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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Viewpoint from a Soldier on Obama in Afghanistan

Received this from a reader this morning whose boy was in Afghanistan when Obama blew in.

This is Jeff's first hand view of Senator Obama.

Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along
that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his
visit to 'The War Zone'. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle,

got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.

As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and
didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he
finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top
tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights)
so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the
opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.

So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home
that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to
make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are
providing the freedom that they are providing for you.

I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas
Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the
President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would
want him to
be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around
those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.

If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know
what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is
all fake.

In service,
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter
Battle Captain
TF Wasatch
American Soldier

American by birth
by the grace of God

Semper Fi


Anonymous said...

Straight from the front lines....I suppose now the Obama supporters will be calling our soldiers liars. THIS type of behavior is key to why I will NEVER vote for Obama or anyone like him. Be a true american...patriotic and proud...or go the hell away!!!!


Anonymous said...

I bet even people that say they are going to vote for Obama do an about face election day. He doesn't stand a chance. Bush league rookie senator who has never even wrtiiten one piece of legislation, and he wants to uphold our constitution as a comander and chief? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Please post in a normal font size. Your posts are are not more important than everything else on here.

No disrespect intended for the subject matter of this.

Anonymous said...

I just received this email and it made me think of this soldier's viewpoint. It's a bit lengthy but shows how our military really feel.

Subject: Fw: ABC News - Suspicions confirmed!
Just in case you happened to see the ABC News piece (if you watch ABC News) with interviews of 5 military folks in Iraq: 3 planned to vote for Obama and 2 for Hillary; no mention of any McCain supporters. Well, here's the "Rest of the Story." My niece, Katelyn, stationed at Baluud, Iraq was assigned, with others of her detachment, to be escort/guard/ watcher for Martha Raddatz of ABC News as she covered John McCain's recent trip to Iraq. Katelyn and her Captain stood directly behind Raddatz as she queried GI's walking past. They kept count of the GI's and you should remember these numbers. She asked 60 GI's who they planned to vote for in November. 54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama and 2 for Hillary. Katelyn called home and told her Mom and Dad to watch ABC news the next night because she was standing directly behind Raddatz and maybe they would see her on TV. Mom and Dad, of course, called and emailed all the kinfolk to watch the newscast and maybe see Katelyn. Well, of course, we all watched and what we saw wasn't a glimpse of Katelyn, but got a hell'uva view of skewed news. After a dissertation on McCain's trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI's being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November; 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton . No mention of the 54 for McCain.***************************************************************Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone . . .YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM... It is Time for America to Speak Up!***************************************************************

Anonymous said...

If you look this up on a yahoo search you see the same letter written by another GI. So is it real or not?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you look this up on a yahoo search you see the same letter written by another GI. So is it real or not?

11:38 AM

Good point. I bet there is 'some' truth to it but i bet it is also part right wing propaganda as well. You cant believe everything you read...especially on the internet. Anyone can say anything.

Anonymous said...

Again, some people don't understand that the elite are here to make important decisions about what is best for America and Israel. a lowly soldier who doesn't understand his place in the big scheme of things is no different from the lowly citizen who doesn't want to pay his fair share of taxes, and let the police and Department of Homeland Security do their jobs. This is the same as the people who have a problem with our government spying on us. How are they going to do their jobs if we place restrictions on them? These people have important work to do, decisions to make, they are not like the rest of us. Get over it. Do your job, and let the deciders do theirs!

Anonymous said...

i do my part of the minuteman. you F'K with me on my property and threaten me harm and I will kill you in a minute man

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't surprise me for a man who will not put his hand on his chest for the national anthem

Corporal of Marines said...

Well, not that it really matters, but this was not written by "CPT Jeffrey S. Porter, USMC" for various reasons, some obvious and some not. 1. A Marine Captain would not write that the "Soldiers" were standing in line. Although Marines are considered "soldiers" in the public's eyes, we are MARINES not soldiers and wouldnt call ourselves that. 2. A Marine Captain would not sign his name CPT, in the Marine Corps, CAPT is short for Captain... not CPT, because it could be mistaken for CPL (corporal) and lord knows we cant have that, lol. And finally, and my strongest argument on this case, there is no Captain Jeffrey S. Porter in the Marine Corps. Infact there is no Jeffrey S. Porter in the Marine Corps, so to answer any questions, yes this letter has been doctored, whether it was actually written at some point by someone, who knows, but this is not the original. Not that this should detract from the point of the letter, I have no clue, I wasnt there, you have to decide what is fact and fiction...

Semper Fidelis,
Really one of the few....

Cpl Insley, Ian D.

Anonymous said...

Apparently some of this is true as Bill O'Reilly reported this evening that Obama did not have the time to visit the troops, but had the time to exercise at the Ritz-Carlton. Shame on him!

Anonymous said...

Fake Fake Fake

The NYTimes reports that the military specifically asked Obama to not visit with the troops, since it would appear to be a campaign event (in violation of the law).

Wymzie said...

As soon as I posted this article I recieved an email from James Meeks reporter for the New York Daily News asking where I had recieved this information because he wanted to follow up with the soldiers parents. I emailed him back and told that I would see what I could find.
While I was searching for this information we (the Pocomoke Tattler) got a comment from someone saying sending us Cpl.Porters information stating the the Cpl. would personally apologize. Unbelievably, the IP address was from a DOD computer.
I sent the information to Mr. Meeks and he did a follow up article about this matter, and while this may have happened as a Marine; Porter was not allowed to make these statements.
He is a Marine property of the US Government and is not supposed to voice such opinions. Apparently he sent this email to his family and his family took it upon themselves to push the forward button a couple of hundred times.
He has now said that this was not true, but my question is "Why would he lie to his family"?
If you would like to read the entire drama as it unfolded you can at

Anonymous said...

This letter has been proven to be wrong - visit snoopes and search for Obama and afghanistan. The CPT is from the Utah Army National Gaurd and is stationed in Iraq. He has recanted his letter. The PAO at Bagram has also listed several things that were inaccurate in the letter.

Read this artilce for more info:

And, you all might want to stop beleiving everything you read on the internet or hear from Bill O'Reilly. There are people that verify these things, and if you give them a little time to do so you will be much better informed.