Sunday afternoon, a forum was held by the League of Women Voters at Chesapeake College between all of the first congressional district candidates. One key player was not present - EJ Pipkin. A place was left for him in front of the room and the moderator continuously asked if Pipkin had arrived, but he never came. Apparently Pipkin had better things to do then show up at the forum to discuss with voters the issues important to the district.
The forum drew a standing room only crowd. Four Democrats and three Republicans participated in the debate. All of the candidates were very friendly and cordial. The only fireworks came from a woman who attacked Senator Harris during the Q&A time. She asked him if he was proud to accept money from Eagle Forum and the Club for Growth. Andy Harris emphatically said he was proud of the endorsement of those two conservative groups. The woman in the crowd had to be hushed by the moderator 4 times so that Senator Harris could finish his response. He said he was proud that conservative groups have recognized his commitment to conservative principles such as smaller government, less wasteful government spending, lower taxes, and traditional family values.
The only attack of the afternoon came from Robert Banks, a lesser known Republican candidate who does not even live in the first district, who attacked Gilchrest as a liberal in his closing statement.
In his closing statement, Andy Harris emphasized the need for economic stimulus, lower taxes, less wasteful government spending, ending illegal immigration, winning the War on Terror, a return to traditional family values like marriage as between a man and a woman and pro-life policies, and his commitment to defending the 2nd Amendment. During his closing, Andy also mentioned all of the endorsements he has received from Governor Ehrlich, Senators Rich Colburn and Stotzfus, and num erous other elected officials and conservative organizations like Gun Owners of America.
In his closing statements, Gilchrest emphasized different issues than those normally addressed in a Republican primary. He spoke on public education, the environment and the threat of global warming, and need for using diplomacy with Iran and Syria.
The Democratic candidates did very little to distinguish themselves from each other. Each tried to prove they were more liberal whether wanting immediate withdraw of our troops from Iraq, universal government run healthcare, or even radical environmentalism. Each candidate emphasized the need for change and that it was time for the district to elect a Democrat. The only problem those candidates have is that this is a safe Republican district that would require an act of God for a Democrat to win.
Overall, the afternoon was most interesting for the congenial interaction between the candidates.
According to the political savant Duvall any event sponsored by the League of Women Voters is "insufferable" therefore Pipken showed great decision making ability by being absent. Unlike his attack on Harris missing a routine Maryland Senate session.What a hypocrite.
I wonder if the atmosphere would have been as congenial if Pipkin was there. Since has basically called every other candidate a liar and undertaken a negative scorched earth campaign policy I doubt it. I am glad the candidates there stayed focused on the issues not personal attacks.
According to the Sun:
"Republican state Sen. E.J. Pipkin planned to attend the debate but did not show up because of a scheduling conflict. Pipkin campaign manager Mike Brown said Pipkin's daughter was in a skating competition."
As I stated in the article. Neither Candidate contacted the League of Women Voters and they fully expected them to walk through the door at any time. They're LYING!
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