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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Back to the Drawing Board on Salisbury Take-Home Vehicles

As the Salisbury City Council meets again this week for a work session, one item to be discussed is take home cars for city employees.  Wait!  Didn't they take care of that weeks ago?

In true Barrie Comegys style the public has been snookered again.  At their last legislative session the council was supposed to enact a policy that would have eliminated 11 take home vehicles.  The dynamic duo of Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Councilman Barrie Comegys would have none of that.  Instead, a useless resolution was put before council that would have established a "policy" but would not save the city any money.

As Councilwoman Louise Smith was pontificating on how many cars could be eliminated, it was Councilwoman Debbie Campbell who asked the $64,000 question - ARE ANY TAKE-HOME CARS ELIMINATED IN THIS MEASURE?

The answer, of course, was NO!

As Comegys appears to be courting the civil service vote by providing cars at taxpayer expense, don't be surprised to see another toothless bill come from today's meeting.  It's Salisbury - taxpayers come last in the pecking order.


joe albero said...

GA, it's important to know, Louise Smith stated there were at least 10 more vehicles she knew of that could be eliminated. After the meeting I asked Louise if she considered the 10 vehicles she mention as part of the 11 cars or was this an additional 10 cars. She flat out confirmed she knew of 10 MORE vehicles on top of the 11 already introduced could be taken away and she hadn't dug that deep yet.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, another reason why the Mayor form of goverment does not work in a city the size of Salisbury. Our tax dollars are being wasted and most could care less. Joe, I would appreciate if
you could find out if our tax dollars are also being used for cell phones for city administrators.

joe albero said...

anonymous 9:23,

Just as soon as I finish my 12 hours OUTSIDE ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, I'll be happy to do all that research for YOU and get back with you on it. NOT

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of new to sby politics, but I'm always left wondering after reading your posts, why doesn't Ms. Campbell run for mayor? If she's so good, and it is appears that she may be, she should run.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe, God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone list the 10 or 20 take home vehicles mentioned. I can name 3 take home vehicles that aren't needed and I would like to see if they are on the list. I can also justify why these vehicles shouldn't be take home cars.

Anonymous said...

I think Debbie Campbell would be an excellant choice for Mayor of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the Salisbury Police Department has take home cars for the Chief, Major, two Capt's, a LT, and about 9 Detectives; all but two these officers reside inside the city limits! The patrol officers who live in the city limits do not have take home cars. If you ask me the best use of any take home car would be a marked police car taken home by a Salisbury Police Officer who lives inside of the city limits of Salisbury. I enjoy the safety and comfort of living near two Deputies and a Trooper who have take home patrol vehicles. The citizens who live in Salisbury should not be deprived of the same feeling.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is my understanding that the Salisbury Police Department has take home cars for the Chief, Major, two Capt's, a LT, and about 9 Detectives; all but two these officers reside inside the city limits! The patrol officers who live in the city limits do not have take home cars. If you ask me the best use of any take home car would be a marked police car taken home by a Salisbury Police Officer who lives inside of the city limits of Salisbury. I enjoy the safety and comfort of living near two Deputies and a Trooper who have take home patrol vehicles. The citizens who live in Salisbury should not be deprived of the same feeling.

3:50 PM

I agree, however I had my vehicle broken into twice with an unmarked city vehicle across the street less than 20 feet away and a county deputy two houses down. Goes to show you how brazen these criminals in Salisbury are.