The Daily Times has got to be absolutely, positively desperate. Not only are they desperate they are despicable, deplorable, contemptible,disgraceful, ignominious, loathsome, detestable,low-life, mean spirited, no-good, reprehensible, shameful, slimy, vile, worthless, wretched and anything else that describes your heartless attempt at making a buck while completely disregarding this family and the community in which they live. Without question Greg Bassett would be in the unemployment line lickety split, if he worked for me. Have these people no heart? They print an article and post photos of the tragedy in Willards, this is what newspapers do BUT, they then offer the pictures for sale? Not only for sale but offer them as Christmas ornaments? Those rotten SOB's should rot in hell for their callousness. If I was a subscriber to the that rag of a newspaper I most certainly would not be after seeing this. Greg Bassett,
YOU SUCK!!! You are responsible for the content of that rag and the website. I don't care what you say, posting those photos and making them available for sale as GIFTS is beyond comprehension. Don't try using the excuse that you couldn't remove the sale pricing and gift items, it's all a matter of programming and YOUR techs KNOW this.
I encourage everyone reading this to take a look at the links, verify what we are saying and then call the Daily Times and demand these photos not be available for sale as GIFT ITEMS. Let your voices be heard, NOW. Send Greg Bassett a clear message, this will not be tolerated.
410-749-7171These pictures and links speak for themselves...
That is INCREDIBLY SAD! I hope the family is not aware of this. The flipside of this sickness is...a couple weeks ago my Cub Scout Pack Volunteered at the Magi Concert Collecting the Canned Goods and the Daily Times had a photographer snapping tons of pictures, and we can't get copies of them! Can't even get them posted on the website. Deplorable Business!
OMG thats just about the lowest thing anyone could do. Even if its oversight lets see if they do the right thing and remove those links to purchase those images.
Though I'm sure this link encompasses any and all photo links they have to offer there should be safe guards in place so this stupid crap doesn't happen.
Concentrated Capitalism, sick isnt it.
Stupid, oh yeah.
Unfortunate, you bet.
Heartless? I think you're giving these people too much credit.
Those at Daily Times are scum. Always have been, always will be. The DT is worse than tabloid. They print lies, half-truths and only promote negativity and strive to sensationalize stories which have no bearing. I hope they go out of business.
While the offer to sell this particular photo might seem to be in poor taste, to suggest that it was somehow a purposeful editorial decision is misleading when you don’t point out that every in house photo they have on the site is for sale. And it is also very likely that this is an automatic function in their photo posting function of the web site software.
I’m no fan of the Times, but this posting is an example of the same kind of slanted reporting that makes a joke of the news, and is at least in part responsible for the many complaints against the newspaper. More plainly stated – don’t use poor reporting to battle the Times’ poor reporting.
Keep em honest Joe, but do it the right way.
I understand what you are saying Anon 12:51
There is someone responsible for the website for DT.
They should have made sure these photos did not make it to the site for sale.
When they set up their website to begin with, they could have coded the pictures to make sure ones "not to be sold" would not make it up on the "for sale" section.
There are ways and they are actually very simple.
The Daily Times dropped yet another ball...that's a fact.
11:54 Anon
It is called yellow journalism.
It's been that way for some time now.
Instead of this paper supporting it's local communities, they have strived to put the negative spin on every community they could here on the shore.
The actively LOOK for negative.
Greg Bassett is definately part of the problem. His wife isn't much better.
They step on all those they pass over to get where they want to be.
And here we go with another "puppet" who accepts computers calling the shots. It is so very annoying to hear how posting software has more control than the human soul.
It is a bullcrap excuse... Furthermore, all of the photographers get paid to work for the paper, so why must they exploit the pictures used in the publication. Stupid young people who are never held accountable due to exploitation of "freedom of the press".
Maybe a lawyer could step in and sue the Daily Times on behalf of the people who suffered the tragedy.
This is bull crap !! Have they no heart.We are talking about a families tragic loss !! How HORRIBLE !!!
Could they use the sale of the pictures to raise money for the family?
Is this a website for news, or more exclusively for bashing the Daily Times and the mayor? Please! We know they are not perfect, as are any of us. Someone forgot to fix it so the photos wouldn't show as being for sale. They have tons of problems, but I don't think they are THAT coldhearted. I'm getting kind of tired of pulling up this website and seeing more negative posts about the paper and the mayor. But I understand that's what blogs are about, the opinion of the blogger. I know it's my choice not to read it. I do like seeing all the breaking news stories that other sites don't have until later. You do a great job with that, Joe. It's just all the negativity is distressing.
How can you possibly think that the paper should get sued for posting such pictures? Why is the paper responsible for the tragedy just because they reported it?
the fact that their posting software probably automatically tags everything for sale is unfortunate and the paper should have a programmer look into adding the ability to flag certain items as not for resale.
What next?? Shanie as a pin up??
I assure you I am no "puppet"....maybe you're looking in the mirror?
When the reporters (HUMANS) upload their pictures...they could code them so that they will end up in the section they should be in.
HUMANS are the ones who set up the computers to run the way they run. Do you honestly think the COMPUTER set up the website by itself?
Now, Michael......
Take off your angry/name calling hat for a moment, take a deep breath and exhale.
You should feel much better.
Your allegations are ridiculous. Yes, it was up, butt hat is because the default setting for published stories' photos is that they are automatically made available for purchase. All of the DT web stuff is handled in wilmington and proofed by them. Our in house online guy got laid off wednesday. Honestly, you don't know anything about the DT's employees, much less Greg Bassett. On top of that, from what I've seen of this piece of filth site, is that every single one of your posts involve some sort of libel against Bassett or other employees or just some reactionary bullshit.
You're bad, and you should feel bad.
Joe you should take these horrific pictures of the ornament down. This is the lowest you have ever gone and should be ashamed of yourself!!
wow is all i can say. if this is really a site ran by the daily times and not a sabatoge this is disgusting.and i believe this may be against the law. i know photographers can take photos in public and do what they choose with them but i know that they can not do it on private property from the looks of the picture thats what it loos like to me! way to go todd.
His wife will soon, thank you voters, be unemployed, he is desperate.
The Bassettman has NEVER know the meaning of integrity so why would this surprise anyone.
Wow! May I suggest adding the word "foul" to your description?
Obviously the Anti Albero Bloggers have been having a field day while I've been out ringing the bell. You see, many of these comments by phony names and anonymous comments would never have made it to this article if I was in charge of moderating them. However, I've been away while someone else moderated them. A great example if the bulshit willard citizen. All the bashing trying to blame us for publishing the photos/links we KNEW the Daily Times would delete and we were 100% right.
The bottom line here is this. ANYONE blaming Salisbury News is an employee of the Daily Times and or an anti Albero Blogger. Any sane person would realize who created this stupid thing in the first place and you're being laughed at.
You see Folks, this goes on every day here and since I've been doing this for years, I know how these people work, especially the Tilghman Administration. The Dunn Master is also an expert at these games but it ends on today's Posts. I would rather let comments sit for several hours and moderate them myself before everyone else is subjected to this crap any more.
OK, I've vented. The Daily Times f-ed up and all fingers deserve being pointed at them. This Post will disappear in no time and be forgotten well before this Family will ever see it. No names from the Family were used in this post so they won't be able to google it either.
So this whole thing is excusable because the inhouse photo man was laid off?NOT!Computers do what human programmers tell them to do.If the Times laid off all the people who make sure this kind of crap does not happen,then it is THEIR problem.
This is just straight up disgusting! Who in their right mind would want to PROFIT off of somebody's terrible loss?!?! What's even more ridiculous is that THIS particular newspaper is willing to SELL pictures of a CHILD'S melted toy, and yet can't publish the proper caption to a high school soccer picture..... PATHETIC!! (and if anybody wishes to know what I'm talking about just ask)
Joe: Isn't it amazing that certain people don't like you yet they visit your site and post nasty comments? I think they are in denial about your site and I LOVE it!! You go Joe!!
cancel your subscriptions now.
As i have said the greedy will do anything to get ahead. They have destroyed our country.
It will get much worse than this in our country.
I am not much , just an average working guy, but i would never stoop this low for a buck.
Sorry sobs.
This discussion demonstrates how people can view the same situation very differently. Many here, including Joe make it very clear what their position is regarding the Daily Times.
The problem this creates of course is that when anything done by the DT that has any possibility to be used to provide more evidence for their conclusions is easily presented as a purposeful, evil act.
I don’t mind that Joe and many here have made up their mind about the DT. I could care less about the company. But when you take things out of proper context then you are really doing no service for your readers. If you really believe that there was a conscious decision by people at the DT to offer these photos for sale in order to somehow capitalize on the tragic event, then I seriously doubt any sensible discussion could be had. This was obviously just human error, and should be called out as such – a mistake – not as proof of the cold hearted, greed driven, capitalists at the DT.
And when you make it very clear that posts not in agreement must be from the ‘enemy’ and therefore would not have been allowed under your watch, well that just shows that this blog tolerates little to no dissent of opinion.
Finally, DT and many other news outlets have been selling their photos for years. Every car crash, fire, tornado, earthquake, you name it disaster is for sale. As are video of devastation of all sorts captured by news crews. This would be an interesting topic to cover, but I doubt it will happen here.
And before Joe or anyone here (if this even gets published) decides that I am from the DT or the mayor, or some other predefined enemy, I can assure you that I am not even in the state of MD and merely read this blog because I still have family in the area.
anonymous 4:28,
That was an excelent comment and I'm not so sure why you thought I wouldn't post it.
Nevertheless, this is exactly the kind of comment I welcome more than any other. I do not want or expect everyone to agree with everything I say or do.
Granted, we were bothered that the Daily Times could allow such a thing to happen and we just wanted to make 100% sure they not only removed it, we wanted to make sure it didn't happen again. I believe our goal was accomplished.
Nevertheless, thank you very much and I truly welcome your opinion any time you'd like to give it or share it.
'BOC was JUST as bad. When my 22 month old niece tragically drowned, they climbed 6 foot privacy fences, took pictures of the pool, the house, AND the mailbox showing the address so people could come and DRIVE BY.
They ALSO broadcast her death before her SISTERS were even informed.
The DT and 'BOC have no shame, it's all about the BUCK. Let that happen to YOU.
That poor family in Willards, they drove by today after the funeral on the way to the gravesite, there were literally over a hundred vehicles going by.
Tragic loss, but trust "OUR" local media to add some hype for more viewership and a few bucks. Death always hypes the ratings, the ghouls always feed heavily, just what they want.
People are SICK
Look, for what it's worth, I knew the details of exactly what happened well before the MSM did and quite frankly I even had a conversation with Elizabeth Harrington immediately after they aired the story and I told her, I couldn't give the details because it was so horrible. Elizabeth agreed with me but reminded me that she didn't share the information, the Uncle did. She was right. However, I knew about it and quite frankly I believe there's a line that simply doesn't need to be crossed in cases like this one. How close the child was to the front door was nobody's business, right?????? I knew but believe me, I wasn't sharing it. What good does it do. It was sad enough the child passed and the parents had to be dying internally as well.
Anyhow, the Daily Times will now change their ways or marketing and that's a good thing.
May God Bless this Family.
Oh, everyone should know this as well. It's not as if this Family would like to be recognized but Bob & Vicki Harris have donated a 2 bedroom apartment to the Family for three months at no charge to get them back on their feet. Donations are pouring in to help the family from money, to clothing, to furniture, you name it. It's nice to know I'm surrounded by so many unconditional and wonderful people.
To the person who wants the pics of the Cub Scout Pack --
Over the summer my son was featured on the front page at a local carnial opening. It was a great shot. I contacted the photographer directly (not even calling the DT) and he emailed it to me - free of charge. See if you can get the name of the photographer.
What next?? Shanie as a pin up??
I think I just lost my lunch - going all the way back to Thanksgiving!!
You're bad, and you should feel bad.
Pot - meet Kettle.
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