It's clear that the new Zoo Director Joel Hamilton is taking his job seriously and recognizes things are quite frankly falling apart at the Salisbury Zoo.
Everyone knew that all you had to do was to bring in some new blood and things would start moving in the right direction. Now all they have to do is raise the money on their own and not burden the taxpayers and this will work out beautifully. They also need to remember, (AS WELL AS THE TAXPAYERS) that they have a new Master Plan. Will they be moving forward with that plan? If so, is a group like this and ANY renovations to what's existing worth it's weight in gold?
Accountability is a must and this is a question that must be answered BEFORE any of this moves forward. Remember, they spent $300,000.00 on the current Animal Services Building and then came to the City Council and asked for $2,000,000.00 to replace it because the AZA is demanding they do so. Well, it was the AZA who said they had to upgrade the old building, then replace it with a brand new one? It looks to me like the AZA is clueless as well.
Don't throw good money after bad money Joel. I like what you're doing, (for the most part) and I want to show support for the Zoo. However, ANY money thrown out the window just because someone feels it's time to realize what I've been saying for years is true. All of us want to know the complete details. The Fire Departments wants a $880,000.00 Fire Boat but they don't need it.
enough with this money pit, i dont think we should put one more dime into the zoo.
It seems to me that one of the primary tasks for a new director would be to locate and raise donated funds for the renovations planned in this great Master Plan developed when Rapp was running things. By the way, I still think the zoo should be moved out of that flood plain and put someplace like Winter Place which has lots of room for the exhibits. Why crowd it all in the confines of the east end of the park?
A. Goetz
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