Princess Anne:
Attorneys for the Town of Princess Anne have advised the Commissioners that they should move forward with taking back the Water Plant from the Sanitation District.
The Sanitation District has had control of the water and what can and can't be done with growth since 1959 and has not kept the system updated in years.
They chose to fight the Commissioners and the attorneys representing the Town stated, "Princess Anne has the right to take it back."
Expect to hear updated news and information on this through the Governor's Office in the very near future. That's right Daily Times. While your people are asleep at the wheel, send someone out to do some checking on this matter. You'll find I know exactly what I'm talking about and you've been scooped once again.
I hear a bomb, (a figure of speech) is going to go off out there Wednesday.
Dear Joe: Unfortunately you have been snowed by Mr. Frank "Snow Job" White The people holding up the water in Princess Anne is your buddy Marty O. He is pandering to the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union in their jihad with Walmart. What a shame that the poor people of Somerset County need to suffer for the union thugs in the north east
enzduvrYes indeeded do this is good news, if Frank and the boys can apply their knowhow to the sewer and water issue then it will not take long to solve the problems. Their is no one in Princess Anne that does not truly love the man.
Really, Why can more elected officials be like the Princess Anne Commissioners, helpful,kind, always their for the people nothing to hide just try honest government.
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