While this alleged thief stole bags worth of merchandise from a local store in Salisbury, the SPD got a call on a tag number and one officer immediately saw the vehicle and pulled them over. Upon doing so, they found ALL of the stolen merchandise and arrested the alleged thief and he will soon have his day in court.
More to come when the Press Release comes out. So why won't you see these photos in the Daily Times? Because they have to be out and about to get this kind of stuff. Right now they're eating doughnuts and drinking coffee in their new building waiting for the news to come to them, hence the Press release, whenever that becomes available.
The gentleman against the police car is the one who left the Giant Food store without paying for the items. He was chased out the South entrance and he got into the vehicle with the others. The tag number was called into the SPD, and they stopped him. An individual was able to identify the man in the top photo, they had more bags pulled out of the vehicle. The items brought back to the store and scanned came to around $3,000.00 from various stores. The stores involved were Giant, Super Fresh, and Rite-Aid.
Good job, Salisbury Police Dept. Now lets just hope the court backs you up and puts this "alleged" POS in jail. I'm so tired of seeing the bad guys get off on nol pros, stet docket, and probation. I don't know how our police officers stand it when some spineless judge lets these guys off all the time.
Amen--keep those dirtbags in jail so the decent people in Salisbury can live their lives in peace and safety.
Great job SPD! We appreciate all you do for our city! It's not over yet, but maybe this will be one less P.O.S. off the streets........
Anonymous said...
Amen--keep those dirtbags in jail so the decent people in Salisbury can live their lives in peace and safety.
6:51 PM
Well when are they going to pick up DingleBarrie and Bubba?
7:32--Now, that was a funny come-back! I actually meant the purported criminals but I guess that could also include some local politicians.
I just glad there isn't a lot of crime in Salisbury!
YEAH! get that thief off the street lets hope nothing happens while half the police force are taking down this dangerous looking thief!! lol was it that serious that maybe two cops at the most couldnt handle
I think there were 5 people involved-it may take more than 2 cops to arrest 5 people.....
Hey Joe, why don't you organize a community sit in at the court on the day this case is heard. Would be interesting to start packing the courthouse with citizens who are tired of the nol pros, stet docket, and probation.
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