The singer above was "Jus K"
Pocomoke City had by fat the greatest turn out of adults and children by the thousands. Celebrities were everywhere and I have to be honest with you, that City takes this event seriously and GIVES BACK to their community.
Who were the celebs?
Get real! This event is shameful.
This is supposed to be a night out for the whole community, but where did they decide to hold this event?
In an area that Pocomoke knows as the
'Back Burner'.
The Back Burner is where you can buy any drug that you want any time of the day or night.
This night is a night where black families take to the streets and the Chief of Police procures tens of thousands of dollars for them to give away food and hire entertainment. We took our kids once about 10 years ago and were appalled at all of the 'thuggin' and gimme gimme entitlement behavior these people were projecting. We were one out of maybe, just maybe a dozen white families. Those other white families were either come heres like us and didn't know better, or were from appearances not economically blessed.
I can tell from your pictures that nothing much has changed.
Except for they changed the venue to the Back Burner instead of the Cypress Park.
From what I have read from NATW this supposed to be a community wide event.
I can tell you this, there is not one white family in this town that would feel comfortable going to that area of town.
The houses in that area are all owned by the slumlords who have driven this town into the ground, and the same slum lords are the people who won't even go there.
It is despicable, and is one more thing added to the pile that divides this town. All of the white kids and there families were at the two vacation Bible schools that were running last night, not in the back burner.
Luckily, last night there were no IED's set and thrown at peoples houses after the event dismissed and they had eaten there fill of the free food, also it's kind of odd that there were no police present anywhere in town yesterday as they put there efforts into organizing this event, but I did see a drug deal go down on Fourth Street when I went to pick up my child from Vacation Bible School.
To the racist idiot who says they are a "concerned pocomoke citizen"....This event was huge and was great for the community to get together have have fun without a bunch of foolishness! Thanks Pocomoke and all the town on Delmarva for holding the National Night Out Events!! It was cool seeing OC104 out last night too!
This ain't giving back to the community, unless you count our tax dollars given away.
The event is racially exlusionary and last year with all the cops there, roving groups of hoodlums exploded bombs in 5 locations.
The entire Pocomoke City Police force was there but you could still purchase refreshing crack cocaine out in the open.
This is a sham and was designed for inner city areas where people are afraid to come out of their houses.
Why do they hold it in the hood?
Why not hold it at the park like years past?
Last year there were over 3,000 people in a city of 4,000 yet only a handful of Whites.
No I am a realist, take a look at Joes pictures of the crowd.
Hey is that Pat Doughty in Blue? Anyone remember when he knocked out his two front teeth in that middle school gym? lmao
I couldn't agree more. I've never understood this "National Night Out". Yeah, the cops come out and serve hot dogs. So what? It's never been more than an opportunity to reward the thugs and drug dealers for trashing and ruining our town. Do us all a favor and just do away with it. I'd prefer my hard-earned tax dollars (that we pay the city heavily for) be put towards yet another free meal for someone who doesn't deserve it.
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