I had a blast hanging out with Andy Harris and Mark McIver yesterday in Crisfield.
Let me start by saying this. Thank You, ALL of you, who welcomed me as well as Andy Harris at this event. Even Andy was amazed at just how many people saw me or saw my tee shirt and came right up to shake my hand thanking me for what I do. It was certainly a pleasure meeting all of you.
Andy enjoyed meeting so many people there as well. There was so much talk about McCain's choice for Vice President and truly, everyone is very excited about it.
Frank White from Princess Anne was there with his beautiful Bride, Happy Birthday Melissa. Oh, and a very special Happy Birthday goes out to Andy Harris' Bride Cookie, today is her Birthday.
There was no sighting of Frank Kratovil anywhere yesterday in Ocean Pines or in Crisfield, nor the Democratic Crab Fiest last week?
With at least a 16 point lead in Andy's favor, it looks like Andy is going to smoke Kratovil anyway.
Frank White is so hot.
I certainly hope so. The last thing we need is another liberal! Andy is down to earth and trustworthy.
My vote goes to Andy Harris for Congress!
dude them white shorts gotta go, get longer shorts.
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