The Historical Commission refused to allow the City to remove the lighting fixtures on the from of the Old Fire Station 16, so they mysteriously disappeared. Now, they took the old Bell out of the Tower, which I'm sure they weren't allowed to do that either, but they did it anyway and look how they left things.
My Mother always taught us, leave it nicer than you ever got it, that's respect. These Boys got what they wanted and they're NOT looking back. In my personal opinion, this shows exactly the kind of people/leaders we're dealing with. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and believe me, there isn't a person I know that could throw those lard asses very far either!
Its a city owned building whether the FD is in it or not. Let the city fix the building or tear the damn thing down.
didn't they allow the bell removal?
I don't see the difference...regardless of the fact that the bell was taken to the new facility. It's just as (or more) "historical" as the lights.
that bell was not even an original part of that fire station. it was moved there from the original station.
i think it might make a nice homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
didnt you do a story on the city moving the bell?
didnt you do a story on the city moving the bell?
its a salisbury news look-out tower.
I agree with the homeless shelter or soup kitchen - perfect!!
Anonymous said...
i think it might make a nice homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
10:39 AM
Good try Lore, now get back to work!
Anonymous said...
I agree with the homeless shelter or soup kitchen - perfect!!
6:39 PM
F*ck the homeless. Tell them to get a job like everyone else. This city doesn't owe them a damn thing. The city of Salisbury needs to quit encouraging these bums from coming to our city. They are kicked out of other cities and given a one way bus ticket to Salisbury because they know they are welcomed here. That is a well known fact.
Joe, you did very complementary stories on the moving of the bell back in Jan. and April. Why the change of heart?
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