She actually logged in today with posts from two of her students saying they got their substitute teacher but she isn’t as good as her. This thing has freaky written all over it.
She's online now.
41 years old
EDEN, Maryland
United States
Online Now!
Last Login: 12/11/2008
How can you be a school teacher if you don't a college degree? Her profile says "In College."
Leigh's Details
Status: Married
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Nassawaddox, VA
Religion: Christian - other
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Children: Proud parent
Education: In college
I feel bad her husband, what would you mirror tell you do in a situation like this? I quess if you were in your mirror you would never be in a situation like this to begin with. I bet when its all said and done she doesnt deserve him, what a shame. Mardela would call it temptation. If after all those years of marriage and history you could just throw it all away, maybe what you had wasnt what you thought you had to begin with. Another American family down. Think we have a cultural problem people? I do.
So what? She's online. You need to get a life.
No guts No glory Joe
Music class
anonymous 6:04,
You're probably right.I mean, she should enjoy her freedom while she's got it because she's probably looking at 20+ years?
She is online checking her ego with a few posts from her misguided students.
Yes misguided students please fuel her her ego, but the judge isn't going to use your comments as evidence or credibility.
Leigh's Blurbs
About me:
I am a Christian mom. I love Jesus more than anything or anyone! I have been married for 21 years to David. He is awesome, but I prefer younger dudes every now and then! Oh I forgot to mention this. I also love texting pics of me playing to my young studs (wink, wink). They are amazing!
If you look at the kids who wrote her something go to there page and you can see she has been on since dec 2 thought she just got out of jail
Mam Im gonna give you some truth if you want it or not. You think your son thinks its funny when he walks up to his friends and their joking and kidding and your the punch line. Where did you get the right to treat your kids like that? They have a word for what you have become threw this, but Im not going to say it. You know what it is. Now your main priority should be your children and your husband, but thats between you and him, Im not going there. Alot of us are facing losing part of our American dream, you took a piece, a big piece of yours and threw it away. You owed the people that love you more than that. Do you understand that? I think you need to get some counseling personally as well as family. Your family is the biggest thing your ever going to be part of in your life, you better concentrate on saving it while you still have the chance. Im deep in my mirror and you can take this shit to the bank.
She's a woman. If convicted, she will spend a fraction of time (if any) of what a man would in the same situation.
I don't care how christian this woman says she is, she is one sick person. To throw away a family like she has and give them up for a space in jail, shame on her. Oh I'm sure she'll be crying the blues before long when she has to live behind the bars for a while.
I wonder if she'd be up for a conjugal visit?
You all just kill me with your ability to be judge jury and executioner.
Stop for one minute and look in that mirror Doug. Suppose for one minute that this is your wife, or yours Joe and they have been falsely accused by a kid or group of kids that aren't happy about the grade they got, IT DOES HAPPEN.
Would you want some blogger plastering this type of stuff all over the internet about her?
Would you want your kids seeing it? I surely would not.
Even if she's guilty as hell her husband and kids are not and you'd do well to remember that this type of usless entertainment on your part may be hurting innocent family members.
If anyone believes she will serve even 10 years, they are ignorant of our "justice" system. WiHi wrestling coach didn't serve 4 years.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if she'd be up for a conjugal visit?
7:27 PM
Only if you are pre-puberty!!
Joe you want this one,(7:44)?
anonymous 7:44,
Obviously you haven't been to the anti Albero Blogs.
Nevertheless, charges are out there. The Grand Jury increased her Bond and she's in deep trouble.
While I wish everyone on this Blog knew all I know about this case but most of it was exposed to the Grand Jury, hence their changes.
The mere fact she's on line and continuing her My Space Page while being accused, well, it doesn't look good.
I'm sure she's close to you and no one would want to believe this is all possible but it is. She would not have been charged without evidence. She'll have her day in court ad perhaps they'll even be a glitch in her case where she'll get off, who knows. However, that's what it will take.
I'll be in court throughout the process and reporting back to everyone here. We'll see what happens.
You know something interesting though Folks. I find it extremely interesting that IF these people defending this woman hated everything that was being said here, why do they keep coming back to defend her? My guess is, they're the anti Albero Bloggers just stirring the pot because that's what they love to do.
When your done I want some of this, my intensions were pure and somebody thinks they werent, that pisses me off, I dont care about their level of denial. W e got someone close here, possibly real close.
I give soul and Im called judge,jury and exacutioner. Starting to wonder why I bother. These type of cases are a he said she said usually, hard case in court. The states attorneys office wouldnt step this far out of line if the evidence wasnt there. I was trying to help, and you think Im shit. Your right I quess, Do me a favor. Go into a little detail on the mirror for me. Lets see if your shooting from the hip, or just so buried in denial you can see straight. How do you take something so pure and pollute it so much? If you had a mirror you would see yourself and stop on pure principle. I have no agenda here.
I served on a Wicomico grand jury. Let me tell you that the evidence must be practically irrefutable before the jury votes to indict. The jury hears evidence from the officers working with the case. It most surely is not a "he said, she said" situation. The State's Attorney's office will be very sure that all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted before the jury votes. Because this case involved a minor, the assistant state's attorney who deals with these kinds of cases will present volumes of evidence. It is highly unlikely that Mrs. Mayer has been wrongly accused. Even though the sex was consensual, the boy was a minor, and the adult a teacher.
If there is any truth to the charges, why would the boy wait 3 years to speak up? I think the boy is an admirer and wishes he could have an affair just like some of you look at movie stars and have the same wishes. It amazes me how the public and law enforcers immediately take the word of the youngest or weakest person involved. Some of you thrive on the misery of others to make yourself feel better and enhance your well-being. I also find it interesting how many people are peeping-Tom's in reality. They watch on TV the live-reality shows like Big Brother. I imagine some of these same people look out their windows with binoculars into their neighbors' houses or maybe do yard work at night so they may have sound with their viewing.We have a bunch of sick people so don't be too hard on everyone who is down on their luck my fellow Christians.
You gotta feel bad for the husband, whether he's anon 7:44 or not. If my wife was a teacher at a Christian school, the last thing I'd expect is something like this.
Having said that, they need to keep their kids off the net for awhile if they're easily insulted or offended. And away from tv's.
Probably not good to read the paper. For awhile, anyway. After a time some other scandal will take the place of this.
Good Luck to her family. They're gonna need it.
It is highly unlikely that Mrs. Mayer has been wrongly accused. Even though the sex was consensual, the boy was a minor, and the adult a teacher.
9:48 PM
aaaaWhat I find funny is that if this minor was accused of murder they would want to try him as an adult. Look at other cases... I think they are wanting to try a thirteen year old as an adult. Which is it? Is it the violation that the prosecution considers whether the victem or subject is a minor or not?
IMO if this guy had sex for that amount of time he is an adult.
I am not saying what the teacher did was right... but the boy I am sure didnt fight off her advances. He got what he wanted. He didnt get hurt. Come on people.. any 16-17 year old would jump at the chance for sex with her.
Like I said... is he a minor or not... because if you say he is then any person under the age of 18 should noy be tried as an adult in any case. Including murder. Cant have it both ways.
remember, grand jurys' will allow evidence that a court room will never allow....it's not over till it's over
Thay a piece of strange makes your sex life better at home. Also what a wife can't get at home from her husband, she is inclined to look elsewhere. She is more vulnerable to any boy or man who is super nice to her. Everybody needs love and some more than others. Some women have a strong sex drive and need medication to control it.
11:10, what a interesting rationalization for a married woman, and a schoolteacher at that, to stray from the marital bed into the arms of a teenage student of hers.
My daughter-in-law teaches at a college. I could not believe the problems she has had with 18 year old boys. The first year she taught she did not tell anyone. They would want to do yard work or ask if they needed jobs done around the house. She quickly began forwarding any email she got to the school with a copy to her husband. It seems they always have some different excuse to email her daily. She would respond the first few times as it was class related and then quickly realized what their probable intent might be and would quit any correspondence. Who knows, if they didn't like the grade she gave them it might be hard to say what COULD have happened as we all see on the news each year.
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