These two chicks are HOT! Hot Fundraisers, that is. Between ticket sales and a major donation by Staples, the total brought into this event was $33,500.00.
Davis Ruark played a huge roll in ticket sales and I didn't do too shabby either but one thing is for sure, people love Hal Chernoff and Fernando Guerrero.
The Bank of America also stepped up to the plate by putting the Main Street Gym on their list of yearly Grant money and donations, thanks to Mr. Chris Hatton and other key supporters from the Bank of America.
I can't wait to provide shots on this Gym once things are finished as well as the list of names of those who participated in making this whole dream come true.
Again, my hat is tipped to these two young Ladies who really made this event such a success. .
lfxeaaJoe, GREAT JOB! You are truly a huge part of a great team of people whom are putting the community first!
Thank You Stacy.
Thank You Katherine.
Thank You Joe.
Thank You to ALL who donated.
Wow you think we can get them to do the ring walk in between rounds with the card that says what round is coming up? I'll have to bring my binoculars LoL
Ring card girl idea is tremendous...understand "Tennessee"is available if the bout goes past two rounds; $20 to hold the sign/ $100 to walk it all the way around the ring. {BYOBW-Bring Your Own Baby Wipes!}
Katherine won't stay in Salisbury too much longer. Way too much talent and potential for a small market like Salisbury. It will be our loss, though
Wow sorry to hear that about Katherine, can't blame people for wanting to better themseves and getting out of this area is a wise step in itself, over taxed. This crime that is occuring is just beginning too, oh yes you've not seen anything yet.
Great Bank of America is giving grant and donation. Remember this when they are the next big bank to go under.
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