These are pics taken of a friend who was honored when asked as one of the few civilian "contractors" in the group that accompanied the General. Jeff
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
ok... i'll post a reply to this one... that guy looks WAY too happy for someone that's headed to Iraq... he must have issues!
someone who knows he has issues!
Put him on point in Fallujah-looks like he would welcome the photo-op, the marines could use the day off, the insurgents get an infidel to attack,and the corpsman can get a save (I am pretty sure this dude will at least lose that thumb he keeps sticking up). Notice the troops behind him in the top photo(who have to stay and fight)don't seem to share his enthusiasm. The Iraqi police in the middle photo seem to have an expression on their faces suggesting he is possibly "special."
2:11. Boo-Hoo. Has he/you also noticed how many people have died (on both sides)in the theater he is so eagerly smiling in (don't even get me started on how much money is spent DAILY carrying you/your buddy over there to pose for photos)? If he is STILL that gung-ho about this "police action" after 5 years, let him stay. BTW-WHO IS HE?..I have no axe to grind here. Regarding your other little ennuendo here, Bite me!!
hey old fisherman... i know you too... and unlike frankie, i was just kidding... this dude is awesome considering where he "was" and where he "is" in life!... keep the good work AND the thumb up!... who knows... one day you might have a skateboard park named after you!
someone who knows old fisherman too
Now we'll just let those that recognize him know who he is and leave it at that. While he was over that trip he gave away tens of thousands of dollars of gear to the troops. He makes a living off of idiot senators,congressman etc... by selling products that far exceed the junk still around from the Clinton era when our troops were "second class citizens".He said the morale was unbelievable and troops said please "DON'T" bring us home until we complete our missions! So frank maybe they will get to do that provided there is no "change" to another era that makes Clinton look conservative.
I definitely meant what I said-I ain't even done yet. I find his phony "cheesiness" and bravado insulting to troops killed during this failed "police action," and those who have to do full tours of duty, not cheesy PR assignments. The same plane this cheeseball is "posing" in, with thumbs up, is the same plane that transports the flag draped coffins of those KIA back to Dover. You guys that are so into our government conspiring against us in many irrational/some a little rational ways, ask yourself this question. Why don't we see photos of the guys not smiling, not giving a thumbs up (because they ARE actually missing arms/legs because of an IED)as if they scored a touchdown, arriving in Dover? It is because your OWN government, with go-along "decorations" like this guy, have circumvented YOUR constitutionally protected First Amendment speech/press rights to this info, and subsequently treat you like a know, keep you in the dark-shovel copious shit (and staged photos) on top of you...let us debate...I am here for the duration.
frank... you don't want none of old fish, trust me.
If "Old Fish" is that threatened by a countryman with free speech rights, and facts supporting a genuine debate here, let him drag his own pen into the debate. I am of the opinion the reason our country is in such a mess today is because we PAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION TO OLD FISH in today's YOUNG FISH'S pond. Dig?
Agree to disagree and I'm sorry for my early choice of words. If you knew him like I do you'd regret your statement regarding him as well.
3:41. Not looking for a fight against you...but I live a little closer to Annapolis NA/Walter Reed/ Bethesda/Fort Meade. Many of my friends and neighbors (almost myself)have been "touched unfavorably" by this current b.s. conflict. I do not know you/your friend, but do various public relations assignments myself....let him know that his posing in that fashion is viewed as disrespectful as taking a piss behind a tree atop Little RoundTop or posing with the same smile and "thumbs up" in Hawaii next to the Arizona monument. It is of poor taste, and if this person (really, who the fudge is he?) is this intimately involved in the necessary "outsourcing" of such contractor jobs because our own troops are currently already spread too thin (without a draft), he should realize almost 1,000 civilian contractors have been killed in this same theater (X 3 or 4 wounded); some publicly humiliated and mutiliated (Google it yourself) and perhaps he should "ruck up" instead of posing like Jessica Simpson.
frank... you're a tool... thank you for posting on a "Successful" news blog.
you are welcome, margaret. i will let you drive.
I agree with Lincoln on this one. America should have listened...Fear the rise of the corporation.
5:01. You are correct: we do agree to disagree here. At least this forum gives us such a right (I also favor the power of blogs.....). The one thing we can possibly agree upon is the DT wouldn't have had the onions to let us have this First Amendment exchange. And I really don't know the guy in these photos; to clarify, I am voting McCain and actively petition for the types such as Richard Winters to finally earn the Medal of Honor and such. One of the casualties in military history that effected my possible family dynamic the most involved a navy fire-fighter killed on the flight deck of the Forrestal. He was last seen (I believe his body was never identified) trying to pull a pilot from McCain's strike squadron from one of the first holes blown through the flight deck as high octane jet fuel detonated the strike ordnance...Read Gregory Freeman's "Soldiers To The End"...there but for the grace of fate, or someone's god, goes Senator McCain. I just want to make sure he, and his entourage, REALLY remember what treasures are buried in Arlington.
Frank, thanks for standing up against these fascists.
Joe, that's a great quote from Lincoln. I really wish the Republican party had stayed the way Lincoln intended: LIBERAL.
3:11, I joined the Army under Clinton. We were NEVER 2nd class citizens. It's a lie to suggest otherwise, and you are un-American to denigrate the service of those who served. Just like all Republicans. Un-American Arrogant Elitist Republicans. Not like Lincoln Republicans.
The MSM reports fluff pieces on Iraq compared to what was seen on TV during Vietnam. Todays society is so full of themselves they can't take the reality of war. Do you realize how many citizens would be suffering from PTSD if they saw the truth? People are to involved in their feel good bullshit to deal with the truth. Everyone wants the truth until they get it then they want to cry foul.
Looks like Haliburton to me. Maybe he can bring us a check from his employer to bail out Wall Street with the money Haliburton fleeced from this country.
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