If you purchased the Sunday Daily Times, what a rip off! Granted, there were actually two articles I liked Sunday. One of them was the article on the Dispensary System. We've had the same documents for some time now but have been entirely too busy to put it out there and Greg did a great job with his article.
The other article I enjoyed was what I would call the defense article where the Daily Times already did an article a week or so ago about who's running for Mayor but I came back that same day and told them how wrong they were, so they actually did ANOTHER one with my corrections in it. TOO FUNNY!
Nevertheless, that was it! Seriously Folks, if you're not buying that paper any more, believe me, for the $1.25 they charge for the Sunday paper, this week was a real waste of money. The entire paper was about as big as a Saturday or Monday paper!
All that being said, click on the image above and take a look at one of the inside front few pages looked like. It was loaded with yet more advertising and no news. They say you get what you pay for. Well, in the case of the Daily Disappointment, you're not getting anything for your money. I can truly say that you could have easily gone on line, (if you don't have Dial Up) and read the two articles I mentioned and that would have pretty much been it.
It's very rare you see their Reporters anywhere any more and even less photographers. Most of their photos are being sent in by readers, (I'll guess) and like I've said in the past. The Daily Times pays $40.00 per picture that they use. So when you're sending in a photo, ask for the $40.00 they're paying everyone else or don't let them have it and send it here to Salisbury News instead. Boy, wouldn't that steam them up!
Although I purchase the Daily Times to see if I happened to miss anything and or if for nothing else to see who's passed away, even I am very close to calling it quits. I think they're on their last legs Folks. What do you think?
I was a life long avid daily paper reader, where ever I lived. When I moved to the area 11 years ago, I immediately signed up for home delivery. After I became disabled, they were unable to put the paper on my porch. This dissapointed me, but I kept my subscription. After getting high speed internet, I started reading some papers online and even the daily times. When I got a laptop, and now found I could take it in the bathroom with me, the daily rag got cancelled and I never looked back! I've been 2 years since I cancelled and I've saved many trees! I was concerned that I wouldn't have paper for when I eat crabs (the only thing it's good for) but I learned that you can pick up rolls of this at the DT building for free, this took care of the crab problem. It's also the best paper I ever got from them.....BLANK!
I agree: the DT is a useless rag. I'd rather get the local news here; at least it's timely. The only thing missing from your blog Joe, is the death notices. Would you consider posting them?
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