LIVE, right now. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has one person in custody and the others are on foot.
Shots were fired from their vehicle onto an Armored Truck. This is all coming in as I write this. The suspects vehicle wrecked on the Railroad Tracks near Fratelli's, behind the Auto Zone.
Local Schools are in a code red and LOCKDOWN. More to come.............
UPDATE: Bennett went off lockdown at 2:40 pm. The robbery attempt was at the BB&T Bank.
You heard it here first.
The photos above are of the suspects vehicle wrecked near/on the R/R Tracks.
Photos Courtesy of Mr. Murphy.
Thanks Joe, my daughter just called from school to see if I knew what was going on. I appreciate being able to give her an answer.
I actually heard it on the radio before you posted it. Guess we didn't hear it here first, did we.
December 12, 2008
1:47 p.m.
An armed robbery has just occurred in the Allenwood parking lot. Four suspects have fled the area. Officers are still on the scene. University police will provide updates as additional information becomes available.
Chief Edwin L. Lashley
University Police
Oh Snap! Duck and cover ya'll...
i just asked my son wi-hi is not locked down.
Guess there is crime in salisbury after all
Pinehurst is not in a lockdown status. Our kids must be safe here since they take down adults on a regular basis.
Yeah Michael, it would be pretty tough to beat a POLICE Radio/Scanner.
99.9% of the people here don't listen to them.
As for Wi Hi, I couldn't tell you if that is true or not. I did receive a call from James Bennett and they called to ask me what was going on as I was typing the Post. They were in Lock Down.
Nice work Joe!! Your on it...
So is Fruitland Primary, Fruitland Intermediate, and Bundles of Joy.
umm im in one of the schools and i freaking scared!!! fix the freaking problem...plz...i have to pee!!!
My child just texted me from Bennett High. Code red, lockdown. They were told they can't leave school until the suspects are caught.
anonymous 2:32 is JR.
anonymous 2:34 is JR too.
Buses may now resume regular operation...
Bennett is a bus connection for other schools, so expect children to be late. Recorded phone calls are going out from schools to parents. Stay tuned.
Likely Bennett and other schools in vicinity of robbery are in lockdown because the perps are armed and loose in that specific area.
Scary stuff.
Joe, please bump this and pin it up top until this is resolved, because it's not only folks with kids in school who need to know these criminals are loose, but also folks who live in the area.
Kids will be escorted out of Bennett High at 3pm, by officers. So parents CAN go get their kids!
I got some photos of the action! WBOC got there all late, hell SPD showed up 30 minutes late, what a surprise.
we atjmb never heard of the kids being on lock down we are still code red at jmb and it is 250
Now THIS is what the blog is all about!! Real stories and events. Not a million posts about views and opinions.
Good work!
Most important thing is that the public be alert and avoid that area if possible.
Crime infested Salisbury... worse than Bmore.
Buses are en route to JMB to do their transfers...running about 10 minutes late.
Kind of concerning to see that after seeing a comment that at 2:50 there was still lockdown.
Hope they have LOTS of officers there for the 3:00 let out.
Hope they get the SOB's that tried this armed heist!
they forgot to slow down for the railroad track!
Actually, they tried slowing down at the tracks and a 191 Chevy P/U slammed them right in the rear end and saved the day. ;-)
Don't worry, Jim Ireton says help is on the way.
1991, sorry.
This proves there is no crime in Salisbury. I have a scanner and right now SPD is handling a shoplifter in custodt call at Kohls. There are two more the security is trying to detain. I feel so safe that I gotta pee.
Mike Lewis will get them trust me.
anonymous 3:19,
At least Jim Ireton is man enough to use his name and put it on the line, unlike you.
a pickup truck? really!? Are SPD ever gonna do anything else with those sweet chargers besides getting away with illegal tints and riding my bumper all the time?
Makes you wish the guards on the armored vehicle had shot to kill. Four less felons to live in fear of would have been a great holiday gift!
Joe, great job with the blog and the info...I remember Mardela's lockdown...I heard it here first and Michael Hastings may have heard it first on the radio, but where did he go next...That's his way of saying "Good Job, Joe, you already have it on your site!"
Keep up the good work, we appreciate it...and I LOL'd when I read the 1991 Chevy truck comment, seriously....
I was just informed that Prince Street Elementary school was not on lock down or anything that is a joke, considering the children walk home in and around this same area so to speak, Board of Education really needs to think a little about these kids. WOW
anonymous 3:29: Thanks. The R/R Track thing was supposed to be funny as I'm confident many can relate. Those Rednects sure are sensative, aren't they?
anonymous 3:29,
The SPD doesn't have any Chargers.
you go Joe!! salisbury is happening today! scary stuff!
Oh, I'll add, stop slowing down at R/R Tracks and they're get off your axx.
3:29 says:
Pardon me, the Salisbury Sheriffs Patrol has Dodge Chargers (- 2007 - Unmarked). Excuse my error but i get harassed for having a legal tint. AND i was jus playin anyways.
Where's Hancock when you need him!
Nice try again but they're NOT the SPD Sheriff's Department. They're the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. Believe me, that's an insult like none other. I'm sure you didn't mean it though.
Friday, Dec. 12, 2008 . . .
It was an overcast day in Salisbury, but the folks were in a cheerful mode what with Christmas coming and the mayoral election just a few months away.
My partner and I were patrolling the south side of town around midday when all hell broke loose.
Merry Xmas,
Joe Friday
Unbelievable that the Fruitland Schools were not on lockdown at all. They never were on lockdown.
3:29 says:
let it never be said that SBYnews isn't thorough... :}
once again Mike Lewis and the Sheriffs Office jump in front of the cameras and microphones to take credit for a case and arrest that they were called to assist. I know you wont post this but you need to start giving credit where credit is due, MSP handled this case.
Don't worry, Salisbury University Police are on the case. HAHAHA
Sheriff Lewis isn't even around. JR, you need to get over your paranoia and ragging on that man.
Hey Joe you are falsely accusing JR. I am not JR. i know its not completely your fault that you dont get news releases from MSP. I hope our colonel retires soon like the rumors say he will so we dont have to obey his rule of not sending you press releases from MSP. I am sure you know that the rule was put in place as retaliation for your criticisms of chief Webster. Webster and colonel Sheridan are old buddies from the old days when they both worked at Baltimore County PD.
Didn't Fruitland apprehend the only suspect arrested, again.
anonymous 4:55,
With all due respect, I couldn't care less what the MSP choose to do with Press Releases and Salisbury News.
I have just as much respect for them as the WCSO & SPD Officers. Just because one person has a hard on for me, that's their problem.
It's a shame I wasn't made aware who was in charge but I did eventually hear the MSP was.
Just because one individual chooses not to include us in Press Releases doesn't mean they're bad people. Chief Webster has continued to put pressure on EVERYONE and quite frankly, they're in the same business and it would be quite disrespectful if they served in Baltimore together for him to dis Webster.
The bottom line is, The SU Police, Fruitland Police, SPD, WCSO & MSP pulled together for the safety of the citizens and hopefully they get these thugs off the street right away.
Perhaps the Colonel would like to join me in ringing a bell this Holiday Season and he can get to know me better? I certainly welcome the opportunity.
Hey! I live in the student apartments around SU and I was wondering, am I just as safe tonight as any other night? You don't think these felons pose a threat to me, more than any other night right?
I have to study for finals so I won't be able to go out and be with friends. My boyfriends coming at 9 or 930 to study with me, but probably can't stay the night and my room mate is out of town :(
a good question would be did su shut down. this happened on their property can someone find out. yes allenwood belongs to su and is handled by msp and wicomico county sheriffs dept. and su's chief was a big wig with msp
If police would use their weapons, we could have had a 4 criminals off the street. They could have put a major dent in crime by shooting all of them.
Lets use the bullets that are in those pistols. If we need money to buy more bullets, then we will take up a collection to deter crime.
Wow someone actually knows who Sherridain is. i think he is a dinosaur. The State Police has a proud tradition and standards that we all exspect them to carryout. O,Malley is directlt to blame for this antique piece of shit. I think he should appoint someone like Mike lewis even though he would be crossing party lines. Mike has cahrisma ansd drive. Sherridan is just like Webster. The two stooges from from baltimore County. I quess when Sherridan was a trooper years ago riding in that sun drop yellow MSP vehicle he would have been the man for the job. Well today he has not done much for the image or the morale of the State. Freakin Norris got a trumped up bs charge or he would have been fine. The guy was a cops cop and believed in pursuing criminals at all cost. Wake up O'Malley and do something for those that serve you. troopers have not had much to smile about the last few years Lewis got out just in time. MSP keep up the good work. There is hopefully help on the horizon I too have heard he will be gone soon enough. Put his axx in the Smithsomian with the rest of the relics. Good job by all today keep hammerin the trash that make this county unsafe. Merry Christmas to all you men and women who serve bravely daily. Joe as usual you are on your game way to go!!
cops are too busy chasin pot and not focusing on criminals
Salisbury city cops suck, WCSD is the way its suppose to be. Can I type one thing that is correct in my life...anyone?
Anonymous said...
6:56 PM
You are the man... I agree with you 100%. Owe'Malley is the reason for the POS he put as superintendent. Morris was the man for the job, but the BS trumped up charges were from Owe'malley. OweBoy was pissed off that Bob Ehrlich stole his top crimefighter from his crime ridden city. I don't agree with everything Norris was accused of doing but you can bet your sweet ass that OweBoy new what Norris was doing and condoned it.
O'Malley is the criminal in this case and he is right up there with Osama Bin Biden, Bubba Comagees and DingleBarrie Tilghman.
Hey O'Malley are you to stupid to realize that Gary Comegys is abusing his state Job? Are you to stupid to realize that Gary Comegys was a big supporter of your opponent, Doug Duncan, in your primary. He was even seen sporting a Doug Duncan for Gov. sign in his SHA vehicle.
Duh, like I said O'Malley is the criminal her.
joe how do you say you have respect for spd and then say comparing spd to wcso is an insult? you are an insult.
Just to let you know having pot is a crime. Also I would like to commend all agencies. I believe that if the agencies work well together and share info they can catch these criminals faster. One agency can not do it alone. Overall good job.
I was talking about Management and you know that. Go back to bed Chiefy.
Joe please post a resume of CHief Webster...did he work for Baltimore City, Baltimore County, or NYPD?
my guess would be Bal. Co. since he's so close with DiPino (OCPD) and Sheridan (MSP)
Knowledge is power
I work for an assisting agency. Fruitland caught the suspect. Doesn't matter who's "call" it is. Just because State was handling the call, we all pull together to solve the crime. I think I read only 3 comments talking about Fruitland being involved. They weren't even in their jurisdiction and they came to help. Thanks Fruitland for the great job.
Webster was balt. County Internal Affairs man just like Sherridan. I guess they think because they were on the rat squad it made them great leaders. Wow great thinking. hats off to the person that tied Norris to Governor O'Mullet. Norris got paid back by O'Mulligan for jumping ship. He knew what Norris was spending the City's money on. two great guys here on the shore would make great leaders of the State Police Ed Lashley and Mike Lewis. It is ad that being from the shore does not give one the political pull needed in Annapolis. It would be nice to see a native of the shore in power up there one day. Hell the VP of the U.S. is from our small wonder to the North. LOL There is still hope. Sherridan and Webster both need to retire again and draw more income from the suckers that hired them. They can triple dip.
Yes it may be a crime to have pot,and even to get caught smoking pot....but it is still ok to have thc in your blood stream as a result of using pot. I know , sounds as stupid as it is.How do the cops think it got there, a mickey or a real seasoned slice of pizza ? Dah guilty by ponderence of the evidence.Or is this only valid in first degree murder of a public official cases?
Chief Ed Lashley would make an excellent Salisbury City Police Chief, but I doubt the Univesity would let him go. Lashley is an awesome leader and SU is fortunate to have him in charge of their Police Department.
where is the arrested robber from?congrats go out to f.pd. for their mutual aid response, the bad guy will sing .i figure they must be locals who read the blog and saw where chief whatshisname would be.
hey did anyone hear about the sweep in salisbury last night? what happened. 18 people were arrested. kids i think
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