On Sunday the local Democrats got together at the Knights of Columbus for some fantastic crabs but more importantly, great fellowship.
Mr. Kratovil was not present but that didn't slow this group down from discussing the Campaign and their strong support for their Candidate for Congress. The crabs were very meaty and enjoyable and if it could have gone on for an additional 2 hours, my guess is that you'd see all of these people sticking around because they truly were having a great time.
I'll bet you won't catch Pollitt rubbing elbows picking crabs with Barrie. It would give me indigestion sitting in the same room with her.
They always want something for free. If they had timed it goog they could have had the meeting at the Fire House Open House and enjoyed some good food from the ladies auxillary for free.
anon 8:55 BS.
Rick, Jim and Terry that is quite a brain trust there.
To 9:09: You might be interested to know that tickets were $30, which was barely enough to cover costs, making this fund raiser more about the fellowship than about the money. Hardly a "free" meal.
Was Barrie even there -- she's an alternate delegate (committed to Hillary) at the convention in Denver?
It was quite yummy and we all had a great time! Many thanks to the organizers.
$30? The Republican Club Crab Feast only costs you $25! It's September 20th at Schumaker Park from 1 to 4. And unlike Frank Kratovil, Andy Harris truly cares about the Lower Shore and said he'd be showing up.
9:18- agreed. Jim Ireton for Mayor!
$30? The Republican Club Crab Feast only costs you $25! It's September 20th at Schumaker Park from 1 to 4. And unlike Frank Kratovil, Andy Harris truly cares about the Lower Shore and said he'd be showing up.
First it's, "Boy they always want a handout", and once it is made clear that the event was in now way free, you slam them for paying too much? (To the tune of 5 whole dollars, mind you...) Typical republican attitude-- damned if you do, damned if you don't. It gets so petty around here sometimes.
Hey marc, Harris is only caring about the lower shore until he's elected.
I wasn't slamming anyone. I was simply pointing out that the Republican Club had a better deal (and will have a better candidate at the event). Come on by. Even if you're a Democrat we'll treat you OK!
marc-just like a republican. Says one thing in black and white and tries to color it over in the next sentence! HA!
To 1:01 -- all I know is that Harris has been down here a number of times since he's been running. It seems like he makes it here a few times a month if not more. Kratovil? He can't even be bothered to show up for the Democrat crab feast. If he won't show up for Democrats on the Lower Shore, can you really expect him to show up for the rest of us if we elect him to Congress?
filled with old folks! place smelled like ben gay
"And unlike Frank Kratovil, Andy Harris truly cares about the Lower Shore and said he'd be showing up."
Yeah Marc, you did slam someone. and you Republicans taking cheap shots need to learn to grow up be civil.
Marc, if Kratovil HAD shown up, you would have said "look at Kratovil pandering to the Wicomico Democrats!"
So, honestly, why do you even bother to post when everyone is going to see the openly biased comments that aren't based in fact, coming from you?
Look at Norman Conway feeding his face a usual.
5:12 -- it wasn't a "slam," it was merely a statement of fact. It's a fact that Kratovil didn't show up. It's a fact that Andy Harris has spent a lot of time talking to voters on the Lower Shore. I understand why you may be upset with me pointing that out. However, take it up with Kratovil, not me. He's the one who is neglecting the people he hopes to represent in Congress.
You're right MARC, it is a statement of fact that Kratovil did not show up. It is also a statement of fact that Harris is just kissing a lot of bum now to get elected. Once in there, we'll see if you keep singing his praises. I'm afraid you're in for a rude awakening.
So let me get this straight -- you're criticizing Harris for campaigning on the Lower Shore and meeting voters here? You think we'd be better represented by a guy who can't even show up to his own party's functions? Personally, I think it's a good sign when a politician is paying a lot of attention to us down here. I guess the Kratovil supporters don't feel the same way.
As far as how Harris will act after elected, you're right that we'll have to wait and see. But considering his track record in Annapolis where he fought for lower taxes and less government spending, I think I'll be happy with him in Washington, D.C.
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