after home run."
In the interview, Obama called for a new partnership with the Muslim world "based on mutual respect and mutual interest."
This appeal does seem to have struck a chord among many Muslims.
Read the full article HERE.
Joe, Come on, Why did you post this so late? I was just going to bed, hit refresh and bam, here it is an Obama post....Going to pick this one up in the am!
That didn't take as long as I thought it would.
Good for U.S. "us" This is getting to the root. We are not the enemy. They may be, but we are not.
Uh, barry, the point of Osama's "first interview" is with an Arab network and he is in bed with the Muslims. If this snow job of an article makes you liberal feel good then don't come crying to us when you get attacked by the terrorist on your own turf again.
Anonymous, we call ourselves by our names, lay out the olive branch, stand up front, and if the bas___ds Kick, we do what we do.
But, in no way do we do it without telling them who we are and what we stand for, as you do not do by writing in as "anonymous".
im a fervent obama supporter and although i personally think this is good, history has proven that bad men are bad men, and that no amount of negotiation or coddling will work. sadly i think ahmadinejad is truly a bad person.
anonymous 10:48 his name is Obama.
Hey 10:48-- You know, it's funny how I didn't hear anybody complaining when President Bush spoke to Al Arabia. Is President Bush also a terrorist by your definition?
The only thing that will attack me on my own turf is an accusation by an anonymous person, which is what the terrorists do. No names, no background, no responsibility. Our President is putting his name on the line here, and standing up for our country's position. if there is any retribution, it will be aimed at him, because he put himself forward. so for you to think that some retribution will somehow come to your house is the direct result of you living in fear of the Muslims. You are just scared to talk to them altogether.
You can either live in love, or you can live in fear, but you cannot live in both.
P.S., Bluto, thanks for being there. I didn't vote for him, but I am behind my president all the way. I mean, where else should we be if we want to get out of this mess?
TO: All Obamamamas
OK, we gave him a chance, but in one week he has become as embarassing as Bush. Millions for condoms, but not one penny for defense.
Don't say that you were not warned about this guy!
10:48, you don't get it:
Obama has made the correct distinction between the average Muslim and the extremist fundamentalists who choke their chances off peace.
When the good people of the Muslim world can join in peace with the good people of the Muslim world, there will be no more recruits for the terrorists.
Extremists can be found in all religions. Remember the Crusades? The Inquisition?
When do we start chanting in the streets. These people are our enemies.They HATE Americans.We are the Infidels.Stop kissing thier ass. Before its too late.
If you lay down with sand dogs you get up with sand fleas !
What obama isnt taking into consideration is why our relations with these people went awry in the first place.
I dont go playing with snakes because I dont want no snake bite.
Get it...Got it...Good.
Before we give obama another rediculous amount of money to waste on our so called economy , lets be sure he is really for us.
It wouldnt be the first time a muslim gave their own life in order to destroy the U.S.
I have a bad feeling this guy has infultrated the U.S. Gov. only to corrupt our democratic way of life.
Because the muslims are insane doesnt mean they are stupid. Many of the terrorist have been educated right here in the U.S. And now we have elected one to Represent our country. And the funniest thing about it is "that" one thinks he is leading us , not representing us.
He wasnt elected to lead. He was suppose to have been elected to represent. This is the biggist mistake Americans are making .
People have become so dependent that they refuse to be independent.
And the corrupt are right around the corner plotting their next move to gain wealth.
I beleive it was greed that destroyed our relations with the Islamic world in the first place. We became dependent upon their oil and they began to extort more money and when we boycotted them they began to kill our people in a nut shell. Wasnt this around Carters term in office ?
If Im wrong please inform me of your speculations. And could you use "laymen" terms when doing so, I am a simple understanding man . No colorful words or complexed web links to confuse what little smarts I do have are needed.
I think the reason Obama was able to get as far as he has is because Americans have forgotten about the past. Its easier to say we forgave than to actually remember the bad that happened to us .
If you do help me to understand why, thank you in advance.And if you choose not to , just remain silent and pray for us all.
odd theres not 1 audio of this first?
Joe didn't post it, Two Sentz did.
The Lord Jesus Christ warned His followers, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matt. 7:15). The warning was important because Jesus later said to them: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves" (Matt. 10:16).
Just because he's black don't mean I gotta trust him.
Big AAAAAlberta
Obama was communicating with the Muslim world as a whole, not the terrorists. Clearly the Muslims cannot control their radicals any more then we can control the Christian radicals that live in the US. Obama was trying to send a message to the governments of their countries seeking to end or curb terrorist behavior. Remember Timothy McVeigh!
A few days in office and he's already talking about his Muslim family members on international TV!! I guess a month in and he'll be breaking bread with Bin Laden!
Hey Hussein...they attack us every chance they get you friggin'moron!!!! Good choice America!!
This guy is truly in lala land! I guess he doe not have the balls to go on Fox News.
Will the "real" muslim please stop banging his head against the brick wall ?
Peace can only be obtained through superior firepower.
I don't have to say a word (and aren't you all so happy about that!) because Barry G said it for me. Him, and anonymous 11:39 PM. and 6:19 AM.
we are gonna get bombed somewhere really soon, Now that the protection has gone... We are all in big trouble,,, some knew and did nothing
10:48 {and, unfortunately, all too many others}. In case you didn't get the memo....on 9/11 a "full-retard" REPUBLICAN from Texas had the con when we were attacked on our own "turf". Any other questions?
It is a shame that we still have people who think President Obama is a Muslim.
Anon 7:16 am
He's been on FOX NEWS. Don't try to rewrite history.
Does anyone remember that it was under a Republican administration that the US was attacked? Anyone? And a good Christian administration, at that! And a Christian Republican president failed to catch bin Laden in 7 years. Seven years!!!!!!! So please explain how it is that Obama could do any worse than Bush. Let's add it up: 9/11 (under Bush's watch); 4,000+ dead soldiers in Iraq (Bush's watch); trillions of dollars in Iraq(Bush again); economy tanking (under Bush's watch); bin Laden still running around (under Bush's watch). Obama has done more to help the US in one week than Bush did in 8 years.
I'm amazed that so many of you view this negatively. President Obama is attempting to steal power from Osama bin Laden by speaking directly to moderate Muslims. It's a classic PR strategy. You disarm your opponent's PR machine by speaking directly to his potential supporters.
It's not so easy to demonize America when the American President goes on their local TV and says that we are not enemies. Look at the reactions from Arab media to see that it's already having an effect. It saps power from the extremists.
This is PR 101, and I don't know why some of you don't seem to be able to wrap your head around it.
I agree with 11:23 about the condoms, but am also open minded enough to say this....Obama might not be as clueless as I thought. It may make sense to spend millions on condoms, hell, we will spend millions less on welfare. The kids that will most likely become part of "that system"....We are going to pay for condoms or we are going to pay for welfare.....flip a coin, which one is it! I am starting to like this guy! Not!
Do you know that a Democratic President drastically reduced intelligence spending which is what lead to the attacks on a Republican President. The attack was a plot that took a few years, the terrorist knew our guard was down and took advantage of it, thank Clinton you idiot!
11:01. Federal agencies such as the FAA and FEMA take their lead from the man/woman in the big chair on Pennsylvania Avenue. Perhaps if W. wasn't sharpening his reading skills to prepare for his "My Pet Goat" gig and the weekly "I'm gonna' be a decider" BBQs at his Texas ranch {i.e. fiddling while Rome burned}, he could have altered domestic policy proactively using his executive powers (and not delegated such compelling responsibilities to the likes of unqualified jabronis such as Mike Brown). BTW...don't you stipulate to this same fact in your comment when you express "the terrorists knew our guard was down and took advantage of it?" Wouldn't a better president, or boxer, do everything within their power to "get their guard back up?"
Big Alberta, I am bummed. I just put your link up on my blog yesterday and you go and play the race card today. Not to mention your blasphmous, irreverent and impious attitude. Trying to scare and intimidate people based upon religion is exactly what the terrorists do. You have just sunken to their level.
Keep in mind that Obama needs the support of Republicans right now for the suppository,Oops! I meant "stimulus". Keep in mind that Bush needed the support of Democrats (the ones that decreased spending). So to answer your question
"Wouldn't a better president, or boxer, do everything within their power to "get their guard back up?"
Can you say Pelosi and Liberals? So the answer is no.
11:31. Keep clicking your heels together there,telling yourself President Obama NEEDS anything from Repubs now {I believe he will genuinely try to evoke feedback from them for non-partisan solutions, but Executive Branch powers plus a Dem controlled congress... Well,I have a lovely copy of the Constitution for you to read...}. BTW...When can we start appointing some new Supremist of Court justices...someone wake up LD Silver, I mean Clarence..
Mr. Reese,
If he didn't need the help,
"Wouldn't a better president, or boxer, do everything within their power to "get their guard back up?"
or do what he felt was necessary and get the stimulis going? Why wait for the Republicans if you don't need them.
My heals just clicked again, might have to get that looked at!Guess what, I am going to wait until all of us have healthcare and get that heal clicking taken care of...One of the next events to come....Keep waiting liberals!
Mr. Reese your Obama pin is crooked on your shirt, can you straighten that for us!
Also Mr. Reese,
Who again has the majortity, I believe you said "Dem controlled Congress", now lets think for a minute,
Question 1:
Weren't they in control during the reign of Bush
Question 2:
Why would we blame Bush if his actions or powers were at the mercy of "Dem controlled congress"
Only a liberal would blame others.
( They are in control but blame everyting on Bush...They limited his powers, so the majority of our issues would then point at "dems", correct me if I am wrong!)Please!
The Clinton team warned Bush about Bin Laden repeatedly, so it wasn't an intelligence failure on Clinton's part. Bush did nothing for 8 full months. Eight of them. Had the attacks on WTC happened a few weeks into Bush's term, I would not blame him. 8 months into your administration and YOU are in charge. You conservatives are already going on teh attack on Obama a week into his administration, I think Bush can take responsibility for something that happened eight months into his.
They can warn him all they want, if the funds aren't there, what good is it.
Thats like saying watch your back, by the way we took your ammo, good luck!
Wasn't the report entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack inside US" the one that landed on Bush's desk in Aug 2001? The one he didn't read but he had it "summarized" by a staffer?
The point here is to stop placing blame for the past and work together for the future. That's what sunk McCain and the GOP. That's why most of America voted for change. That's why Obama did the interview.
What can we really accomplish for ourselves and our children by bickering about the past?
Muslim Family members and Muslim countries???? If there wasn't any shame about this or fear of rebuke, why were these facts left out over the past yr or so during the campaign? Makes you wonder what other skeletons are hiding and will soon surface now that it's too late.
Rick P.
IGAF..I don't know what you are a "president" of, but you are definitely a grand-poobah of b.s....Who buys that crap you are trying to sell??? Save your misguided rhetoric for canasta nite at the Water Buffalo lodge!!
I would be happy to correct you. For the first 6 years of Bush's administration, he had a blank check to do whatever he wanted from a Republican controlled Congress. For the last two years, he had a a thin Democratic majority to work with, who capitulated to nearly every one of his demands. He even vetoed that Congress 12 times in that period of time, thus stopping them from getting any of their legislation through that he disagreed with.
This, of course, is all beside the point of the post. Do you think President Obama, talking directly to the Islamic world, is a bad thing?
12:43. You have a little rabid drool on your chin there, my friend. I am in favor of the Gitmo decision. If you can not elicit vital intelligence within 24-48 hours from a combatant on the battlefield, he will only give you inaccurate misinformation {that will ultimately result in an airstrike that hits civilians or a milk factory making your military and president look like compassionless tools} just so you don't wet him down and hook him up to a car battery. Haven't you ever watched "The Fugitive" or "Resovoir Dogs?" Ever think of the long-term value of letting them go "home" and get comfortable/cocky again {trust me, they aren't coming to an auto parts counter near YOU} AND THEN watching through covert assets exactly where, and with whom, they set up their next "educational school" (you know, the ones with the AK-47/Monkey Bar Challenge you see on t.v.) and then vectoring a fighter jet...well, perhaps I've said too much already....
We have a "water buffalo" meeting tonight if you would like to join, Security brought to you by Gitmos finest!They will personally escort you in!
Is there a Happy Hour (or in the case of Republicans lately, "Surly Hour")?
Are we missing the 12:43 comment that Mr. Reese is referring to?
I will try to paraphrase the missing comment-it does appear gone; although it wasn't profane/obscene {kind of hilarious though}....
MISSING COMMENT PARAPHRASE: "Obama bad. Fire bad. Socialism come. Close terrorist prison- now they come work here at Chuck-E-Cheese. You take terrorist home then when he be blowed up we blame a Clinton. You see." {or something}
Mr. Reese is one of Jerry's Kids, the Fund Raiser for that is Labor Day!
I believe this homage is in the key of "A" {guest musician Donald "Duck" Dunn indicates this is a "good country key"}:
When you walk through a storm of GOP chicken guano-hold your head up high...
And don't be afraid of the dark..
At the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind...
Walk on through the rain...
Walk on through inadequate Executive policies and procedures that have left our country vulnerable and the punch line of several completely differing factions of extremists and in the entire international community....
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, Walk on-with hope in your heart..
And you'll never have to walk with any "Bush" again...
You will never, {ever} walk alone..
{Insert inevitable hypocritical, patriotic sobbing here..}
I didn't get much of a healthy debate from my loveable anonymous adversary here tonite, but before my band concludes the evening by rolling down the highway like a band of gypsies-we would like to honor a last minute request from our horn section {dedicated to "ANONYMOUS YOU"}: It goes a little like this..
"Sometimes it's hard to be a woman......................" 'Nuff said..
To everyone out there: I have heard stories from friends who have brothers or relatives overseas, First off, no muslim should be trusted. One day they say they are helping our troops, next day on raids, troops find that they are stockpiling weapons. Come on be real they don't know the difference and don't care. They believe we are the attackers. But look through out history with their radical ideals. It is written in history. There was a show on the history channel monday they discussed how they are. If anyone watched it would know. From ethnic cleansing to killing innocent people. You all make me sick.
IGAF I agree. All over stupid politics. They all have no sense running the Government. Man, I think I could do a better job. At a low pay to boot to.
Everyone, PLEASE forgive reese bobby and his adoration for BHO. It's painfully obvious from his continuous posts that he's a lonely, lonely man who hasn't felt love in a longgggg time so he's attached himself to another fool.
It's ok bobby, we understand...our grandmoms always told us to be nice to kids and the mentally disabled!
Oh, please feel free to send a response, as I know you will...but just remember, it'll only make us feel sorry for you even more. On the other hand, I think that's what you want...someone to feel sorry for you and attention.
Anon 8:07
Booby Reese is no more Bobby Reese than I am. Looks tough though, because he/she gets to say "post your name like me". I can make up any name too. The best part of Reese got swallowed.....What an absolute Obama freak and total idiot.
Just stopped by looking for Reese, she/he spent a lot of time here yesterday!
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